Special 1. Eleysan

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   What people call Earth is a vast continent, surrounded by sea from all sides. No one has ever crossed it and it is unknown if this is the only dry land on the planet or there are other continents. 

   Since the fastest means of transport is a sky diver, the measure of distance is a 'dive' which is how far a flying ship can go at its full speed for three hours. One dive equals approximately to 1000 kilometers. Four dives would be necessary to go from the most northern to the most southern point of the continent which makes it the size of Australia.

   The continent is inhabited by many tribes, each having their sovereign territory and culture. They are all divided in two zones of control. The northern tribes are vassals of King Dorth The First. There are four of them - the mountain tribe, the sea people, the farmers and the keepers. The southerners have sworn allegiance to King Unufrail. They are more than a hundred small groups, but act as one in times of danger.  

    The territory, controlled by King Dorth is named Eleysan after the capital, a vast city on the sea shore where the castle and the army headquarters are situated. It is a rich kingdom, also known as 'The God's garden', due to its beautiful scenery, high mountains, followed by fertile flood plains, deep rivers and lush forests.

   The climate in Eleysan is temperate, changing to subtropical as we approach the center of the continent, where The Great Desert lies.

   The mountain tribe people are hunters, rough and fearless. They live in the thick forests of The Green Mountain.

   This is the only place on the continent where death bats live

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   This is the only place on the continent where death bats live. This animal is impossible to capture and very dangerous to encounter by accident. Only one case is known a newly hatched one to have been caught, just because of the death of the mother, killed by another bat. It became a pet of the young prince Dey, but was taken by the king when fully grown. Harda returned to his initial owner by his own will, ten years later, after the attempt of the king to kill his own son. The animal has six legs, thick, black fur, four feathered wings and six red eyes and is big enough to carry two grown men in flight. It's vicious, but extremely loyal.

 It's vicious, but extremely loyal

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   The sea people are mainly fishermen and live mostly around the capital, along the coast. They are peaceful and avoid contact with the other tribes.

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