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I wrote over 500 hundred words of Aoyama talking about cheese...what is life.-Vibe


Shinsou's pov

Before he knows it Shinsou is getting pushed out the door and into the hall by a determined Pap. He really doesn't want to socialize with the crazy kids of 1-a but if he doesn't he knows Papa will definitely tell them to go to Shinsou. So now he's standing in the hall still in his uniform listening to the chaos downstairs in the common room that's loud enough he can hear it happening four floors up.

Shinsou can tell most of the class is gathered there just by the sheer amount of noise they are making. It gives him a headache. He rubbed his temples and sighs. Then he begins his trip to the stairs because taking the elevator would force him to descend far too quickly for his liking. He slowly walks down the staircase, gazing out the windows, trying to stall as much as possible, wishing he could go to the roof or back to his dorm to try to sleep.

He can almost hear the bombardment of questions that are soon to come. Why can't these people take a hint and leave him alone. 'And I was almost asleep too, there better be coffee down there at least.'


Denki's pov

All day Denki has been thinking about his lunch with Shinsou. His art, the snow, when Shinsou wiped ketchup off his nose while holding eye contact. He can't get the mental image out of his head even with how hard he's been trying to think about other things. Denki had wanted to talk with Shinsou after school and ask him to hangout but in the hussle to leave Shinsou seemingly disappeared. It might be a good thing though because being around the entire class and Shinsou might cause him to short circuit with the pressure to stay a happy ball of joy.

They're in the common area, most of them chatting with their friends and grabbing some after-school food. Denki is trying to concentrate on Mina's ranting, but the words are slipping right past him. He needs to get out of the noisy room; he can't put up the act for much longer. His social battery needs to be recharged.

"Hey Mina, I think I want to go get changed, my uniform is soaked from the snow." He's hoping she'll fall for the bait and allow him to escape the conversation.

"Oh ok, come back when you finish changing. We want to have a class party to welcome the new kid. Well if we can find him that is..." She looks caught in thought so Denki takes it as a cue to leave before she can rope him into yet another conversation.

'Don't make eye contact and walk fast Denki. You just need to get to the stairs and then you can go hide on the roof.' Denki walks quickly through the room hoping no one will want to talk to him. He stares at his shoes and hums to himself trying to deter any attempts of conversation. The room is loud but all he hears is murmuring and the occasional laugh, he's almost there, three steps more and he can leave this room. But god is not on his side. Right before he gets to the stairs someone steps in front of him.

"Nous devrions parler Kaminari."(translation: We should talk Kaminari. a/n correct my french if it's wrong.) Aoyama, Denki had forgotten all about him and the fact he knows that Denki speaks french. Why can't the universe give him a break? The sparkly boy is looking at him with that one smile that always unnerves Denki. It's like he's staring through his soul, seeing the innermost part of Denki's thoughts and feelings. Aoyama might be the first person to scare Denki in his class. Not Bakugou but Aoyama with his weirdly wide blue eyes.

"Uh, can we go somewhere more private?" Denki isn't risking speaking French in a room full of his classmates. Even answering Aoyama after he said something in french is risking it. Denki doesn't want to have to explain how he speaks multiple languages but still can't do a simple math problem.

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