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                                                                                       Denki's pov

He is numb, all the emotion he shows are to make his friends not worry about him. The smiles and laughs that people around Denki see are fake and hide the numbness that is consuming him. Only when he is alone does he let the mask fade away.

Today Denki is on the roof it's the only place no one around him will just show up out of the blue. It's cold and he shivers slightly cursing himself for not bringing a coat from the dorms, it's quiet too, that's what he loves about it. He can sit and think not being interrupted by anything or anyone. He isn't suicidal per say, he just likes to be with himself at times and the roof is the only place on UA campus he can be.

When Denki is there he likes to talk to himself sometimes he says things out loud too.

"I wish I didn't feel like this, I wish I could get my spark back. Why can't this feeling go away?" are what Denki says today. His breath makes foggy clouds that dissipate quickly into the wind. His mind races with thoughts, things to fill the void that just keeps getting larger. He doesn't want this, he is at the school of his dreams training to be a hero, he has amazing friends that love him <even if Bakugou won't admit it> and his family is eh. His life is great but he still feels numb.

The only time he doesn't feel numb is here on the roof looking down on the city. Up here he feels safer, more alive. He talks about his problems and doesn't get judged, and the fresh air makes his head feel less cloudy.

Sometimes he wishes he had someone with him though today especially.


Hi! This is my first fic and I'm not that great of a writer so if grammar or perspectives are wrong I'm sorry but hopefully, it's ok :)

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