Change is Coming (Age of Ultron 2015)

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As Mantra Wrath and the giant Ultron bot are going toe-to-toe with one another, the rest of the Avengers, excluding the Hulk, are just about to finish evacuating the civilians into the lifeboats, and just as they're about done, Natasha decides that it's time to give the green monster his lullaby.

"Hey, big guy. Sun's getting real low." She slowly moves in closer to work her magic on him, and while that's happening, Clint sees a woman crying out to what he assumes is her child.

"Costel? We were in the market. Costel?!" Upon realizing this, the archer gets off the boat to fine the lost child. With Wrath, he gets backhanded by the Ultron bot, after dealing a significant amount of damage towards it, into multiple buildings and ends up lying on a couch inside one of the houses.

"Ok...not how that was supposed to go, but I'm ready to go again. ANOTHER ROUND TIN-HEAD!" He immediately soars through the air and decks the robot with a devastating left punch aided by the power of 1000 fists. The robot descends onto it's back from the force of the punch, causing a tremor on the floating rock. Wrath then roars at it before going in for another punch but gets distracted by machine gun fire. He turns to the cause and finds that Ultron as commandeered the quinjet and is firing the guns right at him. This causes Wrath to try and shake Ultron off his tail by flying through the city while the machine gun is still tracking him. However, the gunfire intercepts Natasha from calming the Hulk down.

"I got no strings, so I have fun. I'm not tied up to anyone." Ultron sings the song from Pinocchio while continuously firing upon Wrath. Suddenly, the latter finds that Barton is still saving the young boy.

"Clint! Get out of the way!" Said person looks up to find Wrath being chased down, but the archer finds that there is no cover to go around. There is no other option for him other than to sacrifice himself to save the kid in his arms. He turns his back to the quinjet, closing his eyes as he does so, with the thought of his kids, his wife, and their unborn child. But his death never came, and as he opens his eyes, he finds that Pietro has pushed a toppled car towards them as cover. Clint looks in shock at what happened, but what's even more shocking is that the Maximoff is still alive with not a single speck of blood on him. The two Avengers turn to towards Wrath, who manages to block the bullets from ever reaching Pietro, but in doing so, he receives many bullet holes and scratches on his body, blood dripping down his skin.

"You owe me, Maximoff..." After saying these words, Wrath collapses onto a knee, but immediately gets smacked away by the Ultron bot. Luckily, Pietro manages to get Clint and the boy back to the lifeboat as they look back at Wrath, worrying about his current state.

With Wanda, upon feeling that her brother was so close to meeting death, she feels as if her heart has been ripped out of her chest and then put back inside. She falls to her knees with relief after destroying the remaining robots that haven't mended to form the larger Ultron bot. With Natasha and Hulk, whom the latter carries the redheaded assassin onto the helicarrier before going back onto the island and helping his friend finish the fight. The green monster finds the youngest Avenger lying in a crater, still breathing, but with his eyes closed. Upon seeing the condition of him, Hulk raises him onto his knees, which disrupts Wrath from his unconscious state.

"H-Hulk...hey buddy...I-I still gotta destroy that big robot. Wanna help me up...?" He says before the Hulk nods, helping his friend up to his feet and leaping towards the quinjet that Ultron is flying in.

"Oh, for God's sake!" Ultron exclaims before his flung out of the jet and falls back to the floating rock. Wrath sees this and smirks before he slowly walks back to the Ultron bot that has just knocked out Thor after the God of Thunder struck it with lightning, and he lands just a few feet ahead of Wrath. He pulls his teammate to a safe distance as Steve carries him back to the lifeboat.

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