The Plan

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*Y/n POV*

I get home, and get Matthew ready for milk. I sit on the couch, giving him a bottle, finally letting out all the tears I was holding in on my way home.

He's alive, and no one told me. Everyone lied to me, everyone made me believe he was dead.

What do I do now? It was like I was looking at a stranger.

He was so willing to just walk away, away from us.

I want to feel angry and sad but I feel nothing. It's like my body washed over with numbness. All the pain and agony I once felt when I thought he died was no longer there, now, it's nothing.

I finish feeding Matthew and get him into bed. I change into some shorts and one of Corbyn's old shirts. I've never been able to sleep without being in one. What was once sweet, is now annoying.

I get myself into bed, crying the night away until I finally get to sleep.

I wake up at around two in the morning to loud banging on the front door. I get up quickly, wanting to stop it before Matthew wakes up. I grab my phone, using it as a flashlight.

I run to the door, looking through the peep hole. I roll my eyes seeing who's on the other side. I open the door slowly.

"What do you want, Besson?" I cross my arms as he stumbles forward

"Mi amor" He hiccups with a half smile. "Come on, let's go for an adventure"

"You're drunk. Let's get you home" I sigh, opening my phone

"No! Amor! I missed you, so much. I want to be with you" Corbyn goes to lean on the door frame but misses, falling hard on his hip, smacking his elbow on the marble tile floor.

"God, are you okay? Let me call Jonah" I bend down beside him as he laughs, holding his elbow

"My funny bone!" He laughs harder

"Y/n?" Jonah says on the other line

"Corbyn's here, drunk. Can you come get him?" Corbyn continues to laugh

"I'm on my way"

Corbyn continues to laugh until I hear a faint cry of Matthew. Great, Corbyn woke him up with his obnoxious drunk laughter.

"Oh my gosh, that's Matthew! I'll get him" Corbyn jumps up, heading towards the stairs

"Don't go near him, not when you're like this" I chase after Corbyn as he takes off up the stairs.

Corbyn races around upstairs, trying to figure out which room Matthew is in. I sneak into the nursery, closing and locking the door. I get him out of his crib, rocking him, trying to get him back to sleep.

Corbyn tries opening the door, but gets frustrated that it's locked.

"Y/n! Let me in! He's my son too" Corbyn bangs in the door, causing Matthew to cry louder.

"Okay buddy, let's get you home" Hearing Jonah's voice sends slight relief over my body. "Y/n, I'll be back in 20, okay?"


I hear the front door close and I relax. I get Matthew back to sleep quickly and I quietly leave the room. I head down the stairs, sitting in my living room, waiting for Jonah to come back.

I sit on the couch, spinning around a ring on my finger when Jonah quietly enters the house. He sees me sitting in the darkness and walks over, sitting beside me.

"Are you okay?" He whispers, trying to keep the volume low.

"Depends on which part you're talking about. Corbyn being alive? No. Everyone lying to me? No. Corbyn showing up to my house drunk at 2 am? No. Physically am I okay? Yes. Mentally? No." I give Jonah attitude

"It um, it was his idea to fake his death, we just went along with it" Jonah sighs, leaning back, getting comfortable on the couch

"Tell me the plan"

"I think Corbyn should tell-"

"Just tell me Jonah"

"I didn't know he was taking you the night before we were supposed to bring you to the warehouse, but I knew you two were in San Francisco. I had the tracker on his car, and um, he texted me"

"I watched him smash his phone, he didn't text you"

"It's the oldest trick in the book, Y/n. He smashed a phone, just not the one he used. He texted me a new plan but we had already found you guys by then. He knew it wouldn't end well for either of you if you two kept running, so he wanted it to look like we were against him too. He didn't want to be the bad guy, Y/n"

"Then why does he keep trying to give the money back? Why is this the fourth time I've gotten it? Why didn't he just take the money and leave instead of moving on the same street?" I roll my eyes

"Hey, technically we moved here first, so you followed us" Jonah chuckles. "As soon as we took you back to your dad, Corbyn didn't care about the money, he just wanted you and your baby, but it was already too late"

There's a silence between us, both of us trying to find the right words to make this situation okay, but neither of us really know where to go from here.

"I'm also sorry we hurt you. It was never meant to go as far as it did, that's why I tried to get you out of there as soon as I could when we found out that you were pregnant"

"Oh, that's why you threatened to kill me and held a gun to my head" I can't help but giggle as I shake my head

"I can put on a good show. Plus, it was never loaded. I promised Corbyn I wouldn't hurt you too bad"

Jonah lightly touches my face, running his fingers over some of the scars. I look down, causing Jonah to pull his hand away.

"I'm so sorry we did this to you. I never wanted you to get seriously hurt. If it makes you feel better, you look bad ass now" Jonah smiles, getting me to let out a small giggle.

"Thank you" That's the first compliment I've gotten since Corbyn left

"It's getting late, you should try to get some rest" Jonah stands up, stretching up his arms, his shirt goes up, showing his well toned body

"Can you stay? You can sleep in the guest room or something, I just don't want to be alone"

Jonah smiles down at me, but lightly nods his head. I take him upstairs and show him the rooms, so if he gets up he knows where I am and where the bathroom is.

"Goodnight Jonah" I smile headed into my room, but he follows.

"I'm gonna sleep here, in case something happens, I just need a blanket" Jonah flops down onto my couch across from my bed, but it's far too short for his over six foot length.

"Just sleep here, I don't mind" I pat my bed.

Jonah seems to be hesitant about it, but he gets up, and joining me under the covers. He lightly kisses my cheek before rolling over, having his back facing me.

Oddly enough, I feel safer with him here, even after everything he's done to me.

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