Does Iida have a moral code?

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Shinsou's Pov

When Kaminari approached him he wasn't expecting much, maybe just a forcefully cheerful "Hi!" or a "Welcome to class." What he wasn't expecting was to be asked to sit with him during lunch. It made his stomach erupt in butterflies and he couldn't help the flirty answer he had said back. The thing that had him feel even more flustered was the wink that Kaminari did after saying that he would eat lunch with Shinsou. 'So cute'.

On the surface, Shinsou was keeping up his indifference but on the inside, it was all panic. He wAs going to eat alone with zap-Kaminari. What were they going to talk about? He had already told Kaminari about his interest in space through the letters and Shinsou doesn't talk very often, being social is not one of his strong suits. Kaminari will surely find him boring.

But the class has training and then lunch. So He'll worry about lunch later, now it's time to beat some people and prove his worth as a hero.


"Since Shinsou is new you will be going one on one and observe all the pairs. They will be random." Aizawa was explaining the exercise at the front of the group, everyone wearing hero gear except Shinsou (his was still getting made). He opted to leave his mask in his hand, not putting it on yet, his scarf is wrapped around him and he can see the peppermint kid looking frantically between him and Aizawa. 'He probably thinks I'm Aizawa's biological kid.' He knows that he and his dad look-alike, eye bags, loose baggy clothes, and the fact his hair stands up almost like how his dad's does. His having the scarf would definitely add to any conspiracy you could have about them. But shinsou knows he was adopted, he can remember his life before.

He lived in foster homes and orphanages with kids who wouldn't play with him and caretakers who hated his quirk. They weren't all bad to him though, one of the places he lived in specialized in 'scary quirks', and one of the older kids took care of him until he moved, they never told him their name but back then they were his family.

The peppermint kid looks like he came to a conclusion and is now paying attention to Aizawa assigning pairs. Shinsou's name hasn't been called yet. So far the pairs are:

Mina vs. Aoyama

Momo vs. Tsu

Jirou vs. Koda

Shinsou has seen them use their quirks before they are all powerful but they are less skilled when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, they mostly rely on their quirks to get the job done. He is glad to not be paired up against Koda or Jirou because he's heard from his dad that they are both quiet and would probably have an easy time avoiding his quirk. He knows the easiest person to go against would be Bakugou who is easily angered and would answer if he said anything about him being a bad hero or never being at the top. But Shinsou wants to challenge someone who he'll really have to fight against, like bird boy who he's heard has a crazy quirk or maybe a rematch against broccoli.

"The next pair will be Shinsou versus Iida." His Dad's monotone voice announces.

'Hmm younger brother of Ingenium and class rep, he probably has a moral code that could be used against him. He also looks to have a speed quirk, which won't be very useful against a mind quirk like mine. But with his quirk being all about speed he probably has learned proper physical fighting skills to go along with it-' His thoughts are interrupted with a throat being cleared in front of him.

"Hello I am Tenya Iida, it is a pleasure to be your sparring partner. I believe it will be an eventful fight." A hand that looks way too stiff is moving along with his words, definitely has a moral code. The hand that was rapidly moving is now stuck out in front of him for a handshake that Shinsou won't be taking him upon. He will use this time to size him up though, his legs have engines protruding from them and his lower body is definitely more cable than his upper body, but his upper body isn't in bad condition. He definitely has the muscle that comes from training well.

"I don't like physical contact," The hand is quickly pulled back. "I hope this fight is interesting as well."


Denki's pov

Soon he will get to eat lunch with Shinsou, hopefully, they become friends. Maybe then his weird thoughts about him will go away. But eating lunch alone is still making butterflies in Denki's stomach, why does he have to be so attractive?

Training is different than usual, Denki is going to be going against Tokoyami. He's just hoping he won't go stupid and make Shinsou rethink being friends with the dumb one who can't even use his quirk correctly. His friends must pity him a lot to even think about hanging with 'Dumbass Denki'. Even when he tries his hardest his grades still stay at the bottom(minus English that is). Who would be friends with him voluntarily?

But he will prove he's worth Shinsou's friendship by winning this fight and not short-circuiting. He will.


Sorry this took so long to update, I was moving. Hope you enjoy-vibe

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