The Phone Call

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I cuddle myself closer into my boyfriends naked chest. It's crazy to think we've been dating for over a month now, and we haven't gotten caught.

Corbyn's still asleep, but I stay cuddled in his arms. It's my safe place, he is my safe place.

I gently rub a finger down his chest, playing with the outline of all his muscles. I keep my eyes on his face, his mouth has a light smile while his hair is flat from the sweat of last nights triumph.

I quickly shut my eyes, resting my hand on his chest as I hear a phone start to ring. I know it's Corbyn's phone, my phone is on silent.

Corbyn starts stirring around, but I stay still pretending to be asleep. I feel bad for that I'm basically about to eavesdrop on his conversation but I'm curious to what he's hiding. His phone calls have always been so secretive.

"Y/n? Amor? Are you awake?" Corbyn nudges me but I stay put

"Hey man, what's up?" He answers the phone, I think it's a FaceTime call, but I don't want to look incase the other person sees me

"Uh, hey, is she sleeping?"

I know that voice, how do I know that voice?

"Yeah, she's sleeping. What do you need, Jack?"

Jack? Like Jack Avery? Mara's boyfriend?

"We gotta do this soon, it's been three months man"

Have to do what?

"I don't want to do it anymore man, she's my girlfriend. I can't hurt her, I love her"

The more this conversation goes on, the more I wish I was actually asleep.

Wait, love?

"Just bring her to the warehouse tomorrow, or Zach will, and I know you don't want Zach anywhere near her" Jack scoffs and I panic.

I know Zach, he's Jacks best friend. There was rumours about him, that he is constantly in fights and never shows any signs of mercy. Most people keep clear of him, in fear they'll be his next victim.

I start shuffling around, and start pretending to wake up. Corbyn quickly hangs up the phone and cuddles into me.

"Who was that?" I force a smile, digging my face into his chest to hide my terrified expression

"Jordan, he was just checking up on when my day off was, he wants to set up a day to see our mom" He lies, right through his teeth.

He makes it look so easy.

"Oh okay, I can get my dad to give you another day off if you need it"

I get out of bed, throwing on my red robe and going into the bathroom.

I need a plan to tell my dad about what Corbyn's plan is. I need to get myself alone, so that way he won't know we know.

"How about you and I go out tomorrow? We could go on a date?" Corbyn comes up behind me, kissing my slightly exposed shoulder

"Mara and I are going out tomorrow, we're going to a club" Now it's my turn to lie

"Oh, why didn't you tell me? Can't you just cancel? We haven't gone out all week" I step away from Corbyn, taking off my robe before getting in the shower, turning on the water

"I haven't felt good all week, that's why" Corbyn steps in the shower with me, leaning his chest on my back

"So you feel good enough to go out drinking with Mara but not good enough to go for dinner with me?" I can hear how annoyed this is making him, but I can't let him know I'm scared

"I'll cancel with Mara, I'm sorry" I whisper, almost scared to say more

"Thank you mi amor"

Corbyn and I finish in the shower, I try to stay calm but I think you can tell I'm rushing. Corbyn gives me a soft smile as I rush getting in my large sweater and sweatpants.

"You okay, amor? You seem like you can't get away from me fast enough" Corbyn chuckles, putting on his dress pants

"I'm okay, just have to go talk to my dad" I kiss Corbyn on the cheek before heading out the door.

I race out the door and down the stairs towards Dad's office. I quickly knock on the door and open it before he has a chance to answer.

"Dad, we need to get rid of- Oh, hi Marais" Of course he's in here.

"It's okay sweetheart, Marais already told me you're going out with Mara tomorrow" Dad smiles, getting up from his desk

"No, Dad, can we talk?" Stay calm, Y/n

"Can we talk tomorrow? I need to get to a meeting"

"Yeah, have a good day, Dad" I sigh, walking out of his office and down to the kitchen.

This is it, I'm going to die. Corbyn is going to slowly lure me to some creepy warehouse and kill me.

I start making myself a cup of coffee when I see Jonah walk in beside me from the corner of my eye.

"Want one?" He nods his head

I reach again for the coffee pot, trying to
steady my hands so it's less obvious that I'm physically shaking.

I hand Jonah a cup of coffee and watch my dad leave out the front door.

Corbyn hasn't come down yet, and I'm scared he's doing something to my room.

"Hey Jo?" Jonah lifts up his sunglasses to look at me

"Is everything okay?" I ask shyly

"Yeah, why? Are you okay? You seem to be on edge this morning" He takes a step forward and I flinch a step back

"Hey, what's going on? Did something happen with Corbyn? Did he hurt you?" Jonah asks in a whisper, placing down his coffee mug on the counter beside him

"Not yet" I whisper, causing Jonah to pull me into a hug

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