Spiders and Sweethearts | stanley uris

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>> gif credit to @/sour-tea-and-honey on tumblr <<

fandom | It: Chapter One

character | Stanley Uris

requested | Anonymous

warnings | Swearing, blood, slightly angsty

word count | 1,583

keys | (Y/n) = Your name

summary | Stan x reader where the losers are in neibolt house and they get separated - the readers fear (some type of scary animal) that attack them and they're hysterical and screaming (kinda like Stan in the sewers) and Stan helps their wounds and calms them down! Sorry if it's messy but it's kinda mixed with ANGST and fluff


"Guys, I really don't think this is a good idea." You whispered as you followed your idiotic friends up the stairs. Bill glanced at you before placing a finger to his lips. You rolled your eyes. Like being quiet was going to change the deafening sound of the creaking floorboards. The quiet squeaks of the mice and "Hellos" of the girl became louder when you reached the top floor. You sighed and turned a corner. That's when you saw her, coughing on the floor. She looked towards you.

"Betty..." Bill started.

"Ripsom?" Richie finished. It was silent for no longer than two seconds before she screamed and was dragged away. You all gasped. They began to slowly walk forward.

"(Y/n)." You heard someone whisper. You turned around but saw no one.

"(Y/n), come here." The voice said again. You knew you shouldn't have followed it, but it sounded so familiar. You walked as quietly as you could back down the stairs. Before you reached the bottom, you saw a bit of red hair stick out from behind a door. You lightly laughed and rolled your eyes, walking down a bit quicker.

"Jesus, Beverly. You scared me. I thought you were waiting outside." You said and walked through the door. You felt against the wall for a light switch but came up short.

"Bev? Where are you? I can't-" You were cut off by the loud slamming of a door. You turned around and grabbed the door handle, twisting it fiercely.

"Beverly, this isn't funny. Beverly? Beverly!" You shouted and began kicking the door. You groaned but went still as you felt hot breath on the back of your neck. You swallowed and slowly turned around. You gasped as a light flashed. You went to scream but found nothing in your throat as you were met with eight beady eyes. You backed up as it drew closer, the hairy feelers opening and closing. You began to pant, finding it insanely hard to breathe. It had to be spiders, huh?


Bill ran down the stairs with Richie and Eddie following close behind. As he reached the bottom he heard Eddie yell. There was a loud crash and then a scream.

"Shit shit shit! Oh, my God, I think I broke my arm!" Eddie shouted. Bill turned around and saw a hysterical Eddie holding his arm and Richie trying to calm him. The others began to rush in, hearing the three familiar voices. Everything was chaotic while Richie snapped Eddie's arm back into place, but there was one person who was even more uneasy than everyone else.

"Guys. Guys? Guys!" Stan shouted. Everyone turned to him. He looked around again, making sure he was right.

"Where's (Y/n)?" He asked. Everyone looked around frantically and saw that you were, in fact, not with them. They all became quiet when they heard a thump from a room a little way down the hall. Everyone stared for a second before scrambling to get to the sound. Stan was the first to get there and threw open the door. You were laying on the floor, spiders crawling all over your body. Stan ran towards you as fast as he could and placed a hand on your neck. He sighed in relief as he felt the steady beat of your pulse. He slowly began to shake you.

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