The Aftermath of Calamity(Avengers: Endgame 2019)

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(22 Days Later)

The universe is in disarray, Thanos had won, half of life gone by the snap of his fingers. It is truly a chaotic conclusion to a battle, and currently, Nebula, Tony Stark, and Y/N L/N are all in the Benatar, slowly drifting in space after the fuel has run dry about a few days before. Currently, both Nebula and Tony are playing table-top football while Y/N tallies their points on a whiteboard by using his mouth to hold the marker, watching their game unfold. As Tony lines up the folded triangle on the table and readies for the flick, Nebula makes a goal post with her pointer fingers touching one another and her thumbs pointing upwards. Then, Tony flicks the triangle, but on instinct, Nebula growls, trying to grab the triangle, eliciting a reaction from Tony and Y/N.

"Oh! You don't need to do that." Tony points out to Nebula, while Y/N tries his best not to laugh out loud seeing as Nebula has been trained to be a weapon for her ex-father, so she doesn't know much about games in general. "Because, uh, you're just holding the position." He continues to explain, holding up the same hand position as Nebula did, allowing her to have her turn to flick the triangle, which she does with some growls, but she does manage to score one, allowing Y/N to mark one on the whiteboard, making the score 1:1. A few minutes pass by as they continue playing before Nebula manages to score one more goal, ending the game in her favor.

"And the game goes to, Nebula." Y/N announces, tallying up the score to 10:7 in her favor before spitting out the marker in his mouth.

"Good sport. Have fun?" Tony asks, holding up his hand to her for a shake, which causes Nebula to study his hand confusingly before grasping it, reciprocating the shake.

"It was fun." She points out before the slightly happiness in the Benatar reverts back to grief and silence as Y/N puts the whiteboard clean and heads towards the bridge, looking out at the colorful view that is outer space, hoping to whatever deity is out there that someone, anyone can come save them from this predicament. Tony follows shortly, holding up his broken Iron Man helmet and sets it down on the floor as he sits in front of it, pressing a button on the inside of it. A light blinks shortly after, his helmet is recording like a video camera.

"This thing on? Hey, Ms. Potts.Pep. If you find this recording,don't post it on social media.It's going to be a real tearjerker." Tony starts off as he speaks to the helmet, leaning back to reveal his skinny and haggard self. "I don't know if you're ever goingto see these. I don't even know ifyou're still...God, I hope so.Today's day twenty-one, no..." He explains before pausing, trying to double check how many days it's been since they've been adrift in space.

"Twenty-two, Tony." Y/N pipes up off screen.

"Yup, twenty-two, thanks kid." He says, pointing to the armless man, who goes back to looking back out at space.

"You know, if it wasn't for theexistential terror of staring intothe literal void of space, I'd sayI'm feeling a little better today.Infection's run its course, thanksto the Blue Meanie back there.You'd like her. She's verypractical. And only a tiny bitsadistic." Tony recalls during their first few days in the Benatar where Nebula is seen sealing his stab wound shut with a high powered laser as Y/N is seen walking back and forth in worry.

"The fuel cells were cracked duringbattle, but we figured out a way toreverse the ion charge. Boughtourselves about 48 hours of flighttime. Problem is that wasabout...49 hours ago." He continues before the scene changes to where Tony and Nebula are trying their best to fix the fuel cells as Y/N wobbles towards them, numerous tools on his back like a delivery mule, but unfortunately, he falls to the ground, the tools scattered all over the place.

"Which means, we're dead in thewater. A thousand light years fromthe nearest 7-11. Most of the quote-unquote 'food'and potable water ran out two weeksago. Oxygen will run out tomorrow morning, and...that'll be it." The scene then cuts to Tony opening up a bag of "rations" and offering some food to Nebula, who silently pushes the bag towards him, seeing as he is human and needs it more than she or Y/N does, and speaking of him, he is seen sitting down on one of the chairs in the bridge as Nebula and Tony are seated together and eat.

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