Just Frozen Water | jack frost

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>> gif credit to @/iceskatingdream on tumblr <<

fandom | Rise of the Guardians

character | Jack Frost

requested | Anonymous, @/wolfhard-tozier on tumblr, @/wukindly on tumblr

warnings | None

word count | 702

keys | (Y/n) = Your name, (g/n) = guardian's noun (mom, dad, grandma... etc.), (s/h/t) = she, he, or they

summary | What about Jack Frost with a really shy s/o who doesn't like ice skating? How would things go?


You watched as the delicate snowflakes fell onto the concrete. The air was cold and the earth was covered in snow. You had your heater cranked up and a sweater wrapped flush against your body. Your nose was red from the chill in the air.

You brought your cup of hot chocolate to your lips, sipping slowly as to not burn your tongue. You frowned as you realized you forgot to add mini marshmallows to your drink. You stood slowly, setting your mug on your desk and walking towards your door. You pulled it open and walked to the kitchen, your socks causing you to slide slightly on the wood floor.

You opened the cabinets, shuffling through bags and cans in search of the marshmallows. You pushed everything aside, scanning all the nooks and crannies possible. You sighed before rubbing your arms, the cold seeming worse in the rest of your house than in your room. You turned, seeing your living room window open and letting the freezing air inside your house. You sighed and walked over, assuming your (g/n) had left it open before (s/h/t) went to work. You pulled it down, latching the locks before turning around, jumping slightly as you saw your boyfriend sitting on the chair.

"Jack, you have to stop doing that!" You shouted. He gave a small smirk.

"Well, it's good to see you too, snow-angel." He replied. You gave a bashful smile, your cheeks turning as red as your nose at the sound of your nickname. He stood up and walked towards you, grabbing your hand and kissing it. You looked down, the red hue on your face now surpassing what could be blamed on the cold.

"Aw look at you. You're so adorable." He whispered, grabbing your cheeks and moving your face to look at him. You averted your eyes, much too shy and embarrassed to maintain eye contact. He laughed before dropping your face and grabbing your hand.

"Let's go on a date." He said. You looked at him, your eyebrows raised.

"W... That's a bit out of the blue, don't you think?" You asked quietly. He shrugged, the smile still on his face.

"Maybe. But it'll be fun, I swear." He said. You sighed.

"Fine fine. I'll go get dressed." You replied. His smile grew before he placed a quick kiss on your forehead.

>> timeskip <<

You held Jack's hand as he led you through the woods. The frozen branches cracked underneath your feet as you snuggled closer to Jack. You had on five layers but even still the cold nipped at your body.

"Jack, please. Tell me where we're going." You said. Jack laughed.

"Just a few more minutes. We're almost there." He said.

Jack was true to his word and you were where you were meant to be within minutes. He brought you to a small pond that had frozen over in the winter months. It was deep into the woods and would be hard to find if you didn't know your way around. Luckily, Jack did and he seemed keen on showing you everything he could. He walked towards a tree, bending over and picking something up.

"I know how much you love winter activities so, I thought we could ice skate." He said a large smile on his lips and a pair of ice skates in his hand. Your face dropped, which he didn't fail to notice.

"What... What's wrong?" He asked. You cleared your throat.

"Ice skating is actually... The only winter activity I don't like." You replied. Jack stood still, unaware of what to do.

"I'm sorry. It's just frozen water to me. I don't find it fun. The one time I tried it I ended up so bruised. I could've sworn I told you." You replied. Jack set the skates down before giving a small smile.

"I can't say I'm not surprised. You seem like the type to love it. I don't even like it that much myself, I just thought I'd give it a go with you." He replied. You raised your eyebrows.

"Really? The guardian of winter doesn't like ice skating?" You asked. Jack shrugged.

"Long story for another time. How about we just head back to your place. Put on a movie." He suggested. You gave a small smile.

"Yeah, I'd like that a lot."

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