The Real You | ken kaneki

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>> gif credit to @/mickeyblades on tumblr <<

fandom | Tokyo Ghoul

character | Ken Kaneki

requested | No, @/wolfhard-tozier on tumblr, @/wukindly on tumblr

warnings | Canabilism, violence, slightly angsty

word count | 1,858

keys | (Y/n) = Your name, (S/n) = Sister's name

summary | Ken has a crush on you, and upon saving you from a bad situation, he learns something about your past


The afternoon sun was shining brightly upon you. Your eyes scanned through the book as you slowly took sips of your coffee. Although you usually had an obsolete memory, reading books always made you forget your duties. When reading, you would get so enticed and absolutely consumed that nothing but the words on the pages mattered. The scenes played in your mind as you imagined what was happening, almost as though it were a movie.

As you continued to read, there was a delicate tap on your shoulder. You looked up from your book and gasped.

"(S/n)! What are you doing here?" You quietly shouted. The small girl in front of you giggled.

"Well you weren't there to pick me up, and I knew that if you'd be anywhere, you'd be here," She replied. You scowled at her.

"(S/n), you know how cruel the world is. Something could've happened to you." You replied firmly. She rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, but nothing did. And besides, I really had to pee and the house is too far." She whined. You laughed and rolled your eyes.

"Fine. You know where the bathroom is. Go use it and then we'll be headed home." You said to her. (S/n) smiled and nodded before quickly walking out of sight.

You grabbed your book and slid it into your bag. As you quickly finished your coffee you placed 200 yen on the table. That should cover it, you thought to yourself. As you pat your pocket to make sure you had your keys, a familiar voice sounded from behind you.

"I didn't know you had a sister (Y/n)." You rolled your eyes.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me Kaneki." You replied, annoyance clearly seeping from your mouth.

"What's her name?" He asked as he leaned on the table.

"Didn't I tell you?" You asked. He shrugged.

"No." He replied.

"Then I guess it's none of your business." You said and crossed your arms. He lightly laughed.

"Jeez, (Y/n). Do you always reject friendly conversation like this, or do you just hate me?" He said as he pretended to be hurt. You scoffed. You looked and saw your sister coming out of the restroom and wiping her hands on her shirt. You sighed.

"Come on (S/n). We need to go home now." You said as you met your little sister halfway.

"Can we stop for ice cream?" She asked excitedly. You chuckled.

"Sure we can." You said and ruffled her hair.

Kaneki sighed. It was nice to see you smile. Something that didn't occur very often. He always wondered why you had such a rough exterior. One day, he wanted to be the one to crack it.

>> timeskip <<

Kaneki slowly wiped the rag across the tabletops and made sure everything was in place. He walked over to the sign and flipped it so the closed side was facing outside. He took one last glance at the café before deciding that it was time to hit the hay. He hung his apron and began to walk up the stairs. He was barely halfway there when a loud pounding on the door was heard. What the hell? He quickly walked back downstairs and saw (S/n) from a few days ago. He pulled out his keys and unlocked the door.

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