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Shinsou's pov

He can't blame his dad for the predicament he is in but he will anyway, Kaminari and him have to go to one of their dorms to "hang out" since his dad said to, if they go to Shinsou's dorm it will revile him as Kaminari's secret admirer. It's Hitoshi's fault for writing about the moon in his letter, if he didn't he wouldn't have to freak out about this. Almost everything in his room would point to him as the letter's author. The black blanket that looks like the one he gave to Kaminari, the moon charts and telescope lying around his room, the purple bottle of melatonin on his desk that is supposed to help insomnia, and the numerous thing of cat memorabilia scattered around would defiantly make the blonde realize who left him those letters.

While he's having a mental panic attack Kaminari is looking at him with amber eyes and wondering if he is alright.

"Shinsou we would go to my dorm, we can watch a movie and talk for a bit," Shinsou un-tenses and nods. Kaminari looks at him again before saying in an obviously fake tone "Alright this way!"


Denki's pov

This is strange, a hot boy who happens to be his teacher's son is coming to his dorm to hang out. Shinsou had seemed tense at the thought of going to his dorm so Denki offered up his even if it's super messy with clothes and blankets strung across all his furniture. Shinsou is gonna join 1-a and he's actually pretty cool, Denki will be his friend as soon as possible.

When they get to his dorm Denki turns to shinsou and says "Welcome to my half hazard room that according to my friends fits my personality so if you like it you will probably like me," Denki can't believe he just flirted with a guy, he never does that, he's safe in his straight sadness facade. No one can hatefully hurt him while in the closet, they can't tell his parents while he's in the closet. He shakes himself out of those thoughts to see Shinsou staring at him intently no hate in the deep purple, "Yeah so this is it we can sit on the bed or the floor even if it wouldn't be comfortable." Denki hears a tch from beside him and then watches as Shinsou sits on the yellow bedspread crossing his arms.

Denki chooses to grab the purple blanket that he woke up wrapped in and sits next to Shinsou."What movie do you want to watch? I have Netflix, Hulu, Disney plus, and HBO max." He watches Shinsou open his mouth to lick his lips ' NOT NOW BRAIN' he thinks.

"You choose." It's pretty quiet but Denki hears it well because of their close proximity. The sound of gravel and what the night feels like hits him making him notice that he's basically touching Shinsou's face with his own it makes him back away and grab the hairs that frame his face.

"Alright how about titanic," he says turning his blushing face away from Shinsou. (A/N I'm sorry, titanic is the only sad love movie I could think of.) He presses start and snuggles into the blanket that smells like lavender laundry detergent and coffee, Denki wishes rlw was snuggling him now. (A/N If only he knew. *facepalm*)


Shinsou's pov

Inside Kaminari's dorm is definitely him, electric colors and soft items everywhere Shinsou hopes it doesn't hide too much pain. He thinks that Kaminari actually did have the electric personality once before something happened something Shinsou can't figure out. Kami puts on titanic, of course, it's one of the only movies that can make him cry. What he does next though makes up for putting on a sad movie, he grabs Shinsou's blanket and snuggles into it like the room is freezing even if it isn't. It's adorable.

When the movie finishes Shinaou realizes there is weight on his shoulder that was not there at the beginning. He turns slowly hoping to not disrupt the peace that has settled in the room. Kaminari is drooling on his shirt and is shoving his nose into Shinsous shoulder like he's chasing something. Shinsou can't be breathing, the cutest man alive is asleep on him they only officially met 3 hours ago, how is this happening? The universe is torturing him. Kaminari looks too peaceful to wake up now so Shinsou lays down with him gently fighting the soft feeling in his abdomen. He doesn't have time for friends or love, he needs to prove the people who called him a villain wrong, 'but he is warm' is his last thought before sleep takes over the insomniac that apparently just needed cuddles.


Aizawa's pov

Aizawa is going to Kaminais dorm to tell them it's almost curfew but when he knocks there is no answer. Opening the door he expects the room to be empty but what he sees is amazing, his son is asleep. ASLEEP! and Kaminari is laying on top of him also asleep, looks like they'll be together even sooner than estimated. Loud blonde and the sleep-deprived boy always works out in the end, or it did with him and Hizashi.


I am so tired, I woke up at 6 am after going to bed at 3 am, I wish I had a Shisou scented blanket to snuggle with but I guess my burrito blanket will do.

Goodnight :>

A favorite midnight snack? I like sour cream and onion chips or tea with toast.

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