Something New (Age of Ultron 2015)

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Steve, the Maximoff Twins, Y/N, and their newest addition Carol, are currently flying a plane they "borrowed" back to New York. Although Carol can fly their and it is much faster, Y/N has asked her to stay and keep him company, so she accepted. While Steve is currently piloting, with Carol giving him some instructions should he not know what to do, Wanda and Pietro are sitting with Y/N, talking about their recent defect from Ultron.

"Do you realize it now? What I've been telling you this whole time?" Y/N asks them, and their heads are lowered in shame.

"You were right. When I looked into it's head, I could only see Earth's annihilation. We thought we were fighting for the right side, but we have been wrong this entire time." Wanda says, while Pietro places a comforting hand on his twin sister.

"At least you realized this. But seeing as you're now working with the Avengers, how about you two come and join us for real, after all this is over of course." Y/N offers to them.

"But we've been making your missions a lot harder than they need to be. We've fought alongside Ultron." Pietro tries to convince him not to offer them, but Y/N doesn't look so convinced.

"Just because you fought for the wrong side doesn't mean the right one will be closed to you forever. Both ways will be open to you for however long you take to choose them. Besides, we can protect you. HYDRA won't recapture you when they try to brainwash your and use you to further their goals." Y/N says, but before either one of them can respond, Steve calls to them.

"We'll be arriving to New York shortly. Get ready." He tells them, and they start doing so.

(Half an hour later)

While the five of them are immediately rushing back to Avengers Tower, Tony and Bruce are currently trying to upload J.A.R.V.I.S's matrix into the body that is inside the cradle. The latter is the one leading the process while Tony just follows along.

"This framework is not compatible." Tony says, working on one of the monitors.

"The genetic coding tower's at ninety-seven percent. You have got to upload that schematic in the next three minutes." Bruce responds, and just as they are nearly finished with uploading J.A.R.V.I.S, Steve and the others enter the lab and see what they're currently doing.

"I'm gonna say this once." Steve warns them both.

"How about "nonce"?" Tony replies humorously.

"Shut it down!"

"Nope, not gonna happen." Seeing as they're not budging an inch, Y/N tries to persuade them.

"Tony, Bruce. You can't do it. If you do what I think you are doing, you'll just be playing into Ultron's hands!" Y/N raises his voice, but they're still not convinced.

"We don't know that. Besides, she's not in your head, is she?" Bruce fires back as he points his folded glasses at Wanda.

"I know you're angry."

"Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade." Bruce threatens her, but Y/N merely stomps his foot, denting the floor boards and cracking the glass panels along with it.

"Bruce, Tony. Don't do it. You have to shut it off." Y/N warns them one final time, but still can't make them budge.

"We have a shot at defeating Ultron, and this is that chance!" Tony says, gesturing to the cradle.

"And what if Ultron takes control of J.A.R.V.I.S once he's been uploaded into the body!? He could possibly control him for fuck's sake!" Y/N's anger starts to slowly spiral out of control, and it is starting to scare everyone in the room. "If this once chance at victory becomes our own downfall, then who will the world have to blame!? YOU AND BRUCE! BECAUSE YOU TWO CAN'T SEEM TO GET IT INTO YOUR THICK-" Pietro, not wanting to hear anymore arguments decides to take matters into his own hands. He zooms around the lab, unplugging and disabling everything he comes across.

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