Chapter 6

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Jimin POV
She has a boyfriend? How come Eun Chae did not fill me up with this information? Quick think of something, Jimin. Something that can get you close to her. "Nice to meet you, Bam bam. I'm Park Jimin, psychiatrist for this patient. Dr Eun Chae told me to come over and check upon her condition due to her still being traumatized by the incident that occurred a year ago. So we still have no idea if she's fine with male visitor." Does that even make sense, Jimin? "Sun Hee is awake?" He has no idea which means he is not in her emergency contact. "Yes but her condition is not stable yet." He seems suspicious of me.

"Dr Park." Eun Chae save my ass right now. "Ah Dr Eun Chae, you're back. Did you get her file?" I pretend to ask, smiling warmly at the witch. "Mhmm. Here you go. I'll go in with you just in case she throws tantrum." I shall thank Yoongi hyung for marrying this witch. "Is it possible for you to give us a moment to talk to her in private?" Eun Chae asked the man named Bam Bam. "Sure doctor." We both enter the room as soon Bam Bam settled down at the waiting area. Sun Hee is asleep and Eun Chae look at me. "What are you planning to do?" She asked. "Nothing. I just want to connect with her." I replied and Eun Chae look at the time. "Not more than five minutes. She is sedated so be quick." She draws the curtain, leaving me and Sun Hee while she waits behind the curtain.

I took the chair and placed it next to Sun Hee's bed. I sat on it and study her facial expression. The frowns tells me that she is not sleeping well. She is still bothered by the incident. "I shouldn't have killed your rapists that night but instead, prisoned them and let you watch as I slowly torture them. But I know you wouldn't like the idea of seeing pain and torture cause you're an angel unlike me. That night when our eyes met, we felt the connection didn't we?" I slowly move my hand and placed it on her palm, holding it gently. "I couldn't forget those beautiful pair of eyes that look at me from the dance floor. But I failed that night. Failed to protect you. To save you from those scums." I placed a gentle kiss on her knuckle before placing it down gently.

"You have to spend more time with her. I think she will be fine with you around. Hearing your voice seems to be making her vitals reading normal." Eun Chae said as she look at the monitor next to the hospital bed. "Time to leave, Jimin. You can come and visit her again tomorrow." Eun Chae said and I frowned. I don't want to leave her but the witch is right. I can come and visit the next day probably when she is up. I grab my coat and leave the ward. That Bam Bam guy who claims to be her boyfriend is still there at the waiting area. "You can go in and visit her." I said and he nods, thanking me before entering the ward.

"You're snooping around." Eun Chae said as she probably noticed that I am looking at Sun Hee's ward. "I am not. Have you end your shift? I can send you home." I offered. "Yoongi is going to take me and the little one out for dinner." She replied with a smile as she leaned against the counter. "I'm done with my shift. Tell Dr Wheein to look after Sun Hee. I've put her name as second doctor for this patient. No male doctors." She signed her report and hand it to the lady at the counter who is checking me out. "Hello.. do you hear what I just said?" Eun Chae snapped and she quickly shift her attention back to Eun Chae. "See you at home." I kiss the witch's cheek before leaving.

I head down to the carpark and make my way to my car. Just as when I was about to unlock the door, I saw Yoongi hyung reflection behind me. "Hyung!" I almost got heart attack. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I'm visiting." That's the truth. "The girl?" He raise his brow. Oh damn me. "Look, I am just visiting her. Eun Chae told me she's up after a long time. So that is why I came down here to visit." He frown and I don't like this. Yoongi does not want me to meet her considering how I saved her and killed those rapists. Unfair much? "Eun Chae huh? Hmm..." and just like that he turn his back behind and leave. Shit I might be in deep trouble. I drive back to my mansion, listening to soft classic music while driving. The song that was playing on my phone got interrupted when Taehyung suddenly called me.

"Can you at least tell me what are you going to do with Hyuna? That bitch is rotting in your basement."
Ah another problem. "Well I'm going to ask the high priestess what we are going to do with her. High chance we might use her for sacrificial ritual. It's going to be an epic one considering how she is the longest one to be kept hostage. Speaking of which, I'm in trouble." I told Taehyung about the incident at the carpark. "What do you mean Yoongi hyung is mad at you?" I switch off the car engine and get out of my car. "He asked me why I was at the hospital and when I told him I was visiting Soo Hee, he just turn his back on me and leave."

Taehyung kept quiet and when I get into my mansion, I switch on the light and head over to the kitchen. "Taehyung?" I am waiting for him to respond. "Oh yeah, sorry. Jimin, I'll call you back." He hang up immediately. Strange.Wait isn't he at my basement? He did called me to ask about Hyuna. I quickly head down to the basement and walk along the dark hallway. I saw a figure standing in front of the door and it's Taehyung. "Tae?" He startled for a moment. I can sense fear coming from him. "You said Yoongi was talking to you right at the hospital parking lot?" He whispered and I nod. "Why are you whispering?" I asked and he slowly unlock the basement door and open it only to reveal Yoongi hyung is kneeling on the ground while...

Feeding on Hyuna's body.

Feeding on Hyuna's body

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