Page 24 | stanley uris

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>> gif credit to @/longshankstumblarian on tumblr <<

fandom | It: Chapter One

character | Stanley Uris

requested | @/derrysdenbrough on tumblr, @/wolfhard-tozier on tumblr, @/wukindly on tumblr

warnings | Mild swearing

word count | 1,169

keys | (Y/n) = Your name, (g/n) = guardians noun (mom, dad, grandma...etc.), (f/f) = favorite food, (w/t) = writing type (messy, neat, cursive...etc)

>> parts <<

one | Page 24

two | Lists

>> prompts <<

104 | "Get that thing away from me!"

126 | "No way, that's so lame."

157 | "I read your diary."

summary | 104, 126 and 157 with Stan pleaseee


"Where is it, (Y/n)?" Beverly asked as she shuffled through your bag.

"Well, obviously not the small pocket, where you're looking right now." You replied with a laugh. She stuck her tongue out before raising an eyebrow.

"Hold on just a second. What's this?" She asked as she pulled out a small, plain, black journal. You rolled your eyes as she sat on the large rock.

"My diary." You said matter-of-factly.

"You write in a diary?" Beverly questioned.

"Yes, I do." You said, beginning to grow annoyed.

"No way, that's so lame!" Richie shouted. You glared at him.

"For your information, it is not lame. I enjoy expressing my problems through writing, just like you enjoy expressing yours through profanities." You replied, pulling yourself from the water.

"Now could you please put it back and hand me my towel."

Beverly laughed before throwing it back onto your bag. She pulled your towel out and handed it to you. You began to slowly dry your wet hair, a smile adorning your face as you watched Richie taunt Eddie. He had picked up what looked like a very old and very wet piece of trash. He brought it close to Eddie's face, causing him to scream.

"Get that thing away from me! Richie, I swear to God!" Eddie shouted. Richie simply smirked and continued to prod him. You laughed to yourself and grabbed your watch from your pile of clothes. You chewed on the inside of your cheek before grabbing your t-shirt and jeans.

"Alright, I should be heading home." You said, pulling your clothes over your damp undergarments. There were a few complaints and pleas for you to stay but you simply brushed them off.

"Sorry guys, (g/n)'s making (f/f). No way am I missing that." You replied with a laugh. You shared goodbyes before grabbing your gray backpack and slinging it over your shoulders. After pushing up the kickstand and sitting on your bike, you began the short ride home.

>> timeskip <<

You sighed as you fell on your bed, feeling as if you were about to combust from eating so much. You rolled into your side, staring at your backpack. You groaned and sat up, pulling it into your lap. The zipper made a satisfying noise as you pulled open the small pocket. After slipping your hand in, you felt your stomach twist uncomfortably, but not because of your previous meal. Your diary wasn't in your front pocket.

You swallowed the lump in your throat. Okay, okay. Don't panic. Beverly probably just put it in the big pocket. You sighed. Yeah, that's it. It's just in the big pocket. After unzipping it you began to feverishly search through it, trying desperately to graze over the familiar leather cover. You pulled out a book and upon reading the title, your eyes grew wide with fear.

The Big Book of Birds. You could feel yourself become nauseous as you turned the bag around and looked at the tag. On the small white slip were the initials S.U. You and Stan had identical backpacks. You must have grabbed his by mistake, which could only mean one thing. He grabbed yours.

The walls of your room seemed to shrink as you dropped your head into your hands. Holy shit, how could you be so stupid? Your diary was in that bag! Half of those entries were about Stan and he was probably reading them right now! You composed yourself slightly. No, Stan wouldn't do that. He knew his boundaries. Right?

Who were you kidding? You laid your head on your pillow, closing your eyes and wishing that everything would just go away. You wrote so much personal shit in that diary and Stan was probably reading it right now. He was probably reading about how cute you thought his curls were, or how sweet you thought he was to you, or how melodic his voice sounded when he said your name. He was probably doing all of that, right now. You groaned loudly, pushing your face into the pillow, wanting nothing more than for the day to be over.

>> timeskip <<

When you woke up the next day, you'd spent an hour pacing across your room. Then, you spent another hour pacing in front of the front door. Finally, you settled for sitting in front of and staring at it. You hoped Stan would come by, returning your bag. You hoped that he hadn't even looked in your bag. You hoped he hadn't read your diary. Hell, even if he did, you'd hoped that he wouldn't say anything about it, pretending that he didn't. That'd be way better than actually talking about it. The world, however, had a different plan.

There was a quiet knock, and as you peeked through the glass circle in your door, your stomach began to twist itself in knots. You stood up and grabbed his backpack. You swallowed and opened the door, scared shitless to see his face. He cleared his throat before holding up your bag.

"I think we uh... Accidentally switched." He said. You nodded and grabbed yours from him. After you returned his, you tried to shut the door but he stopped you.

"Wait, I uh... I need to talk to you." He said, never taking his eyes off his shoes. You swallowed and nodded, stepping outside and closing the door behind you.

"So... I read your diary." He said, moving his eyes from the floor to your face. You sighed and closed your eyes. You could feel your stomach drop and you knew you would start crying at any given moment.

"Okay. Thank you for being honest. Goodbye Stanley." You replied. Stan winced at the use of his full name. You had never called him that before.

"No, (Y/n), I wanted-"

"Goodbye, Stanley." You cut him off menacingly. His eyes widened before he swallowed and nodded.

"Okay. I'm leaving just... Read page 24, okay?" He said before walking to his bike. You watched him mount it and ride away. You sighed as he disappeared down the street. Before you went back inside though, you did want to see what he meant.

You opened the book to page 24. On the page was your familiar (w/t) scrawl. This was where you had listed all the reasons you thought Stan was the cutest person you knew. You read the words with a sigh, yet something caught your eye. On the bottom half that you hadn't written on was another familiar print, but one that didn't belong to you. Your heart began to speed up as you read.

Dear (Y/n),

I never would've thought that this would be the way I found out you liked me. At first, I wasn't gonna read it but then I accidentally dropped it and when it fell open, I saw my name. Long story short, I read everything. I know it was a really insensitive thing to do but perhaps I can make it up to you by taking you out for ice cream? Maybe then I can give you all the reasons why I think you're the cutest person I know. Then we'll be even :)

~Love Stan <3

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