Back into the Closet.

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Mina's pov

All she wants is for the new kid to acknowledge her. He's super hot and the girls asked Mina to find out his relationship status since she is usually very good at making friends but this bitch is really good at ignoring people. It's a nice challenge for her. Something that is confusing her though is why it seems like Denki already knows him. Shinsou hadn't snapped at him when Denki got dared to talk to him and after Denki's fight, Shinsou called him cool, like he hadn't said he didn't want friends a few moments before.


Shinsou's pov

Most of the fights were kind of tame or quick after he won against Iida. Though Shinsou did enjoy seeing his new classmate's quirks in action for real, it was much better than reading reports and watching the sports festival on replay.

It's almost time for lunch and Shisnsou hasn't freaked out this much since finding out his foster parents (now adoptive) were both pro's, gay, and looking to adopt.

Kaminari and Ashido had stayed in the spot that he was sitting before while Shinsou had decided to sit in a more tranquil, secluded corner where he wouldn't be disturbed for the rest of the matches. Now that everyone had gone, his Dad announced that they could do anything as long as they stay quiet. He then went to sleep. For most people, this meant chatting with friends while waiting till they could go eat. For Shinsou this mean's added time to freak out about talking to a cute boy alone while they eat lunch.

What ensues when he doesn't have anything to talk about or if he can't stop stuttering. Kaminari will probably find him tiresome and leave him, making him eat lunch alone. But he shouldn't find that thought bad, it's exactly what he needs. Getting discarded early on in this non-crush won't hurt too much. Shinsou can't get attached, he'll always be alone. The loner villain.

Once again for what feels like the thousandth time today someone breaks him from his thoughts.

"So how did Denki get on your good side?" It's a simple question but it startles Shinsou, who wasn't paying attention while fretting. The boy who shoots tape from his elbows is now leaning on the wall next to him. He looks curious and Shinsou thinks that this guy is calmer than the others. He would even answer if the question wasn't so stupid, Kaminari? His good side? Nope.

"Not gonna answer huh? Well, that doesn't matter, we can just vibe." And he just falls quiet, Shinsou thinks he's definitely calmer than the others. He respects this. He's not going to be friends with him but letting Sero? ( he thinks?) stand next to him won't hurt anything.

Shinsou still can't stop thinking about how he's going to be alone with Kaminari, Sero seems to know him well, it would probably be helpful to find out if they share interests through Sero. But doing that is so awkward and would make Sero more perplexed by the fact Shinsou actually wants to get to know Kaminari. Now that he thinks about it Shinsou has been pretty hostile to everyone besides Kaminari and now sort of Sero (does ignoring him count as hostile?) He doesn't actually hate everyone, all he really wants is peace and quiet. Apparently, you have no chance of that in this class of persistent extroverts and their respective emo's.

From what he can see so far there's the bond between Kirishima and boom boom bitch, broccoli and daddy issues, Birdy and the glittery one and there's probably more. Do you just get assign a bubbly person if you're low energy in this class? If so, were they trying to make pinky his? People are so hard to understand sometimes.

His mind really just went off on a limb there but he needs to know more about Kaminari or he'll clam up well it's time for lunch. He's guessing it's time to talk to someone willingly besides Kaminari.

"What stuff does he like?" Sero looks at him suddenly, he looks excited that Shinsou decided to talk to him. 'Let's see if he's actually calm or just a crackhead in disguise.'

"Who? Denks?" He nods to Sero slightly. "Well, he likes a lot of things like...uh...Pikachu! Oh, he really likes video games and I think his favorite snack is sour candy." Shinsou can work with that he knows Pa's has a stash of sour patch kids in his desk that he can steal some of, "I actually don't know much about what he does in his free time, he certainly isn't studying tho haha." 'That's a strange comment to say about a friend but alright.' "Why do you want to know man? Trying to get him to introduce his mom to you? I heard she's a total milf." 'What.' Shinsou is disgusted, why would he be trying to meet Kaminari's mom, he's super gay. 'Wait. Sero doesn't know that', Shinsou could just say it but he'd prefer to just not draw attention to himself, and coming out on the first day would definitely do that.

"No, I'm having lunch with him." Sero looks understanding and doesn't ask any more question's, thankfully. They don't say anything for the remaining class time and just stand against the wall in comfortable silence until the bell rings.

"See ya, bro!" Is yelled at him and then Sero runs off to his friends.


Shinsou is going to his locker sour candy acquired and nerves growing. They never decided on a spot and the cafeteria is crowded. How will he find Kaminari? Does Kaminari still want to sit with him? Who decided to make hallways so long.

Suddenly a ball of energy hits his chest. They both crash to the floor and blonde hair comes into his vision and then a nervous face is super close to his. It makes the butterflies start up again in his stomach.

"Oh god I'm so sorry, wait SHINSOU! I've been looking for you everywhere, omg this is great you can help hide me from Bakubro!" 'So cut- wait hide?' He's suddenly being pulled up from the floor and shoved into a janitor closet. It's dark and cramped and this is not how he expected lunch break to go at all.

"Why are we hiding?" It's a simple question but with Kaminari pressed up against his chest it feels like his mouth has become a desert and the rest of him is a tomato. A bright red tomato. 'Thank god it's dark in here.'

"Shhhhhh, Bakugou caught me trying to steal his pudding. The man doesn't even like pudding, like cmon. But now we're hiding because he threatened to kill me and started running after me." Well, that definitely sounds like the blastly he's seen so far. "Hey, can you tell what I'm leaning against? It's really comfortable." 'He doesn't know that's my chest. HE DOESN'T KNOW THAT'S MY CHEST!'

Kaminari is pushing closer to him and his hair is tickling Shinsou's nose, he could just lean down and - BOOM! "DUNCE I KNOW YOU'RE SOMEWHERE AROUND HERE!" Thank god for blasty because without him they would definitely be in a much weirder predicament now. Not that be shoved back into the closest isn't weird though.



This is very cliche and I love it, have a good day.- Vibe

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