A Blanket

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..... Not my art all credit to the artist it just reminds me of what shinsou would look like in this chapter.....

Shinsous pov

A few hours of sleep is a lot more than none so when Shinsou wakes up at 3 am he decides that he could go up to the roof and see if the person had found the letter he had left yet. He grabs his fluffiest blanket and puts a purple hoody on over his cat PJs. As an afterthought, he also grabs a pad of paper and a pen in case they did find the letter so he can write another.

Shinsou sneaks past Aizawa's room (A/N I made it so that Shinsou's dorm is in the 1-a dorms because of Aizawa being his dad but no one in 1-a knows he lives there.) And runs up the stairs that lead to the roof. Being as quiet as possible in case someone is up here with him, Shinsou walks to where he left the letter only to be met with the cutest thing ever. The blonde stranger from before is lying asleep on the ground Shinsous letter in his hand, he reminds Shinsou of a cat sleeping in the sun. He seems to be shivering though and him sleeping up here in flimsy clothes worries Shinsou. Shinsou grabs the blanket that he brought for himself and softly lays it on the blonde angel who stops shivering and snuggles into the easily making shinsou swoon.

Shinsou grabs his pad of paper feeling like he should explain the fact that the stranger will wake up with a blanket on him when he very obviously didn't before he went to sleep.


Dear Sleepy Stranger on the roof,

Looks like you got my first letter. My insomnia wasn't letting me sleep so I decided to see if you received it only to find you here asleep. You were shivering in your sleep so I put my blanket on you, no need to return it I have plenty. Did you know you look like a cat when you sleep? That sounded a lot more creepy than intended sorry. But you really do with how you curl up, it's cute.

Hope you slept well, sincerely, A tired insomniac


He put the newest of his letters on the boy's hand and tiredly walked to his usual spot so he could stare at the moon. It's beautiful the moon, 238,855 miles from the earth but it lights up the sky with silver light so easily. The moon hasn't been visited by people in 44 years if Shinsou can't become a hero he hopes to go to the moon or to help more people go to the moon. It just doesn't seem like a real place people can step foot to him. He's always been fascinated by it. In his room, he has moon charts and a telescope to study it. When his dads saw his fascination with the moon they encouraged it as it made him happy at a rough point when everyone saw him as a villain, now he's gotten over how people treat him because of his power but the moon fascination never left.

When the sun started coming up shinsou decided to leave before the blonde boy woke up, so he gathered his things and left but not without looking back at the sleeping beauty.


Did I write this while procrastinating on a writing project? Yes. Was it worth it? Also yes.

Cats or Dogs? Personally, I like cats but dogs are also great.

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