Space gays

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Hello Sorry I haven't updated in a while, things got busy with school ending soon, also this might not be very well written because it's late and I got my covid shot earlier, it's making me slightly sick. Enjoy.


Shinsou's pov

He walked through the empty halls and thought about how well he slept from only having a boy he just met sleep on him. How did a small thing like that save him from insomnia that usually plagued him for hours on end? Shinsou was filled with a weird warmth that wouldn't leave, his heart feels fuller than it has felt since he got adopted by his dads, love? No, no falling for the straight boy who just being kind because Dad told him to. Maybe writing the letters to him is affecting his emotions, he's never seen anyone that sad, no one besides himself that is.

Before he knows it he's up on the roof, his feet must have been on autopilot, and thinking about pika- nope no nicknames only Kaminari- must have brought him here.

Now could be a good time to write a note to Kaminari as a stranger instead of a new student in his class. He definitely doesn't have a crush on the boy, but these letters aren't love letters and they seem to make him happy, stopping might hurt Kami more.

He takes out a pen and pad of paper he had in his pocket and starts to write.


Dear stranger on the roof,

Do you know anything about space? I know a lot as I mentioned in the other letter, space feels so far away and out of reach but we still managed to get people out there. Humans are like grains of sand on a beach that spread as far as the eye can see. In the milky way galaxy (ours), there is an estimate of 100-400 billion stars and that's only in one of the 2 trillion estimated galaxies there are. That's a crazy amount of stars, planets, and entirely different solar systems, yet people still dismiss the fact there are other life forms living out there, we have fucking quirks and they still don't believe, it confuses me. People good be living their lives in slightly altered versions of the world we live in, they could even be basically the same except maybe you were writing me letters and I wasn't an insomnaic.

I kinda went on a rant there but it really does make you think. Have you seen a meteor shower before? They're beautiful, even though it's just earth moving through a debris trail left by comets you feel so calm seeing the lights flying across the sky, they've always made me happier, you would definitely enjoy it. There's one happening soon, on the ninth at 3 am, I'll be watching from my room with my telescope but if you get the chance you should watch. Maybe it can take your problems away for one night if only a few minutes.

From, A space nerd on the roof


Shinsou doesn't know what compelled him to tell Kaminari more about space but it felt good. Having someone to talk to, all be it through letters, besides his parents and other teachers who know him because of his parents is nice. Hopefully, his geeking out won't scare off Kaminari too much, these letters feel like they mean more than Shinsou can express yet. He hopes Kaminari will watch the meteor shower, he really meant everything he said in the letter.

What a hopeless space gay he is.


Good night or morning or afternoon of whatever time it is for you. Sorry it's short I started feeling more sick in the middle of writing it.

 Sorry it's short I started feeling more sick in the middle of writing it

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Shinsou as space

Shinsou as space

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Denki as space

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