Special 3. The Legend

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   Hundreds of tribes thrive on the Continent, each with its own history, customs and beliefs. However, one legend is repeated everywhere, being the basis of all their tales.

   The legend says that long ago, before chroniclers began to record important historical events and even before the two kingdoms existed, the dry land was much more extensive. It was surrounded by a shallow, warm sea, streaked with coral reefs. 

   It was teeming with wildlife, from the colorful fish which lived amongst the corals to the big octopuses, sharks and eels that hunted them in the beautiful underwater gardens

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   It was teeming with wildlife, from the colorful fish which lived amongst the corals to the big octopuses, sharks and eels that hunted them in the beautiful underwater gardens. This rich variety earned it the name The Sea of Life.

   Wide, long, land bridges, winding among numerous atolls, connected The Continent with many other landmasses, either smaller continents or broad islands, like a giant net

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   Wide, long, land bridges, winding among numerous atolls, connected The Continent with many other landmasses, either smaller continents or broad islands, like a giant net.

   Wide, long, land bridges, winding among numerous atolls, connected The Continent with many other landmasses, either smaller continents or broad islands, like a giant net

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   People used them to move freely, choosing a place to live, trading and exploring this world of thousands of opportunities. These were prosperous times for everyone. All tribes lived in harmony. The cities were big and beautiful. Crafts and art flourished. Farmers had the richest harvest.

 Farmers had the richest harvest

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