A Letter

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                                                                                             Shinsou's pov

When he heard the voice on the rooftop he was surprised when he came up here most of the time it was only him. Shinsou thought about going and seeing if he knew them until he really heard what the person was saying.

"I wish I didn't feel like this, I wish I could get my spark back. Why can't this feeling go away?" To him, it sounded personal like the person wanted to be alone. Shinsou could understand that feeling that's why he's up here to get away from the general ed students who all seemed to hate him for things that were beyond his control like his quirk. Another thing he noticed was how sad they were. The words they spoke held so much pain and sadness, that they made him think.

'I wish I could help them' Why he thought this he didn't know, he wasn't that empathetic to others. After all, they always hated him. This person was drawing him in though something made Shinsou relate to them. He decided to leave them something.

Shinsou slowly went over to his bag and pulled out a paper that he had doodled cats on earlier in science and carefully thought of something to write to the stranger on the roof.


Dear stranger on the roof,

Hopefully, you're the right person reading this. I didn't want to bother you so I'm writing this. I might not know who you are or why you seem so alone but let me tell you this you are enough just keep going. I wish I could say things will get better but I don't know what problems you face or who you have to face them with. All I know is that for some reason you compelled me to write to a complete stranger and I'm as quiet as they come.

Sincerely, another stranger on the roof


Once shinsou finish writing, he slowly edged around the corner wondering if the person was still there. He got about halfway when he saw a flash of blond hair that must have belonged to the stranger. For reasons he didn't know his heart gave a flutter for them and their sad demner. Making as little noise as possible (barley any he was training as a stealth hero after all) shinsou sat down his back facing the wall and waited for the blond to leave.

..... Time skip brought to you by Shinsou's cat doodles .....

About thirty minutes later the blond stood up and left looking back at their spot before going down the stairs that lead indoors. When he turned around Shinsou saw his face and all he could think is how could someone so beautiful be so drained. When he left shinsou could hear his heart beating in his ears and his face felt warm in the cool breeze.

Quickly he scampered over to where the beautiful mystery boy was sitting and left his letter hoping it could make the boy feel slightly happier even if it was only a few sentences. Then Shinsou left as well a mystery boy filling his head.


Wow. Ok, I feel a lot more confident with this chapter. I hope anyone who is reading this is having a good day and if you aren't I hope it gets a tiny bit or a lot a bit better.

What's your favorite color? Mine is dark green or purple :)

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