Space gays pt 2

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Shinsou's pov

After writing the letter and leaving it in the spot he usually sees Kaminari at Shinsou heads back down to his room. He has his training gear already but he wants to grab his thermos so he can bring coffee with him. It's early so he can probably brew coffee in the kitchen without anyone seeing him, plus if anyone does come in the room he can practice his stealth skills. Just living in the dorms is training for him.

He starts to head down the stairs when he hears footsteps behind him just around the corner. They are walking his way from the bathroom and could easily spot him standing in the hall. Quickly and quietly uses his capture weapon to cling to the ceiling hoping the person doesn't look up, he would have jumped into the common room but the machine kid is sitting on the couch and would easily see him. Caught up in his thoughts he almost misses the girl who wound her way around the corner with a distraught look on her pink face and jogs all the way to the room labeled Ejiro Kirishima. Shinsou sighs heavily and releases his weapon he is glad he didn't have to explain his presence to another person, something does confuse him though. 'Isn't Kirishima the red-haired one whose quirk is literally a rock? Why would Pink go in there, I'm sure he's gay for explosion hands, whatever not like I care.'

Back on his original course, Shinsou heads to the kitchen avoiding engines easily.

Now with coffee in hand, he heads out to train.


Denki's pov

When Denki wakes up he feels out of it, not exactly in whey mode but also not fully out of it, heading to recover girl this early in whey mode would definitely make questions come up so he decides to head to the roof for fresh air.

Out on the roof, it's chilly but the good type, feels like spring almost even if it's still very much winter. He loves it the emotions that are held down but numbness work their way out and he feels more alive. The emotions aren't good one though, his heart aches when he thinks about how Shinsou just left without saying anyt- you can't be hurt by that you only just met damn heart- YOU ARE STRAIGHT. GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! Drifting in and out of Whey mode Denki starts to remember what happened with Mina. How could he have almost spilled his secrets to her! She would hate him, she would tell his dad he was thinking about boys like he was told never to do, she would tell the whole world. He would never become a hero, people who had never even met him would hate him for just being himself.

"Boys don't like boys Denki it's unnatural, them f*gs are a disgrace to society. Never do any of that sin cause if you do you won't be my son ever again you hear." He got told this at a young age by his father now it repeats over and over in his head making him shake at the thought, how can he be so cruel to his family by being gay. It's wrong. It's wrong! IT'S WRONG!

His mind is filled with horrible thoughts and emotions but as quick as they come they leave replaced with numbness that's better than the thoughts of his Father.

He's out of Whey mode now just starting out at UA's grounds, it calms him and makes his mind trail to different things, like the fact he's sitting on a piece of paper. 'wait a piece of paper? Another letter!' Denki pulls it out from under him and stares at the handwriting that now feels familiar even after only a few letters.

(Just the letter again you can skip)


Dear stranger on the roof,

Do you know anything about space? I know a lot as I mentioned in the other letter, space feels so far away and out of reach but we still managed to get people out there. Humans are like grains of sand on a beach that spread as far as the eye can see. In the milky way galaxy (ours), there is an estimate of 100-400 billion stars and that's only in one of the 2 trillion estimated galaxies there are. That's a crazy amount of stars, planets, and entirely different solar systems, yet people still dismiss the fact there are other life forms living out there, we have fucking quirks and they still don't believe, it confuses me. People good be living their lives in slightly altered versions of the world we live in, they could even be basically the same except maybe you were writing me letters and I wasn't an insomniac.

I kinda went on a rant there but it really does make you think. Have you seen a meteor shower before? They're beautiful, even though it's just earth moving through a debris trail left by comets you feel so calm seeing the lights flying across the sky, they've always made me happier, you would definitely enjoy it. There's one happening soon, on the ninth at 3 am, I'll be watching from my room with my telescope but if you get the chance you should watch. Maybe it can take your problems away for one night if only a few minutes.

From, A space nerd on the roof


It feels soft like RWL is really opening up to Denki, telling him about an interest that has importance to him it makes Denki's heart flutter in his chest and he feels happier. He's never seen a metro shower before but the way rwl describes it makes him picture it in his mind.

Laying on a blanket looking up at the dark sky illuminated by stars and cuddled up to rwl, their arms tight around his waist and fingers trailing up and down Denki's thighs while the first meteors start to fly across the sky making streaks of light in the atmosphere, being completely calm and not having to think about what would happen if his Father walks in on him cuddled up with another boy. It sounds like heaven, Denki isn't going to miss this meteor shower for the world, He'll watch it and think of how rwl is watching it too.


Yo! Have a longer chapter! I feel way better than the last update so this is extra long. ;b

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