Thanks, Stupid Wall | bill denbrough

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>> gif credit to @/imultifandomstuff on tumblr <<

fandom | It: Chapter One

character | Bill Denbrough

requested | Anonymous

warnings | Swearing

word count | 433

keys | (Y/n) = Your name, (h/c) = hair color, (g/n) = guardian's noun (mom, dad, grandma...etc)

summary | Could you write a bill x reader where stan and bill are riding their bikes and bill spots his Crush- he's so distracted he runs into a wall and his crush comes over to see if he's okay


"Silver, away!" Bill shouted as he fist-bumped the air. Bill stood on his bike, letting it ride itself. It was a clear summer day and Bill thought he'd go out riding with Stan. The wind blew through his hair as he laughed. He turned to look at Stan but as he did, he saw a familiar head of (h/c) hair. Bill's heart sped up as he watched you smile at him. He slowly raised his hand to wave but stopped when your face fell. You pointed in front of you frantically. Bill raised his eyebrows and turned around.

When he did, he saw that he was headed straight for a shop. His eyes widened as he tried to steer away but was all ready to close. He closed his eyes and braced himself for the impact. The front tire slammed against the wall and he fell off, scraping his palms on the concrete. He rubbed his head and opened his eyes. His eyes widened as he saw you running towards him.

"Oh my God! Are you okay?" You asked and knelt next to him. He looked up at you and felt his cheeks darken.

"I um... I-I'm f-f-f-" He sighed. Of course, his stutter was 10 times worse around you. You just laughed and stood, holding out a hand for him. He swallowed before taking it. He stumbled lightly but you placed your hands on his shoulders, steadying him. His eyes widened when you grabbed his chin and made him look at you. The both of you stared at each other before you pulled away with a smile.

"Well, you look fine to me, Bill." You said and let go of him.

"Y-Y-You know my name?" He asked. You laughed.

"Of course I know your name! We have math together. Besides, you don't just forget a face like yours." You replied and helped him pick up his bike. He stood still.

"L-Like mine? What-What do you mean?" He asked. You shrugged.

"I gotta go, my (g/n)'s waiting for me. I'll see you later Bill." You said and began to walk away. Bill looked at his shoes before deciding to take a leap of faith.

"(Y/n), wait!" He called. You turned around. He looked away and played with the breaks on his bike.

"Well I... W-Would you like to go to the ice cream p-p-parlor with me tomorrow, around f-five?" He asked. You smiled.

"Yeah, that'd be nice. Meet you there?" You asked. He looked up and nodded with a smile. You waved and walked away. Bill gave a light sigh and leaned against the wall, not even caring that Stan had left him.

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