Music Induced Nostalgia

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Shinsou's pov

The elevator doesn't take long and before he knows it he's on his floor. His room and his Dad's room are the only ones occupied on this floor. All the others are empty or used as storage. If you were to try and figure out which one is Shinsou's it would definitely take a while.

The hall is much quieter than the common rooms and it calms Shinsou to know he won't be bothered here. Walking to his room he can't stop thinking about how strange his new class is compared to any class he's ever been in. They welcome him and aren't scared of his quirk. They want to get to know him even when he's obviously not wanting friendship. The only one who has any distaste for him that Shinsou can see is Explosions but that might be because he's competitive and Shinsou can beat him in a fight.

His room is exactly as he left it when he gets there...if you ignore the man-sized lump lying on his bed. Shinsou had been right, Papa had fallen asleep on his bed and was now cuddling one of the stuffed cats he had bought Shinsou when they were fostering him. There were two things Shinsou could do, one wake him up nicely and calmly, or two jump on him. It was hardly a decision. Jumping on him was obviously the right answer.

'Three...Two...ONE!' Shinsou jumps directly onto the lumb of cat plushies and off-duty hero, it startles him awake and he lets out a loud "AHHhhhhhHhhHHH! OMG! DON'T DO THAT HITOSHI! YOU'LL GIVE YOU OLD MAN A HEART ATTACK." It's loud enough that Shinsou guesses that one of his new classmates will come to investigate. Shinsou stares at his Papa before bursting into laughter over the mess that his hair makes. It was down when he came into Shinsous room but the bedhead with long thick hair is amazing. It sticks up everywhere, it rivals even his own hair when he finally gets sleep.

"Your hair..." He tries biting his lip to stop from laughing more but only succeeds in making a pfft sound.

"My hair is perfectly normal. I don't know what you're talking about. Anyway, how did it go? Was your blonde crush there~" Mic pats his hair down only making it look even more funny while Shinsou sputters regretting mentioning Kaminari to his parents at all. 'Not like I had a choice though...' He keeps staring at Mic until remembering that he needs to remind Papa to go to their family dorm if he doesn't want a worried husband.

"...You should go home, it's almost 4 o'clock. Dad will be concerned." It's a good diversion, Papa's eyes jump to his watch and his eyes widen significantly. Nobody likes dealing with a stressed Aizawa. Ever. Especially when he's stressed over where his family is, Shinsou had once got lost on vacation. They haven't gone on one since.

"OH GOD! Alright, I have to leave now, but little listener, you are not getting out of this conversation; I need the tea." Shinsou groans. How many times has he told his Papa not to use slang that he doesn't understand? Not nearly enough, it appears. He doesn't get the chance to tell him again though because Mic is rushing out the door, closing it behind him. Leaving Shinsou in the room alone again.

He lies in his bed, savoring the solitude, his eyelids gently blinking, making the purple lights he's put up blurry. Shinsou wishes he could sleep, but he feels like he's standing on the edge of a cliff, with roaring oceans of sleep below him, and he can't seem to fall off. It would only take one shove to knock him down into the depths, but the person he needs to push him isn't reachable. His eyelids are tempting him, teasing him with the prospect of slumber yet refusing to let him fall asleep. He can only close them over his dark purple irises and white pupils, with how heavy they are. Yearning for rest.

The rest never comes and Shinsou gives up knowing it's bad for his health and training to get this little sleep, but it's not his fault that his body hates sleep. He opens his eyes and they wander the room coming to rest on his pad of paper and pen he's used for the last few letters he's left. He still has the urge to go check on the blonde and it would be nice to leave another letter. He still needs to find a way to leave it in the snow though. 'Fuck it.' Shinsou sits up slowly, going over to his desk and grabbing the supplies.


Dear Stranger on the Roof,

It's quite cold today. The snow is beautiful though, icy crystals of intricate designs that all come together coating everything in white. A fluffy blanket that leaves a chill on your skin instead of warmth. Days like these make me want to curl up with a cat, a cup of coffee, and an interesting book.

Do you enjoy the snow, kitten? I hope it brings you joy; your grin is probably charming.

Bright enough to ward off the looming sorrow of the storm clouds in your head. But even if it doesn't, I'm confident that you are strong. I could tell the first time I heard you because of how you spoke. Even though you are in pain, you continue to live, bringing joy to me and likely many others.

I hope it stops snowing though. It would be hard to see the meteor shower with snow clouds obscuring the sky. But it has two days to clear up, for now, I say let it go. (Yes that was a frozen reference, I have a little sibling.)

You know, I don't quite know how I'm going to get this to you. The snow on the roof might be a problem... well, I'll figure it out.

I'm guessing you listen to music, I wonder what types you listen to. My taste in music sounds corny but I like small indie bands and emo rock, I also really enjoy classic American rock but that might be from my dad conditioning me to love it. It plays all the time at home so it just reminds me of sitting on the couch looking through movies while my parents are in the kitchen, one cooking, the other basically asleep on his back but still moving around with him anyway swaying to a love song. Somebody to Love by Queen, or maybe Something by The Beatles. But you probably don't care about my strange music-induced nostalgic memories.

Anyway, I hope you had a good day and if you didn't well then I hope it gets better.

From, A super tired music lover.


Shinsou reads through the letter overthinking every sentence. He probably should scratch out the pet name, it's creepy. But it fits Kaminari so well. 'I shouldn't get attached or even come up with pet names. This is a temporary thing, I can't keep writing these.' Despite his thoughts, he leaves it as is and starts to think of ways to keep it safe and dry.

He doesn't have many things that would work, he could put it in a box but that feels wrong. Shinsou gazes around his room searching for the right thing before his eyes settle on a soda bottle he had kept because it had a fun design. It's made out of glass so water wouldn't get inside and it was pretty 'like Kaminari'. Perfect.


Sorry I haven't updated in a long time I got hit with extreme writer's block, but I'm back in the role of things so expect multiple chapters in the next few days. -Vibe

P.S I didn't edit this so I'm sorry about grammar or spelling mistakes.

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