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Denki's pov

Shinsou had taken him to an art room, which Denki had no idea existed. It's a lot to take in, with work strewn about and so many art supplies that the cabinet is partially open.

He didn't take Shinsou as an art guy but finding out that he has the skill of a professional wasn't surprising. 'He really is the perfect man.'

Denki is now sitting eating his hamburger while watching Shinsou carefully open a bento. It's cute how he flushes when he realizes that one of his dad's had left a note in it, Denki is curious which one wrote it. Aizawa seems like a stoic and uncaring man but Denki can tell he has love for all of them especially Shinsou and Eri, he could have very well written the note. On the other hand though there's Mic and Denki knows that he probably made the lunch seeing as the one time the students saw Aizawa cook he was making instant ramen and forgot to add water. That was funny. Denki's laugh had even been genuine when he and his friends had spotted Aizawa cleaning the microwave afterward. (It had been worth the grumpy scolding.)

"Who's it's from?" When the inquiry slips out, he breaks the silence that had built since Shinsou handed him the sour patch kids. Shinsou raises his brows and studies Denki. He seems to be curious as to why he asked the question. "I'm just curious, I only found out you're Aizawa sensei and Mic sensei's kid a few days ago. It would be fun to know more about them, and you." Denki says the last part under his breath and takes a large bite out of his burger.

Shinsou mulls it over for a few moments before responding. "I-It's from Papa or Mic, as you know him. He wrote it in English, always the teacher, but it says: ''Have a nice day, don't worry too much, Luv ya." Denki detects Shinsou's well-hidden stammer, but he doesn't want to bring it up because Shinsou is concealing it. He definitely doesn't want others to notice his continual fidgeting, so Denki understands Shinsou.

Even though the sentiments aren't meant for Denki, the note is sweet and comforting to hear. Denki only ever gets yelling about grades and the occasional text telling him he should worry more about his future from his parents.

"That's so cute! What are you painting now?"

Shinsou stops his chopsticks an inch from his mouth before responding. "It's our cats."

'CATS. Denki loves cats, they are just so fluffy and soft... Shinsou's hair is probably fluffy and soft. NO! Mina's hair is probably nice, you should think about that. Yeah like cotton candy.' He quickly takes another bite trying to repress his thoughts. "DUDE, I love cats! What are their names?"

"Bart and Fofo," he says. Denki doesn't mind the brief answers since he believes they carry more weight than long-winded and drawn-out responses. Words sit between them in the silence while Denki thinks of a comment that won't make him seem stupid and annoying.

"They sound super cute."


Shinsou's pov

Talking about his art is strange, he's only told Snipe that H is him. He hasn't even told his Dad's he does art, Shinsou likes it anonymous. The only reason he lets Snipe put it up in the room is because he says that his 'talent' shouldn't be hidden, even if Shinsou insists it's not that good.

He doesn't even really know why he told Kaminari that the artist that he was so excited about is him. He could have just said he didn't know who it was but here he is telling Kaminari about his newest painting and note his Papa wrote him.

What sorcery is this? How does this sad blonde boy make him break walls he built to avoid social connections like they were made of paper.

And why is said blonde boy looking at him while he's trying to eat? It feels weird. Shinsou is so used to eating alone that the eyes trailing over him cause goosebumps, of excitement or fear he can't tell. He still doesn't want friends but he can't shake the feeling that Kaminari is different than the others. But accepting his fate of friendship won't be happening soon so instead of continuing conversation he stares out the window.

'It's snowing,' Large flakes of snow are falling from the sky and gently dropping on the ground. The white stands out against the grey sky, and Shinsou thinks it's beautiful, he wonders if Kaminari has noticed yet.

When he looks back at the lightning boy he gets a hilarious sight. Ketchup from his burger has smeared on his nose and he hasn't realized.

Suddenly Shinsou reaches across the table and wipes the ketchup off with his thumb and brings the finger slowly up to his mouth to lick it off. He and Kaminari hold eye contact for a long few seconds before Shinsou coughs awkwardly and says "It started to snow and it looks heavy, it might be difficult to get to the main building again," He looks out the window trying to not think about what he just impulsively did.

Shinsou had been shocked the tiniest bit when his thumb swept softly across the freckled tip of Kaminari's nose and he can't express how embarrassed he is that he found it cute. He's only talked with Kaminari for the slightest amount of time and has already made it uncomfortable. Hopefully, Kaminari will brush it off.

Kaminari looks confused till he looks at the window, his shock and confusion melt away when he sees snow falling down. It's like everything around him has dulled and Shinsou sees that his fidgeting has even stopped. 'He must really like snow.' His face calms and Shinsou sees a small hint of smile showing. Shinsou looks away feeling like he's intruding and remembers that he should be eating.

He eats in silence watching the snow out of the corner of his eyes, every once in a while they flit over to Kaminari who's still watching intently.

"The bell is about to ring. We should go back so we aren't late." Shinsou really doesn't want to interrupt Kaminari's peaceful staring but he can't be late on his first day of hero classes.

"Oh okay." The words are gentle and calm, it gives Shinsou whiplash compared to Kaminari's other tones that are loud and expressive. It's the voice he heard on the roof. The one that compelled him to write a letter to a complete stranger.


I keep struggling to write Denki's pov because I'm nothing like him and everything like Shinsou, the fact that this is getting posted at 12 am really adds to the struggle though.-Vibe

Have a doodle of Denki and Mina I did earlier

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Have a doodle of Denki and Mina I did earlier.

Rooftop Letters~ A shinkami fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن