The One and Only Shinsou Hitoshi

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I did this drawing a few days ago, I think it's the best drawing I've ever done.-Vibe


Denki's pov

He walks slowly on his way to the commons. He's wary of his surroundings making sure no one sees him without his patent smile. For now, he can let his face relax until he has to go to entertain his class with his idiocracy. Denki isn't sure if he's even hungry, the cheese he had eaten with Aoyama was filling. He just wants to be watching the snowfall from his spot on the roof.

Denki can hear the clanking of Bakugou finishing dinner and the yelling of his classmates. They are yelling about one of the training battles earlier, Iida and Shinsou's fight.


"WHY DO YOU NEED TO KNOW WHAT GOT ME TO ANSWER HIM?" Denki can almost picture the hand going up and down.

"GOSSIP!" Mina has the 'I need tea' sound to her voice, Denki guesses Shinsou isn't there yet because Mina would definitely be annoying him too.

Denki walks in with a smile on his face and makes a beeline for Mina's lap before Iida can respond. He doesn't mind if Iida is yelled at for gossip, but it's noisy and gives him a headache. He also believes Shinsou would like it if it were quieter, but that isn't why he tackles Mina.

"AHHH...Oh, Denki! I wondered where you went," She's warm like usual, if he wasn't always so high strung with anxiety he'd cuddle closer. But that could make Sero hate him and Mina would probably force him away thinking he's being pervy. "We're gonna eat dinner as a class to celebrate Shinsou joining us." She runs her fingers through his hair while talking. It's probably the most physical contact he's gotten since Kiri bro hugged him in the locker room a few days ago. Denki had flinched when he did it, Kiri hadn't tried again.

"Where is Shinsou!?" Denki jumps out of her lap suddenly feeling suffocated, he also really does want to know. He doesn't want Shinsou seeing him in Mina's lap...' he might get the wrong idea, I mean I would never date mina...YES, I WOULD, SHE'S A PRETTY GIRL!' His thoughts take over as he stands there. He probably looks strange just standing silent. He feels his smile fall and he shakes his head forcing a new one.

"I don't know. He was down here earlier but he went upstairs, apparently to his dorm. Someone should go get him!" She jumps out of her seat before deflating "Wait...NO ONE KNOWS WHERE HIS DORM ISSSSS!" Mina looks defeated standing there with her hands that were in the air falling to her sides.

Denki knows it's probably a bad idea but he suddenly says, " Uhh, we could ask Aizawa sensei. He should know-" He gets cut off by a monotone voice in the doorway.

"Ask me what? Better not be something ridiculous, I'm only here because Present Mic hasn't returned from moving in Shinsou...we have a meeting." Denki can spot the moment he decides he needs an excuse to look for Mic but that isn't really what he notices the most. Aizawa is in a purple sweat suit with cats on it, when Denki searches the faces in the room they all mostly are focused on it too.

Denki decides it would be better to fill the silence. "OH! We want to know where Shinsou's dorm is! So we can all have dinner together as a class." 'And so I can be his friend...'

"That seems reasonable, Kaminari follow me, I'll bring you to his dorm." Aizawa suddenly makes eye contact with Denki, he looks like he has something to say that can't be said in front of the many people crowding the common room. He then starts walking to the stairs not looking back knowing Denki will follow him.


In the stairwell Aizawa is silent, it's kind of nerve-wracking just waiting for him to talk. Denki fidgets with his hand wishing he had something to take his stress away, something that would take away all the bad feelings, the ones he blocks out by being numb. Aizawa doesn't speak for another second before finally speaking up.

"Today in training you didn't short circuit. Do you know why or how you did it?" It's the usual gruff monotone but there was a hint of something Denki didn't recognize.

In all honesty, Denki was just confused and stressed, he had expected Aizawa to ask about his son or anything else besides this. He didn't have an answer.'I overcame it because I didn't want to look like a wimp in front of your son.' Didn't seem like it would be a good answer.

"I don't know...MUST BE SOME SCIENCE THING I DON'T UNDERSTAND! HAHA." Denki starts out quiet before blurting out the rest. It was an ok excuse but Aizawa knew that he understood all of the science behind his quirk and electricity so it was probably stupid to say.

"Ah...well if you do happen to know why it happened it would be good to know for future training. Tell me if you figure it out, Kaminari. Now I do have another question, has Iida spit up what made him talk? I wanted to ask Hitoshi at dinner but it looks like your class will be eating'll be good for him."

"Nope, Engines hasn't said nothing but we'll get it out of him eventually." Aizawa nods, a small smile that Denki hardly notices crosses his face at the nickname.

Right when it looks like Aizawas gonna say something else a loud, blonde, mess stumbles down the stairs coming right for them. He's saying something along the lines of "oh shit he's gonna kill me", surprisingly, under his breath. It's Present Mic in his civilian clothes. Denki watches as Aizawa's scarf wraps around Mic right when he almost walks straight into them. He sees the oh shit moment in Mic's eyes and the evil smirk on his homeroom teacher's face. Is this what marriage is like?

"Kaminari if you would leave me and Present Mic over here, Hitoshi's room is on the top floor second on the right when you exit the stairwell. I have questioning to do about why someone," Aizawa shoots a look at a sheepish Mic. "Almost missed dinner with his family."

Denki quickly leaves not wanting to anger Aizawa any further and makes a hightail for Shinsou's dorm before he forgets the directions like he usually does.


'Second door on the right, second door on the right, second door on the right.' Denki chants the directions in his head willing them to not go away as he reaches the top floor. He walks down and finally reaches the second on the right (he had to check using his hands to know which side was right or left.) 'Alright just knock Denki, he's just a guy you met a few days ago, how hard can asking him to dinner be? Maybe I should have flowers or-IT'S NOT LIKE THAT BRAIN. Just knock...' Before he can chicken out he knocks lightly on the door and says, "Uh...Hey Shinsou, we're all having dinner together and since you're new I thought you might enjoy talking to some of us...we're kind of loud though so I understand if you don't want to, but Bakugou's cooking is amazing as long as you can handle spicy stuff and...yeah." He trails off finally realizing there is nothing but silence coming from the room.

"You won't find anyone in there seeing as I'm right here," It comes from behind Denki. When he turns he meets purple eyes staring at him from across the hall, they belong to the one and only Shinsou Hitoshi.


I'm so sorry it's been so long since I updated, I got really caught up in school stuff but now I'm back! Hope you enjoy it.-Vibe <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2021 ⏰

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