55. Connection (Sai)

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   I am worried sick. This is crazy. How can I stay here when the love of my life is two, maybe three hundred feet deep under water and probably facing a monster? I clench my fists and straighten my posture. Sitting cross-legged on the creaking boards, near the water and chanting mantras of an old, nerve calming technique, does not help at all. I am on pins and needles. The only reason I agreed to this madness, was the new prophecy. It implied that our child would be in danger if I face the beast. Now my sanity is at stake. 

    It is not even a child yet, just a tiny, precious, glimmering spark of light, hidden safely under Dey's heart, but to us, it is already the most important thing in the whole world. I can imagine our baby's big, brown eyes. I see the wind waving locks of long, raven hair and hear the sweetest laughter. Our little treasure will be no doubt brave and reckless, but shall also posses the noblest soul, just like my spouse. Dey will be the best father ever, better than me or anyone else. He will love us endlessly, protect us, and make sure that we are always happy... if he comes back.

    An unexpected sob escapes my lips, but I quickly brace myself and hold my head high, focusing my gaze back on the unmoving ropes, praying for the slightest twitch or quiver to show that someone down there is still alive. It has been more than an hour since I created the air bubbles and Dey, Tar and Mostal disappeared in the sapphire void. I shouldn't have left them on their own, to fend for themselves in uncharted waters. God knows what is happening in the dark caves at this very moment. Dey may be fighting for his life.

   "What kind of husband am I?" I groan, jumping to my feet. "What kind of father? I can't take this anymore. I'm going in."

   "The best one, Sola," Arxia utters quietly next to me. "How many people do you think would be strong enough to tame a force like yours and resist their own raging fury? Who would be able to do exactly the opposite of what their nature urges them? You took a great risk letting prince Dai Danail go alone. You did it only to keep your loved ones safe. I know you are suffering, but bear with it a little longer. I sense no trouble. Stay calm."

   "I can't," I sigh, approaching the platform's edge. "That's more than I can handle."

   I quickly take off my boots and sit, dipping my feet in the freezing water. The contrast with the searing heat of the desert is so sharp that my whole body shudders.

   "My Lord," The First says warningly. "Don't do this. Never lose faith in your prince and our friends. The fear of loss is dangerous. Don't give in. Fight it."

   "I need to know what's going on," I growl. "I'm loosing my mind, Uyani. I need to know they are alright."

   "Moon Ray!" The voice is muffled and barely audible. 

   My eyes go wide. I look around feverishly, but nothing has changed. Arx and Uyani show no signs of hearing anything. The soldiers are ready to propel the reels, but the ropes remain hopelessly motionless. Am I hallucinating?

   "It's amazing, Sai. I wish you could see this with your own eyes." This time I have no doubt it's Dey. He sounds exuberant and amazed. 

   "Dey is talking to me," I scream excitedly. "It's faint, but I still hear his voice clearly."

   "The water," Uyani exclaims. "It serves as a link between you. Immerse yourself completely."

   I don't wait for another invitation and immediately slide into the cold lake without bothering to get rid of my clothes. I take a deep breath and make sure that my head is fully under water.

   "Where are you? Is everyone safe?" I pronounce the words in my mind as distinctly as I can. 

   It doesn't take long before I get an answer and hear Dey's warm laughter. "You were going to dive to look for us, weren't you? Sneaky butterfly. Hahaha! The moment you touched the water I felt your presence and knew you could hear my thoughts. Stay where you are, Moon Ray. And stop worrying. We're just fine."

   "What do you see?" I ask curiously, already more relaxed.

   "It's a whole new world here. You won't believe it." Dey's voice reveals his great amazement. "There are thousands of air diamonds. The deeper we swim, the more we find. The caves are literally composed of them. It's an endless labyrinth, made of precious stones. We can build a whole fleet and it will hardly be noticeable that we have taken some."

   "What about the monster?" I interrupt him impatiently.

   "It's teaming with life in the caves," Dey says. "Unbelievable creatures, all kind of shapes and sizes, beautiful, as if from another world. Many are transparent, but others are brightly colored. Some are as big as a death bat, but there are animals smaller than a fly as well. None of them shows any signs of aggression. They don't seem to be afraid of us either. I guess, they've never encountered a human before."

   "Listen Dey, everything you're telling me is astonishing, but you better head back," I insist. "I think, the air bubbles can work for a couple of hours more, but there's no need to risk. We proved our theory and need to start planning the gemstone mining. Swim back to the ropes and we'll pull you up to the surface. You all must be exhausted by now."

   "Ohh, that won't be so easy," Dey chuckles. "Mos has found a smack of huge, quite playful, jellyfish-like creatures. They are now performing some kind of a weird dance together. It's actually quite impressive. I don't think the prinx will be willing to go so soon."

   "Tell them, I'll kick their ass, if they don't leave right away," I grumble. Dey's giggle warms my heart, but I say firmly, "Let's not push our luck. Please, head back!"

   "Wow! Wait a minute! What the hell is this?" Dey suddenly gasps. The blood freezes in my veins. "We thought it was an enormous, strange rock on the cave floor, all covered in algae and many weird smooth plates which we took for mussels. It started to move. Sai, it appears to be the back of a huge animal."

   "Get out of there! Immediately!" I shout, but there's no answer. My heart shrinks. The silence is terrifying. "Dey! Please, say something! What is happening?"

   "Shh! Quiet, Moon Ray! Your voice somehow awakened it. I thought, I could hear it only in my head, but the creature reacts when you raise it. It seems the water connects us all," Dey whispers. "It is an incredible beast, slow and calm. We need to be silent. Don't be afraid. I think the monster likes me. Trust me."


Illustration 114239577 © Grandfailure | Dreamstime.com


Hello at the end of chapter 54!

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Do you think Dey, Tar and Mostal are in great danger or the monster is friendly?

Did Sai make a mistake not being patient enough and connecting to Dey, but also to the beast?

What kind of animal it is?

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Love: Anny  

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