Chapter 16

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Sun Hee POV
"Sun Hee are you ready?" Dr Eun Chae asked as she walks into the ward with a nun standing next to her. Even though everything seems like a rush to me, the doctor had already told me the reason why I'm being move to that church. For a better care of my mental health. I agreed to do so considering how my parents don't even bother to come and visit me nor my friends. Moving away seems like a good start for me. A new beginning. "Yes, I'm ready." I replied as I slowly got off from bed and settle down on the wheelchair. "I'll push her to the car." Dr Eun Chae said as we begin to leave the ward.

To my surprise, the nurses and doctors stands on both side of the hallway and bow their head respectfully as Dr Eun Chae push the wheelchair in a slow speed. "They're giving you respect and we call this as walk of honor. You've been staying with us for a year. Each and every single day, we always keep a look out on you to ensure you recover. We did not succeed fully but seeing you recover day by day, it made us realized that there is always light at the end of dark tunnel." I felt my cheeks moisten by my tears. As soon the sights of the nurses and doctors are away, Dr Eun Chae stopped pushing and move forward, get down on the same level as me and hold my hand.

"You went through alot, Sun Hee. You've showed me how strong you are as a person and I'm proud of you. This is for you." The doctor placed two envelope on my hand. "One from me and the other one... you'll find out as soon you read it. Have a nice life ahead and I hope that we will get to meet each other again, one day." I saw the tears slipped down the doctor's eyes as she wipes it away and got back up on her feet. The nun helped me out as I slowly get into the car. "Thank you, Doctor." I said before she gave me a nod and close the car door as soon as I settled down. As soon as the car drives away, I saw him appearing out of no where and stood next to Dr Eun Chae. That will probably be my last glance of my angel, Jimin.

Jimin POV
"Are you crying?" I asked Eun Chae as she is busy wiping her red teary eyes. "Shut up. I'm going back inside." In just second she is back as that cold witch. I decided to follow her inside. "Thank you for agreeing with my plan." I said as I walk next to her. "I'm doing this for her. Not you. Plus you had the chance to fix her but you let it slip. Why? Because you're scared of Yoongi." Oh she's mad. "I know you're still mad at me for not answering your call or replying your texts. I just don't want to get her involve any further with my life. Hoseok hyung was the one that advice me in the most positive way unlike Yoongi hyung. This is for her own good plus only you are allowed to visit her considering how you're not really part of the cult and also her doctor."  Eun Chae rolled her eyes.

"Whatever idiot. It's your loss by the way. Not mine. Now I have work to do so move along." She gestured me to leave and get into the elevator and close the door without even spare me a glance. I decided to drop by Jungkook's mansion since everyone is gathering there for meet up. As much as I'm not in the mood to work, I have to do so just so I get distracted from my thoughts and not getting haunt by Yoongi himself. "As usual Jimin being fashionably late." Namjoon hyung said as he look at his Rolex watch. I brushed off the comment while they all sit in silence. "He's mad." Taehyung mouthed the word to me and I glance at Yoongi who is playing the piano, Dark Fur Elise by Beethoven. The piece that he always play when he tries to express his anger.

"Now shall we get to business?" Yoongi said as he stopped playing and got up from the chair and sat on top of the desk, in between me and Taehyung. "Lets see, Namjoon why don't you update me about Italy? I miss the great atmosphere in Italy." While Namjoon hyung keep us update about his trip to Italy, I noticed Hoseok hyung gave me a sympathy smile. I probably need that considering how I might get attack by Yoongi hyung after this. "Thank you, Namjoon. Now how about you, Jimin? What have you been up to lately?" I remained silent. "I managed to seal few new contracts. Mainly politicians." I replied as calm as possible.

Yoongi's expression is just stone. He doesn't care about that. I'm sure he wants to hear more than just making deals. "If you want me to update you about Sun Hee, then let me tell you that she's gone. She's been moved to a different place and there's no way I can meet her ever again." Now his eyes dilated. "Great then. In that case you can start killing these people whose contract ended about a month ago." He threw the papers right on face causing it to scatter all over the floor. "This is the reason why I don't allow you to be involve with one pathetic human. You tend to be soft at heart which is totally not your behavior." I bit my tongue to hold back my words. I hate him as the vessel.

"You think you're that great as the devil's vessel huh, hyung?" I begin to speak which makes everyone turn to look at me. I have to do this. To stand up for myself. "You're nothing compare to how Jungkook dealt as the vessel. Bare in mind, hyung. He chose Jungkook to be his vessel but you... you shamelessly wanted to him to remain so that you can continue to be his vessel. That shows how weak you're without the vessel in you." I stood face to face with Yoongi hyung now. One thing about me, I'm a reader and observer. That is my talent and just by looking at Yoongi, I can tell he is not compatible to be the Devil's vessel. I stood real close to Yoongi and look at him from head to toe. "Embrace yourself, hyung...

"Your time as the Devil's vessel will be up real soon."


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