Glasses | richie tozier

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>> gif credit to @/c-inismus on tumblr <<

fandom | It: Chapter One

character | Richie Tozier

requested | Anonymous

warnings | Swearing, small mention of blood

word count | 1,036

keys | (Y/n) = Your name

summary | Richie x reader where his big mouth gets him chased / beat up by the bowers gang so you stand up for Richie by threatening Henry that you'll tell his dad (since he's scared of him) and Richie is just in awe


"I s-saw Henry eyeing us at lunch so be vi-vig-vigilant." Bill stuttered out. Richie rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on Bill, you know Bowers won't do shit with his dad so close to the school." He replied.

"Still. You can n-never be too careful with Hen-Henry." Bill said with a sigh. Richie shrugged. He knew Bill was right but for some reason, he felt confidence course through his body. Maybe it was the fact that Henry's dad was so close, but he felt like he would be able to take him on with no problem.

Richie walked down the sidewalk with Eddie and Bill following him. They had long passed the school and were now near the town. They felt no need to look over their shoulder every five minutes to make sure they were safe. They knew Henry wouldn't do anything when they were so close to others. They didn't realize how wrong they were until they felt arms shove them into an alleyway near an unoccupied store.

"Hey there glasses. Where do you think you're going?" Henry said as he shoved Richie.

"To fuck your mom Bowers!" He replied. Bill's eyes widened as Henry's jaw clenched.

"Sh-Shut up, Richie!" Bill whisper-shouted.

"The hell did you say?" Henry asked with another threatening shove.

"You heard me, I said I was going to fuck your mom, or do you already do enough of that?" Richie retorted. Henry gave a sinister laugh.

"That's it. I'm not sure if anyone's ever told you that that big mouth of yours would get you into trouble someday but today's that day." Henry said and motioned Belch over. Richie glanced behind him and tried to move away but was too late. Belch had held Richie's arms behind his back, making it impossible to move. Victor and Patrick held Bill and Eddie back, just to make sure they didn't try to stop Henry.

Henry smirked as he watched Richie squirm. He pulled back his fist and lodged it into Richie's stomach. Richie leant over and coughed, his glasses slipping off his face. Henry's fist met Richie's nose, causing blood to flow. This continued for about 30 more seconds and Richie could already feel himself wanting to blackout. Before Henry's blow could hit his stomach once again, there was a loud click. Everyone stopped and looked towards the sound. You stood with a Polaroid camera in one hand and a freshly developed photo in the other. You walked a little to the right before snapping another picture. A few seconds passed and you looked at both photos.

"You know Henry, don't you think your dad would love to see his son beating up the innocent children of Derry." You asked nonchalantly. He stared at you with an angered expression.

"You would do well to give me those pictures and mind your own business kid," Henry said as he walked up to you.

"Oh no. I don't think so." You replied. He glared at you.

"I love pulverizing twirps, and I believe it's time to indulge myself." He growled out. You laughed.

"I think you might like my offer more. I'll give the photos to you if you let these boys go." You said. Henry glanced at the group of boys before motioning his friends to let them go. The larger boys shoved the smaller ones to the floor, causing them to stumble. Henry scoffed.

"There, I've let go of your pathetic friends, now hand over the pictures." He said. You glanced at Richie. Blood ran his face as he was held by Belch.

"What about Richie?" You said. Henry glanced behind him.

"I'm not done with Trashmouth here. You're lucky I even let the other two go." Her replied. You frowned.

"Well, that's not gonna work for me Henry." You said and began walking towards Richie. You leant down and snapped a picture of his face up close. He closed his eyes as the flash brightened. You picked up his glasses and slipped them in your pocket. You stood straight and held up the photos.

"Three pictures for three people." You said. Henry stared at the pictures and then at Belch. He tilted his head lightly and Belch let Richie go.

"Happy? Now give me the photos you little bitch." He sneered. Richie stumbled and walked to where Eddie and Bill were standing. If they had any common sense, they would've left a long time ago, but they were much too interested in seeing what would happen next. You walked forward and held out your hand.

As he went to grab the pictures, you leered back your fist and punched him straight in the throat. He gasped and wrapped his hands around his neck and as he did so, you raised your knee and lodged it in his crotch. His hands left his neck and went to grab his groin. As he crouched in pain, you took your final blow to the back of his knees with your foot, causing him to fall over. You spared no more than a second to spit on him before darting out of the alley.

"Run you, idiots!" You shouted as you passed the awestruck boys. They stumbled for a second before following your sprinting figure. After a long time of running, you finally stopped by a bridge. You placed your hands on your knees and panted. Once you regained your breath you looked up. The three boys were staring at you like you were a lost deity.

"Holy fuck. I really wish I could see right now." Richie said. You laughed before grabbing his glasses from your pocket and slipping them on his face. His vision cleared up and he blushed as he realized it was you, the cute kid from his second period whose name he didn't even know.

"Let me guess, it was your mouth that got you into this trouble, wasn't it glasses?" You asked and leant on the wood railing. He hated when Henry called him that, but for some reason, when you did it, it made his heart speed up.

"Yeah. Guess I really don't know when to shut the fuck up." He replied. You laughed.

"Be careful next time, alright? See you later, glasses." You said as you walked away. Richie stared at you as you did, never loving the fact that he wore the stupid pieces of plastic more than he did now.

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