Trial and Error, Getting The Team Back Together(Avengers: Endgame 2019)

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"Okay here we go, time travel test number one." Bruce Banner says as he and Y/N start fiddling with a console as it's hooked up to a brown van, which has a Quantum tunnel built at the back of it. The same van that Scott came out of after five hours of being in the Quantum Realm. Speaking of Scott, he's currently in a modified suit.

"Alright Scott, fire up the Quantum Tunnel." Y/N tells him, who walks over to the back of the van and opens doors, and the machine starts to whir up and charges up. As that's happening, Steve walks towards them and informs them of the job he was doing for the test.

"The breakers are set, emergency generators are on standby." The Super-Soldier informs them as he stands beside the two scientists and Nat, who is looking through her data pad.

"Good, because if we blow the grid, I don't wanna lose...uh, Tiny here in the 1950s." Bruce says pessimistically, causing Scott to stop what he's doing and look up at him with slight fear.

"He's kidding, you can't say things like that." Nat says with a smile, tapping away at her data pad as she looks to Bruce, who says that it was just a bad joke, while Y/N continues to work on the console.

"He's not joking actually, we're just taking necessary precautions, Scott. You being here helps our chances of brining everyone back." Y/N says, causing the tester to look at the metal-armed man with shock, along with Nat, Bruce, and Steve, causing the youngest among them to shrug his shoulders before they decide to just get back to work and forget about that.

"Did you have to drop the truth bomb on him like that, Y/N?" Nat says in a motherly tone, looking at him as he continues to type away at the console. 

"Time travel is an iffy subject, anything and everything can go wrong. But it's the only chance we got for this." Y/N responds to her before he looks up to Scott and nods to him, signaling the green light on the first test ever as he puts on the helmet to complete the suit.

"Alright, Scott, we're going to send you back a week, let you walk around for an hour and bring you back in ten seconds, make sense?" Bruce asks to make sure that he knows the plan, and Scot just waves it off.

"Definitely not confusing." He responds to the Gamma scientist.

"Don't worry, Scott. Just walk around the place, take your time there and we'll bring you back. Good luck." Y/N reassures him as he looks at him with hope in his eyes, without him, they'd all still be grim about the loss of so many lives in the universe.

"You got this, Scott." Steve motivates to him, who gives him a wide smile of confidence.

"You're right, I do, Captain America." He says for one last time before he is sent into the Quantum Realm, with the four of them waiting the ten seconds to bring him back into the present. While they do so, Y/N starts to flip on switches and plug wires into the correct jacks.

"Bringing Scott back in three, two, one." Y/N counts down before pressing a button, causing him to come back, but not in the same way he was previously.

"Uh...guys, this-this doesn't feel right." A teenage version of Scott says to them as he looks at himself, the suit being a little big on him, while Scott and Natasha look with confusion and Y/N and Bruce start to flip on more switches to try and fix the issue.

"What's going on?" Steve asks in confusion at the somewhat new face that came out of the tunnel.

"Who is that, is that Scott?" Nat asks to Bruce and Y/N, but the teenager quickly responds that it is definitely him before being sent back into the tunnel to be brought back and hopefully in the same condition and age as he was before. Unfortunately, as soon as he comes out...

"Ooh! My back!" An elderly Scott says as he hunches over a little from the pain of old age, all the while Y/N and Bruce are doing all that they can to try and fix the issue.

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