Dorm Life

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                                       ..... Not my art all credit to the artist, it just fits the story.....                       

        Denki's pov

When he left the roof for dinner Denki thought he felt a pair of eyes trailing after him but when he looked back behind himself all he saw was the baren grey of the roof that seemed to comfort him. Not seeing anyone he assumed the eyes he felt were an animal, hopefully not sent by Koda. As the feeling of confusion went away Denki felt the numb emotion return making him feel like nothing.

When he got down to the kitchen he quickly put the happy facade up once again. "Heyyyyy Bakubro! What's popin?" Denki said in a drawn-out voice to the explosive blonde who was at the stove making what seemed to be tacos.

"Your head will be popin if you don't get out!" He screamed in an angry tone as if he would fight me if he wasn't preoccupied violently making taco filling. (A/N yes you can make tacos violently) At the yell, Kiri came up behind him and told him to calm down, as it was Kirishima who told him to Bakugou stopped fuming and said "Hey Dunceface, foods almost done so go sit down with the extras."

Denki did as told and went to the table where most of the class was spread out making him internally shudder with how must social interaction he would have to do. Spotting Mina and Sero he went and hoped into minas lap smiling a wide fake smile. "Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm not that pretty but damn look at you." Oh god is she gonna pick up the fact I said I was ugly, please don't, I don't want to be asked if I'm ok.

"Oh my god, Denks that was horrible never say anything like it again." She exclaimed face red from secondhand embarrassment. Sero looked at Denki with a leave my woman alone look and he quickly jumped up from her lap. Denki forgot he's not out to anyone yet as gay so it really would seem like he flirting with Mina. (A/N Denki is a disaster bi but for my story, he's just gonna be gay) Denki put his hands up to Sero and went to plop down in the chair next to him.

"Serooo my man, how you doing?" Denki asked loudly and in a whisper, he adds, "Fucking as her out, man, or I'll do it for you," Sero scoffed at this and pushed Denki off his chair in retaliation.  Denki forces out a laugh then continues to mock Sero about his huge crush on their pink friend who got caught in a conversation with Kiri who is helping Bakugou with handing out food.


After dinner, Denki snuck away from his loud class back to the roof this time bringing a coat. The stars are beautiful and make it less dark in the secluded area. Denki goes to his usual spot and starts to sit when he spots the paper addressed to 'The Stranger on the Roof' sitting in his spot. He looks around as if trying to find someone who might have lost a letter but no one is outside at this time only him. Carefully he picks it up and studies the messy writing and cute drawings on the paper. Once he reads the letter he starts to wonder if the eyes he felt earlier were really an animal or a well-hidden person who must like cats judging by the doodles. The letter is very thoughtful and Denki is shocked at how well this person read him just by the few words he said into oblivion. The feeling of numbness dulls while Kaminari is filled with curiosity towards the person who is so kind as to write a letter to someone they have never met, someone who they thought needed something happy.

Somehow this letter made Denki feel a little bit better in his world of meaningless smiles.


Denki Got the letter eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Who is your favorite pro-hero in mha? Mine is either Aizawa or Fatgum :)

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