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*Y/n POV*

Breakfast with Dad went smoothly, he didn't suspect anything when Jonah was there. I just told him we weren't ready because Matthew was up all night.

I'm currently in the living room, watching tv as Matthew lays on his playmate, staring at the moon spinning around at the top.

There's a loud knock on the door, giving me a slight jump but I go to answer it anyways. It's Corbyn.

"Oh, hey" I smile shyly

"Hey, I just wanted to apologize for last night. I don't know what came over me to come here drunk at 2. Oh, and for going to find Matthew, that was very inappropriate of me and I hope you don't take those actions into consideration for when I'm officially allowed to meet our son" Corbyn speaks quickly

"Whoa, where did that come from? It sounds like your in court. Relax, it's fine, if I was drunk I would've went to your house too. If you want, we can set up a date where we're both free or if you're free now, you can-"

"Charlie!" Corbyn's eyes go wide. "What are you doing here!" A small brunette screeches, walking up my drive way

"Hey baby, I didn't know you were coming by today" Baby? Is this what Zach was talking about when he said blowing their cover? Are they doing what they did to me to another innocent girl?

"Surprise! I saw you here when I was driving to your house! Who is she?"

"I'm a neighbour, and I'll be right back with that milk you asked for, Charlie. How much did you say again?" I take a deep breath, pushing out a smile

"Just a cup, thank you Savannah. Jake and Macy can't make their cupcakes without it" Savannah? She has to be part of a new mission.

Corbyn nods as I close the door. I walk to the fridge, hoping I have some milk, but I don't. Crap, what do I use?! I've got breast milk, that'll work. He'll probably just dump it out anyways.

I pour the breast milk into a cup and race back to the door, opening it slowly.

"Sorry it took so long" I smile, handing over the cup to Corbyn

"Thank you again, Savannah. Let's go Ness" Ness just stares at me as Corbyn starts walking away. I try my best to give her a smile but she doesn't stop staring at me until I close the door, leaving her standing on my door step.

I go look out my window, just to make sure she left, but I see her still standing at my door. Her head whips in the direction of the window, she smiles at me, then skips down the driveway as Corbyn calls her from the sidewalk.

Isn't she lovely?

I play around with Matthew on his mat before getting him some milk and resting him down for a nap.

I debate on going for a nap myself but the ring of the doorbell cancels that plan all together.

I race out of the kitchen, sliding around in my fuzzy socks to open the door. I see a face I never wanted to see again.

"Um, hi Zach" I keep the door half way closed, ready to slam it shut if needed

"Hey Y/n" Zach puts a hand on the door, pushing it the rest of the way open. He walks in, looking around the living room.

"What are you doing here?" I shut the door, letting him do his thing, scared to tell him otherwise

"You have to move" Zach starts taking steps towards me, but I take steps back.

He walks me into the kitchen where I was directing us to go. I'm just a few feet from my gun.

"Why? Did Corbyn tell you to say that?" I ask calmly, getting to the right drawer. I reach behind me, opening it only a little just to be able to slip the gun out. I hold it behind my back, praying I don't have to use it.

"Seriously? Since when did you question me?!" Zach shouts, taking a step closer with his fist clenched.

I get scared so I pull out my gun for him to see, hoping it'll make him back away, but he doesn't, he just laughs

"And what do you plan on doing with that?"

"Just go away Zach. I don't want to hurt you" My voice comes out shaky as I pull the gun up and aim it at his chest.

"You're not gonna hurt me, you don't have the guts" Zach taunts, taking a step closer

"Zach, I'm serious. Get out of my house!" My voice becomes angry as a tear falls from my eye. It's not a sad tear, it's pure anger mixed with being terrified

"I should've just killed you when I had the chance" Zach takes a step closer

"Zach! Just leave! I'm the one with the gun! Listen to me!" The closer he gets the more I see the fire burning behind his eyes.

He wants me to shoot him, it'll only add fuel to the fire.

"Shoot me, I dare you"

"I'm sorry" I whisper, lowering the gun and pulling the trigger

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