Chapter 28

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"Are you okay?" Jimin asked Sun Hee as soon he got onto the driver's seat and put on the seatbelt. "I'm nervous." That was her only reply. "Don't be. Trust me, you'll be safe." He smiles before he starts to drive to the restaurant. As soon they arrives and Jimin turn off the car engine, he noticed that Sun Hee is looking out the window where there were a group of gentlemen in suit, smoking at the area. "Sun Hee, it is going to be alright." Jimin hold her hand before he turn to look at Sonara who is frowning as she look out the window. She probably sees something that we all couldn't.

"Sonara, hand me the paperbag." The girl bend down and get the paper bag, handing it over to Jimin. He put on black gloves and then pull out a long black coat. "Wear this. Put on the hood if you must. That way you don't have to look at those people." He said and Sun Hee took it. She wore the coat that is long enough to reach her ankle and put on the hood over her head, giving her limited sight. Jimin got out of the car and open the door for Sun Hee while Sonara already gotten out and look at her brother. They walked over to the restaurant and Sun Hee only look down while Jimin hold her hand. "Good evening. Any reservation?" The lady at the front counter asked. Her eyes wonder at Jimin's feature and the way she speaks, both Sonara and Sun Hee can tell that she's flirting. While the rest of the customers that are in line is looking at Sun Hee's figure. "Reservation under the name Park Jimin. The owner, Mr Dae Woon knows me well."

"Ah right. Mr Dae Woon mentioned about you. Table for three in the private balcony. Please right this way." She lead the three of them to the elevator and tap her card, pressing the P button. "A waitress will be waiting for you." She said before the elevator door closed. Sun Hee is quiet and that is because her other senses heightened since her sight is limited. She could only see the shiny white and gold marbles flooring, Jimin's well polished shoes and Sonara's mary jane shoes. "A potential member." Sonara whispered and Jimin stepped on her leg. "Ouch!" She shrieked. The elevator stops and when the door opened a lady greeted them. "Good evening and welcome back, Mr Park. Your table is ready. Right this way." The waitress lead them to the open air balcony and that moment, they were welcomed by a masculine man, Dae Woon.

"Jimin. It's been awhile. A new one?" He asked and Jimin clenched his jawline. "None of your business Dae Woon." As the three of them settled down, Dae Woon sat next to Sonara who is sitting opposite of Jimin and Sun Hee. "Will it be okay if I order the same meal course for you?" Jimin whispered in Sun Hee's ear and she nods. "Business seems to be going well." Jimin said after he orders the food for the three of them. "Of course and it all thanks to you." Dae Woon replied while his eyes keep on glancing at the woman across him. "Out of curiosity.. who is this lady hiding her own beauty?" Dae Woon asked and Jimin look at the man. "Like I said, none of your business. Speaking of business, your deal with me is almost up. Time flies when you're having fun."

Sun Hee frowned behind the hood. Is this supposed to be a business dinner? Jimin did not mention anything about this and he told her it was only going to be the three of them only. "I'll let you enjoy your dinner. We can talk later." Dae Woon got up and walk behind Jimin. As soon he pass by Sun Hee, he pulled the hood behind, revealing Sun Hee's face. "Let's see this pretty face of yours shall we." Dae Woon forced Sun Hee to look up at him. That immediately cause Jimin to stand up. "Oh shit!" Sonara whispered. Jimin gripped on Dae Woon's throat firmly. "You made the wrong move. From now on, I suggest you watch your back."

Sonara hurried over to Sun Hee and helped her with the hood. "Come on, lets leave." Jimin grab Sun Hee's hand and leave. Sonara stayed behind for awhile and turn to look at Dae Woon. "I suggest you jump down this building rather than getting killed by my brother. Goodnight." She catch up with Jimin and Sun Hee and managed to get in the elevator before the door closed. "Are you alright?" Jimin asked as he noticed Sun Hee's body trembled. He pulled her body close to him and she immediately rest her head on his chest. Once they get into the car, Sun Hee is still shaken from what happened and the trauma from the past haunt her which cause her to sink her fingernails on where Dae Woon touched her and scratch it to the point she bled.

"Sun Hee! Stop." Jimin hold her wrists to stop her. The smell of her blood affected Jimin slightly but he brushed it off. He gently wipe off the blood using his fingers before hugging her tightly as she cries. Jimin look at his fingers that has her blood on it and use the opportunity to lick it. Sonara frowned and Jimin smirks sinisterly. Of course Sonara knows how crazy her brother can be. "Disgusting fuck." Sonara mouth the word to Jimin before she rolled her eyes and look outside the window. "We should go to Jungkook's mansion. Eun Chae is there. She can help you." Sun Hee finally calm down. "You should sit behind with Sonara. She will look after you." Sun Hee went to the back seat with Jimin's help. Sonara told her to close her eyes. The ten years old girl begins to hum an old lullaby tune while Jimin starts to drive. 

As soon they arrived at the mansion and got out of the car, Jimin noticed the red scratch marks that she did on her own skin. He is glad that the witch is at home right now. "Just continue wearing this hood." Jumin told Sun Hee and she didn't reply anything. Sonara is already at the door knocking. Hoseok was the one opened the door. "Jimin? Who is this?" He asked and Jimin ignore him. "Eun Chae! Where is Eun Chae?" Jimin's voice was loud enough to gain everyone's attention.

They were having dinner at the moment and Jimin's voice cause Eun Chae to walk out of the dining room. "Jimin what's wrong? Why are you..." she stopped talking and look at the small figure next to Jimin. "Take her upstairs and treat her wounds." Eun Chae saw something unpleasant along the lady's chin area. "Once you're upstairs, alone with Eun Chae then you can take off the hood." Eun Chae already know who is underneath the hood. As soon they're out of his sight, he walks into the dining room. "Jimin? What is going on?" Jungkook asked and the man just look at the rest as his eyes dilated and turn pitch black. All the members stopped and they look down, not making eye contact with Jimin.

"Anyone in a mood to hunt, torture and kill someone?"

"Anyone in a mood to hunt, torture and kill someone?"

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Boring chapter, I know... Sorry for the late update. I've been a little busy with work. Did you watched PTD live in LA online concert? LIKE HOLY HEAVEN. BOTH MY BIAS AND WRECKER HAS GINGER HAIR COLOR.

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