Chapter 3

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"Don't move princess. Daddy will please you."

"We won lottery. We got a virgin."

"You fucking innocent prude. We will all get to enjoy your pussy like a feast after this."

My eyes wide open. My body trembled and I heard the loud beeping sound. People rush inside the room and I heard women's voice. A lot of them. "Patient is up. Check her BP and get her sedate." One of the nurse said. "Report me her status." I heard the lady. Everything else becomes blurry to me. "Hold on, dearest. We got you." The lady said as she hold my hand and I finally felt my body relax against the mattress.

"We will come back again to check on you." The lady speaks gently and she leaves the room. My body hurts everywhere especially on my bottom part of my body. I can't move after the lady sedate me with god knows what. My eyes begin to feel tired and darkness welcome me. In this darkness, I keep seeing the face of the angel that saved me. I just wish I have the chance to meet him once again and thank him for saving me.

One Year later
"Next, Congratulation to Lee Sun Hee for completing her Bachelor in English literature." The sound of my classmates cheering for me give me courage to brace myself and walk confidently with my limping leg up the stage to receive my certificate. "Congratulations, Sun Hee ah. I am so proud of you." Mrs Rin said as she hugs me and rub my back gently.

It has been a year ever since the tragic nightmare happened and I don't wish to recall it. The only thing that was left from the nightmare was me being limp due to a broken bone on my right leg. I decided to move on in life and get myself going. After what happened, Hyun Ri becomes my best friend or more like a sister to me. She helped me went through my darkest time. Through out the entire time I was away from school, she was the one that have been sending the notes to me and even went through revision together with me. I've been told that Hyun Ri almost become suicidal as she felt that she's the one to blame upon what had happened to me. However, she came to realization that killing herself won't change anything.

"Sun Heeeeeeeee.." Hyun Ri run towards me and hug me tightly. "You did it my friend. We did it. We've graduated." She said proudly as she hugs me again. "Lets celebrate tonight. How about we have our dinner at your favorite korean bbq restaurant? My treat." She suggested and I smile widely. "Sure. I'm going to make sure you treat me the best meat they have in the restaurant." I teased her and Hyun Ri just laughed and agreed. Our graduation ceremony ended with a lot of photo taking sessions. Laughter and tears of joy.

"Have you girls find a place to move in?" I asked suddenly thinking about adult life now. "Oh come on, Sun Hee, don't ruin the fun. Can we think about that later?" Hana said as she flick my forehead. "Lets get ready for dinner. We can drink all night long." She added before I noticed Hyun Ri kick her leg. "Lets not drink tonight. I mean no alcoholic bevarages." Hyun Ri said as she then give me a sympathy look. "It's alright. You girls can go ahead and drink. I don't mind." I said as Hana stick out her tongue at Hyun Ri. "You're the best." Hana hug me and I let out a soft smile.

Once we arrived at the restaurant, we get in the line and patiently wait for our turn. Well I can say that I'm the only patient one here. Hana and Hyun Ri been complaining about the queue. "I thought you made a reservation?" Hana asked Hyun Ri. "I did not." And they both begin to argue. I watched them argue and find it entertaining. "Girls, relax." I said and when I was about to continue, the lady approached us. "Is Miss Lee Sun Hee here?" The lady asked and I look at her. "That's me." I replied. "A table of three has been reserved for you and your friends. Please follow me in." She said as she lead us in. "Did you made reservation?" Hana asked and I shake my head. "No. Did you girls?" I asked the same question. "No idiot! We've been arguing about it for the past three minutes." Great they realized it.

The lady lead us to a private room with the whole table filled with food. "Here's your choice of drinks. You can choose any of it from here." The lady hand me a menu and I look at it. All those expensive wines.. "erm it's too expensive." I said and the lady just smiled. "It has been paid. In fact all of these has been paid for you." I raise my brows. "Are you secretly dating millionaire, Sun Hee?" Hyun Ri asked and I shake my head. "I won't be here if I'm dating one." I replied. "Oh maybe you have a secret admirer." Hana added and I rolled my eyes. "Just give us your best wine." Hyun Ri hand the menu back to the lady. "If you need anything, let us know." The lady speak to me and I nod.

"What just happened? I'm totally lost right now." I said before looking around. "Hey don't worry. Maybe it's from your mother as a surprise." Hana said and I give her a slight smile. They begin to dig in while my mind is still in a mess. "Sun Hee! Open wide!" Hana stuffed the bulgogi inside my mouth followed by a lettuce wrap. "Stop thinking! And eat." I munched on the food slowly. I shake my head and get over it. We begin to eat and laugh. Even Hyun Ri brought her camera along and snap a lot of photographs to be part of memories. Now they're both drunk. I sat there in silence and watch them getting drunk. Laughing all the way non stop.

The same lady from earlier came to our table and the girls stop laughing. "Miss Sun Hee, you've a special gift for your graduation. Congratulations." She hand me a huge bouquet of roses and a black velvet box. Both of the girls squeals loudly. "Omo! A gift for our dearest girl? Who is it frommmmmm???" Hana slurs. "Who is it from?" I asked the lady. "I have no idea. I was instructed to give it to you." With that she left. I saw a card and took it out and read it.

"Dearest angel,
Congratulations on your graduation. I'm proud of you. Please accept this graduation gift from me and we shall meet again, soon.
Real soon."


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