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Denki's pov

Tokoyami, Denki doesn't talk to him that often but being in the same class he has a good grip on his quirk. Denki likes observing people (he's not good at it like Midoriya)but he knows that dark shadows' weakness is light. All he needs to do is make enough electricity that dark shadow is weak and then hit Tokoyami down.

He can't do this. He's going to short out and look stupid. He's going to get laughed at like the stupid class clown who can't do anything that he is. Shinsou won't even consider being friends with him anymore. All his friends will become amazing heroes while he's left behind, forgotten, and useless.

All the thoughts are pushed down suddenly when Aizawa sensei says it's time for his and Tokoyami's match. His fingers are tingling with electricity that's been building up while they watch the other fights and it makes his hands go numb like they do every time he uses high voltage. It's happened forever and Denki doesn't want to annoy medical staff who could be helping someone more important, it doesn't bother him anyway. It matches how his emotions feel.

Tokoyami is staring at him from across the area Aizawa sectioned off for fighting, he's waiting for Denki to make the first move. Denki lets electricity flicker from his fingers slightly to throw Tokoyami off.

The minute he spots the electricity Tokoyami has dark shadow out as a shield but that's what Denki was hoping for. Electricity makes bright busts around them temporarily blinding everyone watching, dark shadow is sequaling and trying to hide from the light but Tokoyami is stumbling around not being able to see. Denki is immune to the bright lights because he has to do this when discharging, not that anyone knows that, so he swiftly runs to Tokoyami. producing electricity in waves like this is draining him soon anything he's done will be useless because of him going dumb. It hurts. Like his nerves are on fire. But he pushes through the fog taking over his head and grabs the rope Aizawa said to use as a capture weapon.

Tokoyami must hear him and throws out a kick trying to hit Denki in the legs. Before it hits him Denki jumps and lands a hit on Tokoyami's stomach, he falls over and Denki ties him up before feeling the fog again. The burst have stopped and people can see again, Denki knows that the pain will stop it always does but he can't go dumb now, not after he did so well. If he goes dumb now it's all anyone will focus on, no one will even acknowledge that he won quickly and successfully. 'I can't now, I did well for once.'

He looks to the class still willing the pain to leave his body. Everyone looks confused, it makes sense, Denki did just temporarily blind them and then act like it didn't affect him at all (it didn't), they haven't seen him do that yet either so that adds to the shock. Also, the few that can see him now are realizing he didn't short out. They look proud, it hurts that the thing they're proud of is him not shorting out not that he won. But he'll take what he can get, he doesn't have people proud of him very often. All he is is a disappointment after all.

His eyes catch on Shinsou, he's looking at Denki with something he can't determine. But Denki decides it can't be bad, he did just take Tokoyami down without going dumb. Shinsou looks good, no he looks like any other guy in class just normal, nothing compared to girls. Because liking girls is normal, 'if you like guys you're a disappointment Denki, remember that.' It's his Mom this time, echoing in his head. She's better than Dad, she loves Denki but she believes and does anything his Dad says, like a doll.

His body doesn't feel like it's on fire anymore, the ache is still there. He won't be able to stay standing much longer and Tokoyami probably wants to get up, even if it's only been a few seconds. They feel like hours.

He lets Tokoyami up and helps with the rope, "Kaminari you are a worthy opponent of combat, I hope we can have a fulfilling rematch soon." His bird-like features turn to Denki and he nods before going to the stands.

Denki follows close behind and watches Aizawa tell Tokoyami to go to recovery girl so she can look over dark shadow, he may have gone a little overboard with light. Aizawa then goes over to him, "That was impressive Kaminari, but I need to know if you're in pain. With a large attack like that, you should be in wey mode." 'He probably doesn't really care Denki, it's just his job to keep you safe.' His thoughts supply, plus recovery girl should focus on Tokoyami, not a dumb-dumb.

"I'm all cool!" Besides the aching pain and numb hands that is. "Just a little tired." He sends Aizawa finger guns and the older man just sighs, pinching his nose.

"Alright but if anything strange happens tell me. Go sit near Shinsou I think Mina is trying to befriend him and it's annoying him." It's fun to see Aizawa's caring father side, it's different than his caring teacher vibe.


Aizawa's pov

Kaminari just pulled off something amazing but concerning. Aizawa's done the math, Kaminari shouldn't be able to overcome his wey mode until a few more months of training. Aizawa was even going to bring an electricity hero in to help train him one on one, Kaminari always does better that way. But maybe he's worrying for nothing it could just be a fluke. Kaminari said he was fine but keeping a close eye on him won't hurt.

Ashido seems to think that she can become Hitoshi's friend by showing him memes. She's been showing them to him every few minutes. Aizawa has told her to put her phone away but she is very good at keeping it hidden and if he can't see it he can confiscate it, even if it would save his son the trouble of ignoring her. Aizawa is always around loud people he knows how annoying it is but on the other hand, maybe these loud kids can get Hitoshi out of his shell a little.

Hitoshi has always been quiet, as expected from a kid who was muzzled and told to not speak in the places he was supposed to be safe. When he was first adopted by Aizawa and Hizashi he didn't speak at all, they had him sign or use a little notebook to talk. He did start to speak a little after the first 4 months but he never asked questions. But with their encouragement, he started to get better at talking and asking for things, now when he's with people he trusts he talks well. Strangers though, it's not as easy.

It almost felt good to see Hitoshi use his quirk on Bakugou to shut him up. It means he is comfortable using his quirk in the hero course because all the students do. Hitoshi won't stick out for using a quirk in a hero class.

Hopefully, he can feel comfortable around all of class 1-a.


Sorry, this is so late! I have been super busy with family things and my brother's birthday is on the 22d so I've been helping plan the party. This chapter is longer than usual. Hopefully, you forgive me haha, here have a cat.-Vibe

He is a gentleman

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He is a gentleman.

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