In Your Corner | bill denbrough

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>>gif credit to @/beenchillin on tumblr<<

fandom | IT: Chapter One

character | Bill Denbrough

reader | disabled

requested | anonymous

warnings | cursing, ableism

word count | 1,131

keys | (Y/n) = Your name

summary | Hi! Could I request a Bill Denbrough x disabled!reader? Where Richie compares y/n to a bike and tries to ride their wheelchair while y/n is still in it- and bill tells him to fuck off? I just think bill would understand 🥺💕

editor | @/feliscatus-exe on tumblr


You hummed quietly as you pushed against the wheels of your chair. Approaching your best friend's driveway was the only way you could hang out with him, seeing how inaccessible his front door was. If you thought too hard about it, it didn't give you the best feeling in the world, so you tried not to.

You saw him sitting on the floor, sketching in his notebook somewhat mindlessly. Upon hearing your quiet hum, he flipped a few pages ahead to a blank one. Looking up at you, he squinted from the sun shining in his eyes but smiled.

"H-Hi (Y/n). You're the f-first to get here so we can wait for everyone else." He said, standing up and moving to the couch his dad had put in the garage a few months ago. He realized how much more inclined he was to hang out there now that he was friends with you.

His parents were lovely, but he started to pick up on the sudden stiffness and overall negative feelings you had when they said certain things. About how they were sorry and glad Bill was so kind, which he was. It was one of his greatest qualities, but it was as if they only thought he was your friend because he was so kind.

"That's alright. What were you drawing?" You asked casually, backing your chair into the space of the wall that was just the right fit. You remembered when he moved aside a table so he could sit next to you. It was one of the moments that made you feel your heartbeat in your stomach, as he so often did.

"Oh, n-n-nothing. Just practicing shape l-language for objects." He replied, sitting on the cushions in a way that made it easier to look at you.

"Really? What are you trying to learn to draw?" You asked. He shrugged.

"Nothing in p-p-particular. I just think it's a g-good skill to have." He replies, closing his sketchbook and setting it aside. You smile and nod.

"Do you know when the other Losers plan on joining us?" You asked leaning on the arm of your chair.

"Right now." A voice called from behind. You looked over your shoulder to the garage entrance, watching Richie, Eddie, and Stan enter. You smiled and waved, which only Stan returned.

"What are we doing here? You never told us." Eddie says, sitting on the far end of the couch. You were never sure why, but he always seemed much more tense. You could come up with a few reasons, but they weren't good ones, and you hoped those weren't the case.

"J-J-Just a movie night. I made popcorn and st-ocked the drinks." Bill replied. You begin to self-propel toward the fridge in the far left corner of the room. You looked inside, seeing mostly cokes and water. You opted for the latter.

"Plus, if we run out, we can hop on (Y/n)'s wheelchair. They're basically a bike." Richie says with a snicker, placing both his feet on the back of your chair and causing you to become unsteady. You yelp in surprise, immediately swatting him off. You turn your chair to face him, a look of panic on your face.

"What the fuck Richie?" You shout. He raises his eyebrows.

"What?" He asks, lacking a single modicum of self-awareness. You're so flustered and upset that you find it difficult to articulate your feelings. Bill stands up from the couch, stepping between Richie and yourself.

"Y-You can't say shit like that Richie!" Bill exclaims, his ears turning red from anger as they always did.

"Why are you guys freaking out?" He asks, raising his arms in exasperation.

"C-Comparing (Y/n) to a bike? You don't get why that's f-f-f-fu-fucked up!?" He shouts, finding it harder to speak due to his anger.

"No? It was a good thing. Bikes are cool and they'd be helping us to the store." He replied.

"It's fine Bill. Don't worry about it..." You mumble, trying to maneuver around him.

"N-no (Y/n) I am w-worried about it," Bill says, turning to look at you. There was a look in his eyes that made you feel warm and safe.

"They said don't worry about it so I think-"

"Fuck off Richie!" Bill yells as he whips his head around to stare at him, not a stutter in his voice. Richie backs away with his hands up in surrender.

"Whatever dude." He mumbles, sitting next to Eddie on the couch.

You were thankful Bill was so quick to defend you, but the confrontation still made you uneasy and guilty. You wheeled your chair out of the garage and onto the driveway, stopping when you heard Bill coming after you.

"Where are you g-going? Are you ok-kay?" He asks, walking by your side. You sigh and stop wheeling yourself forward. You say nothing at first trying to figure out how to put your thoughts into words. Bill walks in front of you, so he can see you while you talk, a simple gesture but something so thoughtful.

"You're the only one who treats me... Well, normal... Richie always has something to say, Eddie avoids me like he's going to catch something and I just... I hate it." You mutter, folding your hands in your lap. Bill sighs as he crosses his arms.

"I w-wish there was more I could do. I t-t-tell Richie all the time to quit his shit but he-"

"It's not you Bill. You do more than enough. Sometimes it feels like you're the only person I have in my corner." You say, looking up to meet his eyes. He smiles, his eyes holding that same shine that made you feel so warm and safe.

"Y-You know, that's exactly how I feel." He replies. You tilt your head in confusion. Bill rubs his neck bashfully before shrugging.

"You're the only one who ever t-tells them to stop making fun of my s-st-stutter. Sometimes it feels like y-you're the only one in my c-corner." He replies. You smile, a warm glow rushing to your cheeks.

"We can be in each other's corner." You reply, giddily grabbing his hand. It takes you a second to realize what you've done before pulling back.

"S-Sorry I was just-"

"No! It's okay!" He grabs your hand again, this time intertwining your fingers. "I l-like being in each other's corner."

"Pinky promise?" You ask, holding out your pinky. He chuckles and locks his pinky around yours.

"P-Pinky promise." He replies.

"Now let's go watch the m-movie. If Richie says anything else I'll j-just kick him out."

"Since when are you Mr. tough guy?" You ask with a giggle.

"S-Since I had to be in someone's corner. I-it's a tough job you know."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2023 ⏰

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