One Last Mission(Avengers: Endgame 2019)

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The time has come, the last mission to end it all. The plan may sound simple, but considering the amount of Pym Particles that are distributed amongst the team, there's only one shot of getting the stones, and only one chance. Considering this, they had to plan it all meticulously, so much so that it has taken them days, weeks even to come up with a plan to retrieve all of the Infinity Stones. 

(The start of the planning)

"Okay, so the how works, now we need to know the when and where." Steve starts off the meeting, looking at everyone who is on this mission, each singular Infinity Stone on six monitors along with information regarding their history across the universe. The Time Stone, held in the Eye of Agamotto and passed down from Sorcerer Supreme to Sorcerer Supreme with Doctor Strange being the last to wield it. The Reality Stone, held in the Aether, a relic of the Dark Elves that the Asgardians once fought, long before Thor was ever born, even Odin for that matter before being recently uncovered by Jane Foster, an ex lover of Thor. The Mind Stone, held in the Scepter of Loki and it's power used to experiment on the twins, Wanda and Pietro. The Space Stone, held in the Tesseract and used in World War 2 as a means to power weapons of mass destruction and used during the invasion of New York. The Power Stone, kept in an orb but used by powerful beings all across the galaxy to boost their capabilities. And the Souls Stone, kept on Vormir...

"Almost everyone in this room has had an encounter with at least one of the Six Infinity Stones." Steve informs the group before Tony gives his input on the matter.

"Or substitute had an encounter with "damn near killed by" one of the six Infinity Stones." Tony comments, with Scott being the only person to have not had an encounter with ANY stone.

"I haven't." He speaks up. "And I don't even know what the hell you're all talking about." 

"Regardless, we only have enough Pym Particles for one round trip each, and these stones have been in a lot of different places in history." Bruce explains.

"Our history, however there aren't that many crucial events that could allow us to retrieve the stones without arousing suspicion or even fucking up timelines entirely." Y/N comments as he's looking at each of the stones, specifically the Space Stone, on the monitors in deep thought while Carol also looks at the Space Stone, having encountered it way back when Nick still had both eyes.

"Which means we have to pick our targets." Clint pipes up, causing Y/N to snap his fingers and point to the Ronin, gesturing that that's what they need to do in order to succeed.

(Reality Stone)

"So, let's start with the Aether. Thor, what do you know?" Steve says, turning to Thor along with everyone else, only to see that he's unresponsive, sitting on a sofa, beer in hand, hand partially in his pants, and sunglasses covering his eyes.

 Thor, what do you know?" Steve says, turning to Thor along with everyone else, only to see that he's unresponsive, sitting on a sofa, beer in hand, hand partially in his pants, and sunglasses covering his eyes

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"Is he asleep?" Natasha asks after they don't get a response from him for a few seconds.

"Nah, I'm pretty sure he's dead." Rhodey comments on the god that has fallen from grace. Seeing this, Y/N sighs before he gives him a light touch with his foot, causing Thor to quickly startle awake, needing to give a discussion on the Aether and where they can retrieve it in the past.

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