Cuddles | richie tozier

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>> gif credit to @/romantickisses on tumblr <<

fandom | It: Chapter One

character | (16) Richie Tozier

requested | Anonymous

warnings | None

word count | 915

keys | (Y/n) = Your name

summary | Can I request a richie x reader imagine? If you can, can you do it all cutesy where richie and the reader spend the night and cuddle


"Please (Y/n)? Just one night?" Richie pleaded. You sighed as you shut your locker.

"Richie I just... I'm not ready." You whispered and turned around. He raised his eyebrows.

"Ready for what? Do you think I want to... Oh God no. I may joke about it a lot but I know my limits (Y/n). I know you're not ready for that." He replied with a laugh. You looked down.

"Then why do you want me over?" You asked.

"Well can't a guy just spend some quality time with his partner? You know, watch some movies, cuddle, just... Enjoy ourselves and have some fun." He replied with a shrug. You looked up with a smile.

"Since when does Richie Tozier invite a person to spend the night at his house to just cuddle?" You asked. He smirked.

"Since now. I'm being serious though. If you're not ready to take it to that step, then neither am I. I don't want you to feel like your forced to do that just because of my usual vulgarity." He replied. You smiled. Despite Richie being Richie, he was quite the gentleman.

"Okay, I'll come. I'll have to tell my parents that I'm going to Beverly's but I'll be there." You said. He gave you a big smile and lightly kissed your cheek.


>> timeskip <<

You sighed as you walked up the stone steps. Your hands shook lightly as you rapped your knuckles on the door. Not only were you spending the night at Richie's house, your longtime boyfriend, but his parents also wouldn't be home. You swallowed the lump in your throat and closed your eyes. He told you the plan. Nothing was going to happen.

The door opened and so did your eyes. Richie stood with a smile, which you returned lovingly. He stepped aside so you could walk in. You slipped off your shoes and set them by the door, your black socks hitting the cold floor.

"Well my liege, if you would kindly make your way up to my room, we may begin our evening." He said, bowing and pointing his hands towards the stairs. You laughed before shaking your head and walking up, step by step.

"Which door is it, Rich?" You called down. There was loud thumping as he ran up the stairs. He stumbled lightly before straightening his posture and walking down the hall. He opened the last door on the left and motioned you to walk in. You laughed and rolled your eyes. After walking into the room you placed your duffel bag next to his bed.

You looked around his room and smiled. It was simple but nice. There were a few Guns N' Roses posters on the wall and a bookshelf that held several comic books. Next to it was a box that seemed to be filled with several cassette tapes and Atari games. The smell of butter was in the air and you couldn't tell why. You glanced at him with raised eyebrows.

"Today's activities include stuffing our faces with popcorn, getting shit-faced on coke, and watching only the best of Disney movies." He said in an accent that sounded like a combination of British and French. You laughed and sat on the bed.

"You are such a weirdo." You replied. He smiled.

"Why yes, yes I am. The Little Mermaid?" He asked and held up the VHS. You smiled and nodded. He returned your grin and began to set up the movie. After pressing play he grabbed a large bowl and two cans of coke. He handed one to you and sat next to you. You grabbed some popcorn and placed it in your mouth, savoring the buttery taste. He placed a kiss on your cheek and opened the soda. This was turning out a lot better than you thought it would.

>> timeskip <<

The sun had long since set and now you were watching the iconic ballroom scene in Beauty and the Beast. You were quietly singing along to the words of Tale as Old as Time. Richie adjusted his position lightly but you paid no mind to him, too entranced on your favorite movie. You felt his hands slowly creep on to your stomach and closed your eyes. Of course, he would, he's a teenage boy. You opened your mouth to say something but gasped as he did something completely unexpected.

His fingers moved rapidly on your stomach and you couldn't help but laugh loudly. He was tickling you. You tried to move out of his reach but he held onto you. His hands never left as you continued to burst out in spasms of laughter.

"Richie... Richie stop!" You shouted as you continued to giggle. He shook his head and tickled you even more. You thrashed and squealed, doing everything in your might to get away from him.

"Please... Oh my god please..." You pleaded. He smiled and stopped. You lay face down on his bed, doing your best to regain your breath. After a few minutes, you glanced up to see him with an innocent smile on his face.

"Why?" You whispered. He laughed and wrapped his arms around you.

"Because I love you." He replied while kissing your cheek. You rolled your eyes.

"Yeah, whatever." You said and lay your head on his chest. You could hear his heart beating, the sound calming to your ears. You closed your eyes and before you knew it, you were drifting off. Richie noticed this and grabbed a pillow, slightly adjusting your position.

"I told you I just wanted to cuddle." He whispered and kissed the top of your head.

"Shut up."

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