Diaz Family Vacation part 1

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Star's POV

Comet and I were sitting on our chairs while Dad was 'lecturing' us about throne postures and planned lectures. I found it very boring and slumped into my chair. "Of course, very few are aware of the serious matter, so I'll be traveling afar to give an all-day lecture explaining the proper throne posture." I started to pay less and less attention to what he said. "Slouched shoulders are an epidemic among nobility these days. Blah-blah-blah, posture. Blah-blah-blah, back problems..." "So this is what it's like to be bored to death" I whispered to myself. Comet playfully shot me a disapproving look but smiled a little. I was never good at listening to long lectures. "Star!" Mom's voice made me snap back into reality. "Are those dimensional scissors?" I looked at the scissors next to me on the table, standing on its tip. "Uh... N-no, no of course not! Just normal Earth scissors. See?" I assured and quickly cut some paper into a unicorn cutout. That, however, was a bad idea, since I accidentally opened a small portal. A monster's hand reached through the portal. Comet stood up and helped me hid it from our parents. "Good. Because you two are not to leave Earth" Mom reminded us sharply. I laughed nervously, "We would never think of it!" I kicked the monster's arm preventing Mom from seeing it. "Glad to hear it," Dad said and his watch beeped. "I'm sorry. Your mother and I must cut you short. I have lecture things to do." "Oh, him and his lectures." Mom and Dad got up to end the call. "Okay, bye!" Comet and I said in unison. We ended the call and shoved the arm back into the portal as it closed. "Whew" I sighed. Suddenly, Marco opened the door and said "Girls, we're about to celebrate my parent's anniversary. Come on." "Right" Comet picked up a self-drawn picture of the Diazes and us which she had put in a picture frame. "Oh, no! I didn't get them anything!" I noticed sadly. " Don't worry about it. My gift can be from both of us." Marco suggested "Yeah, mine can be from us too" Comet agreed. Marco was already heading out when I insisted "But I wanna give them something just from me, 'cause your parents are actually cool." Marco stared at me blankly like I had said something unthinkable. "Cool?" He slowly closed the door. "Cool..." he repeated. 


Marco and Comet had wrapped up their presents as we stood in front of the sofa, where Marco's parents were sitting. Marco cleared his throat loudly, and the two of them looked at us. "Oh, hello, kids!" Mr. Diaz greeted us. "Happy anniversary, you guys!" Marco cheered, handing over his present. "Happy anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Diaz" Comet, too gave them her present. Mrs. Diaz opened the present of Comet. "Oh, thank you, dear. We'll hang this up right here in the living room, where everyone can see it" she cheered "You have quite a talent for drawing." Comet blushed a little at the compliment "Thank you" she thanked her. Mrs. Diaz proceeded to open Marco's gift, which was two red and light-green fanny packs. "Wow, Marco! More... fanny packs!" she said. "Okay, I know you guys are non-believers..." Marco claimed and lifted his hoodie to reveal his own blue fanny pack "But these are way cooler than last year's." He unzipped the bag and pulled out multiple things from his fanny pack. "They have everything you need, like a dilemma whistle, non-drowsy antihistamine, and a space blanket made for three! So we can all hide under it in an emergency!" Marco unfolded the blanket. I felt even worse seeing how happy they were; Mrs. Diaz's words weren't very helpful. "Oh, you two put so much thought into this. Gifts are such a great way to show how much you really care about someone. I didn't think it was possible to love you more than I do right now." "MmmmmmmmmMMMMM...!" I started to freak out, but then I thought of a great gift for the Diazes. "And I'm giving you a trip to Mewni!" I announced, earning a disapproving look from Marco, a thoughtful and worried expression from Comet, and a lot of excitement from Marco's parents. "We're going to Mewni!" they happily cheered, and we jumped up and down. "Uh, we can use our new fanny packs!" Marco suggested, but they didn't listen to him. "We go now, right?" "Right now?" "I want to go right now" "Can we go right now?!" Mr. and Mrs. Diaz asked happily. "Sure! Let's just pack a few things" I said and the next moment, the Diazes were off packing their necessities. "Star, are you sure this is a good idea?" Marco asked. "If Mom and Dad spot us, we're doomed" Comet agreed. I didn't think about that. "Well, it's too late to say no now" I argued "Besides, Dad is busy with 'lecture things' and Mom almost never leaves the castle. We're good." "I don't know" Comet said worriedly. "Relax Comet. We're just going in and out. Nobody will notice. Please" I said, doing the puppy eye trick. Comet and Marco looked at each other and sighed. Just then, the Diazes came back with their backpacks, cameras, and fanny packs. Comet and I quickly got our wands and the scissors. I opened a portal and said "This way to Mewni!" We walked through the portal and entered my home on the other side. "Welcome to Mewni!"

A/N: Well this time I have some info: I wrote a second book (well, it's more of a notebook really), where I dumped a few of my other ideas for future fanfictions. I'd be happy if you checked it out.  Thank you for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. Have a great day! ^-^

CU, Yvie

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