Part of the Family | richie tozier

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>> gif credit to @/peggywilliams on tumblr <<

fandom | It: Chapter One

pairing | (17) Richie Tozier

requested | Anonymous, @/beepbeeprichtozier on tumblr

warnings | None

word count | 1,165

keys | (Y/n) = Your name, (L/n) = Last name, (M/n) = Mom's name, (D/n) = Dad's name

summary | Could you do something with Richie where they're older and have been dating for a while and he comes over for Christmas and sees that their family has a stocking hung up for him? Idk I just think you could turn that into something cute.


"Beverly, I've already told you! I don't want you buying me anything, and especially not a Polaroid camera! Those things are really expensive." You said as you began to put your books back in your locker. She sighed and leaned on the wall next to you.

"But I know how much you want one (Y/n)! You're my best friend and I've been saving up just to get it for you!" She insisted. You glared at her.

"No Bev. I appreciate it but that's too much money for you to spend on me. Just... Buy me something small and spend the rest on yourself." You replied.

"But that's not why I saved the money! I saved for you, not me!" She said.

"I don't care, Beverly. The last thing I want is-"

You began but were cut off by a gasp that fell from your lips as someone picked you up from behind and spun you around. You could tell just by the feel of his arms that it was your long-term boyfriend, Richie Tozier. He laughed from behind you and set you down, turning you towards him to capture your lips in a sweet kiss.

"Save it for the mistletoe, you two!" Beverly said with a laugh. You pulled away and laughed along with her as Richie just smiled and rolled his eyes.

"I missed you." He said quietly. You scoffed. He had only just seen you maybe an hour ago. Before you could respond, Beverly spoke.

"Well, I'm expected home so I'll see you guys on Christmas, okay?" She asked. You smiled and nodded.

"Yeah. And remember, don't buy me that camera, Beverly!" You shouted. She waved you off simply as she began to walk away. You turned back to Richie and gave him a smile. He returned it and kissed you once again. After pulling away, you placed your hand in his and began to walk out of the school.

"Walk me home?" You asked as your feet hit the snowy ground.

"Why do you ask me that? I walk you home every day." He said with a laugh.

"Just in case you have somewhere to be or something." You replied with a shrug. As you began the small trek to your house he wrapped an arm around you.

"Nothing is more important than making sure the love of my life gets home safely." He commented slyly. You rolled your eyes, despite the flush on your cheek.

"Whatever. Got anything special planned for Christmas?" You asked. He looked forward and thought about it for a second.

"Not really. My mom and dad are going out of town so I've got the pad all to myself." He replied casually. You were so shocked that you stopped walking. He turned towards you and raised his eyebrows.

"You're not serious, right?" You asked, suddenly feeling very different than you had just mere seconds ago.

"Well Yeah, but it's not like it matters. I'll be fine." He replied, yet again, casually.

"Fine? Fine? Richie, spending Christmas alone is not fine. You're supposed to spend it with family! Around the fireplace and exchanging gifts! You can't just... Spend it alone." You said sadly. He smiled.

"Babe, honestly. It's okay." He said. Your eyebrows furrowed.

"Nope. Not gonna happen. You are staying with me this Christmas. When your parents leave, you will come to my house with a bag full of warm clothes that will last you until they get back, every day you will count down the days to Christmas with us, on Christmas Eve you will bake cookies with us, and on Christmas morning you will wake up bright and early to open presents with us. This year, you're going to have a (L/n) Christmas, because I will not let you spend it alone."

"(Y/n), you don't have-"

"No Richie, you're coming and that's final. Now come on, I was supposed to be home five minutes ago."

>> timeskip <<

It was now the 20th of December, and Richie found himself nervously walking down the cold roads to your house. He was more than grateful that your parents had opened their home to him for Christmas, but he had never spent more than an afternoon at your house and he was beyond anxious. At times he wanted to call you and say that his parents had postponed their trip but he knew that would only make you madder if you found out he was lying. Which he knew you would have eventually. So, that's why he was here. At your doorstep. With clothes that would last him 6 days.

He slowly rapped his knuckles on the door, bouncing on the balls of his feet. He knew your parents liked him, but he didn't know what extent that liking went. Did they like him at a bare minimum? Did they like him just enough? Did they like him more than that? He didn't know, and he wasn't sure he wanted to. Maybe just flowing with it would do him better. Yet, it seemed hard to believe this when he heard the doorknob twisting. He almost screamed when it opened all the way, but found himself sighing in relief when he saw your face.

"Hi." You said happily as you stood on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

He gave a small smile and swallowed the lump in his throat. He motioned if he could come inside and you stepped away to make room for him. He walked in and begin to walk to your room to set his bag down. He set it on the bed and slowly made his way back to the living room where he saw you. As he stood in the doorway, his eyes were immediately drawn to the bright orange flame inside the fireplace.

Even though he was far away, he could still feel the warmth. Above the fireplace hung for stockings. The first read (M/n), the second read (D/n), the third read (Y/n), and the fourth... the fourth one read Richie. He walked closer and grabbed the soft material, still not quite comprehending what was happening.

"Is this... Is this mine?" He asked as his finger traced the black lettering sewn on.

"Well of course it is. You've been dating (Y/n) since you were 13, I think it's safe to say that you're part of the family now Richie." Someone said from behind him. He looked over his shoulder and saw your mom standing there, drying her hands on her apron.

"Part of the family?" He asked, not believing his ears. She laughed while walking over to him and pulling him into a hug.

"Yes, Richie. Part of the family. Now come on, this dinner isn't gonna eat itself." She replied with a laugh. After pulling away and making her way back to the kitchen, Richie stared at you. You smiled.

"I'm not sure how it is at the Tozier residence, but over here, everyone who's part of the family gets a homemade (L/n) stocking." You said. He looked back at the stocking and felt so appreciated. Here he was, in a house that wasn't even his own, and still, somehow, part of the family.

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