Lobster Claws part 1

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Star's POV

Here we were again. Me, Comet and Marco were standing in the backyard, fighting off Ludo's army. "Hiyaah!", I screamed, sending another monster into the garden fence with a magic blast. Comet was not far off, defending herself from one of the monsters, while Marco used his karate skills to ward off another one.

I suddenly felt someone grab me from behind, rendering myself defenseless. "Star!", Comet called out in concern. 

"Yes, yes! Now somebody grab the wand! Lobster Claws, you!", Ludo exclaimed. The monster, Lobster Claws, turned to me. "Oh, yeah, I got this! Go, red boy! Go, red boy!", he cheered, making his way to me. "Stop flexing your thorax and get it already!", Ludo screeched, "And the rest of you! Why have you stopped fighting? There is still another half of the wand with the other Butterfly!"

Comet yelped softly, as the other monsters continued to fight her for her wand. As much as I wanted to help her, I had bigger problems right now. Lobster Claws approached me, and grabbed... not my wand?

"Booyah! I got it! I got it!", Lobster Claws laughed, showing off whatever he was holding in his hand. "What the?", Ludo asked bewildered. Comet, Marco, and the other monsters looked over, and gasped.

Lobster Claws looked at what he held in his hand. I now was able to see it was a snipped antler. Bear Deer, the monster holding me, screamed in pain and let go of me. This was my chance.

"Poison Crystal Cupcake Kiss!", I yelled, conjuring up cupcakes. I blasted Ludo with them, knocking him off his flying bat. He groaned as me,  Comet and Marco ended the fight and high-fived each other. "That was fun!", I laughed, "but we gotta go to school." I walked to my backpack, stopping in front of it. "Ooh, you're on my backpack", I told Ludo.

"Here", Ludo said, handing me my backpack. Marco too had gotten his backpack, and Comet was already carrying her messenger bag. "Now for the biggest fight of the day: Math class", I said, and the three of us left for school.


"Earth history is so cool. Ben Franklin blowing up that kite monster with his electric lightning powers? Like, woah", I gushed. "Heh, yeah. That's not what happened ", Marco said. "Then how do you explain that he wasn't struck by lightning?", I asked him. 

We walked back home as Marco explained to me how electricity worked. I was still convinced that Franklin had used some kind of magic.

"Um... Hey guys, look", Comet interrupted Marco, pointing at something in the backyard. It was the monster from that morning. I screamed and ran towards him, pointing my wand threateningly at him. "You want seconds on those cupcakes?!"

Lobster Claws did not respond at all. "Um, this is the part where you fight back", I said. Lobster Claws sobbed and responded with "Blast me! Do it!"

I was taken aback by that. This wasn't anything like monsters should behave. "What happened with him? And where is the rest?", Comet said, looking down at the crying monster. "Um... Are you okay?", Marco asked him, standing next to us.

"Well, uh, the thing is... Master Ludo fired me! I can never show my face on Mewni again!", Lobster Claws let out in  between sobs. "Oh man. He's taking this really hard", Marco said, feeling sympathetic for him. "This is probably just some monster trick", I said. I wasn't going to fall into his trap.

"I don't think he's faking it. We should do something", Marco argued. "Like what?", Comet asked. She too, seemed to be skeptical of the situation. "I don't know. But we can't just leave him like this."

The three of us watched as Lobster Claws was startled by squirrels. He started screaming at the top of his lungs, making Comet flinch slightly at the noise. I glanced at Marco, who looked at the monster in pity. "Monsters are the bad guys", I told him.

"I don't have to be bad. In fact, I've always secretly wanted to be good", Lobster Claws piped in. "Really? Well, maybe we can show you how", Marco offered. I pulled him back by his hoodie. "What? That's crazy! Monsters... are... evil! It's just their nature", I explained. "No, it's not! I can be good", Lobster Claw claimed. 

Me and Comet shared doubtful looks. We grew up in Mewni, and not once had we met a good monster. Mewnian history had shown time and time again that monsters were evil and not to be trusted.

"This'll be... interesting, I guess", Comet said a little unsure.

A/N: And here is part one! I was thinking to have Comet and Star have different opinions about monsters, but since they both grew up in Mewni and probably had the same education, I feel like it would make more sense for Comet to be more conservative too. What do you think?

Thank you for reading this chapter till the end! I wish you a nice day/evening/night! CU <3


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