Every Step of the Way | finn wolfhard

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>> gif credit to @/neaarty on tumblr <<

fandom | Calpurnia

character | (18) Finn Wolfhard

requested | Anonymous, @/wolfhard-tozier on tumblr, @/wukindly on tumblr

warnings | Drug use, underage drinking, slightly angsty

word count | 1,183

keys | (Y/n) = Your name

summary | can i request a finn w. x reader pls? aged up. where the reader has been going through some things, partying, drugs basically losing themself and finn notices and while he's on break from filming. the reader breaks down about it and he reminds them that they are okay and always have him and its ends with a soft kiss on the forehead lmao bye <3 thanks.


If anyone knew where you were or what you were doing, they wouldn't believe it. They'd say, "Who? (Y/n)? Impossible. They've always been sensible, they would never do those things." And they were half right. The (Y/n) they knew would never do those things, but that wasn't really you anymore. You changed.

After you turned 15 you went down a rocky path. At first, it was nothing harmful. Pot and small parties. But then things got worse. There was little you wouldn't try, and even less you wouldn't continue doing. Now your system was pumped with more than pot. You were high on four different drugs at the same time and there were lights flashing before your eyes.

You were at a party. You couldn't remember who's it was. It was full of people you didn't know or at the very least didn't know you. You didn't care even if they did though. Let them take their pictures and tell the newsstands that Finn Wolfhard's perfect partner was off the rockers.

You could see the headlines now, "Young Actor's Partner Washed Up at the Ripe Age of 18″. Maybe you were washed up. Maybe you were off your rockers. Maybe you knew the path you were taking was destructive and would end with your body six feet under. Maybe you knew these things. But you didn't care. You only cared about keeping yourself awake long enough to enjoy this party.

>> timeskip <<

It was the buzzing of your phone that woke you up. The intense loud buzzing that made your head pound and the stranger laying a few feet away from you groan in pain. You sat up and felt your jacket, trying to ascertain where your pockets were. You finally found your phone and went to silence it when you realized who was calling. You swiped to answer, trying to make your voice sound as far from groggy as you could.

"Hey Finn, what's up?" You asked.

"Hey, we're on a filming break and I wanted to surprise you at your apartment but you're not here. Did they call you into work?" He asked. You silently cursed yourself. Of course, he'd be on filming break when you're coming down from being high on four different drugs and a horrible hangover.

"Um no, I just needed a coffee. Ha, I guess you arrived as soon as I left." You said, coming up with the best excuse you could.

"Oh damn. Well, that's fine, just hurry back okay? I miss you." He replied. You smiled.

"I miss you too. I'll see you in a little bit."

"Alright, bye."

"Bye." You said before hanging up. You groaned before standing up too quickly for your body's liking. You leaned on the table next to you, wincing as it felt like your brain was shaking inside your skull. You sighed before walking as quickly as you could to your car.

>> timeskip <<

You knocked on the door of your apartment, coffee in your right hand and a bottle of Advil in the other. Your long-term boyfriend Finn opened the door with a big smile. He wrapped his arms around you even before you could walk inside. You smiled and hugged back the best you could with the items in your hands.

"God I missed you so much." He whispered and hugged you tighter.

"I missed you too sweetheart. Except I have things in my hands. Can we pause the lovey-dovey stuff until I set it down?" You asked. Finn laughed and pulled away.

"Sorry... It just feels like it's been forever." He replied and stepped away from the door. You smiled and set everything down on the table. When you turned around again the door was closed and Finn was leaning in for a kiss. You giggled before wrapping your arms around his neck and placing your lips on his.

The kiss was sweet and made you unbelievably happy. You hadn't kissed him in so long. You almost forgot how magical it was. This feeling of happiness was short-lived though. You were starting to feel the after-effects of your highs. The feelings of being the golden one soon turned into feelings of worthlessness. This was the doing of the cocaine. The happiness it gave you always left you feeling empty after you come down. You pulled away from Finn, a frown now on your face. When he opened his eyes he noticed and grabbed your hand.

"(Y/n)? Are you alright?" He asked quietly. You averted your eyes.

"Yeah, sorry. I just... It's nothing." You replied. Finn tilted his head, confused at your sudden change in mood.

"Are you sure? You seem... different. And... You have bags under your eyes. Have you been getting enough sleep?" He asked. You dropped his hands before clearing your throat.

"I said I'm fine. I'm going to get in the shower," You said, unsure of how else to get out of this situation. Finn went to say something but you were already down the hall.

>> timeskip <<

Finn sat on the couch scrolling through his Instagram feed and listening to the faint sound of the showerhead turning off. He was still unsure of what was wrong, and even more unsure of how to get you to talk about it. It was then that he saw a post from a news Instagram, and he felt his stomach turn itself inside out. He skimmed the article as quickly as he could, trying to ingest all the information before bringing it up.

He heard your soft footsteps coming back out to the living room and quickly closed the article. You grabbed the remote off the coffee table before sitting down and switching on the tv. Finn swallowed before sighing.

"When did you start again?" He asked. You raised your eyebrows.

"Excuse me?" You asked. Finn turned to you.

"The parties. The drugs. You said you stopped. When did you start again? Or did you never really stop?" He asked quietly. The breath seemed to leave your lungs. You weren't sure how to respond. Your mind went blank and you could only come up with one reaction.

Your eyes began watering and you leaned your head down. You didn't want him to see you like this. Crying over the destructive path you put yourself on. You felt pathetic. Finn wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his lap, holding you as tightly as he could.

"You can talk to me, babe. What happened?" He whispered, his voice soft and non-threatening. You found it hard to speak through your tears but tried the best you could.

"I'm sorry. I really did stop, I swear. It's just... I don't know. I got into it again and now I can't stop. I'm tired, Finn. I'm so tired and I don't know what to do." You replied.

"Hey, look at me. We've got this okay? You can get through this, and I can help you. I'll hold your hand every step of the way. Okay?" He replied. You sniffled and nodded.

"Okay." You said quietly. Finn smiled faintly and lightly kissed your forehead before pulling you closer.

"Take a nap sweetie, you need it." He said. You smiled and sighed.

"I couldn't agree more."

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