Lists | stanley uris

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>> gif found on giphy <<

fandom | It: Chapter One

character | Stanley Uris

requested | @/imarshmanos on tumblr, @/wolfhard-tozier on tumblr, @/wukindly on tumblr

warnings | None

word count | 890

keys | (Y/n) = Your name, (f/i/c/f) = favorite ice cream flavor, (L/n) = Last name

>> parts <<

one | Page 24

two | Lists

summary | boi... I NEED A PART 2 OF THIS TELLING ME HOW IT GOES!!!!!!


You swallowed as you walked past the cinema, heading straight to Stan. There was only one Ice Cream Parlor in town so you knew you'd find him there. If he was even being serious. You couldn't imagine it, him playing a sick joke like that. That seemed more of a Richie thing, but you still couldn't help but be anxious as you pulled the door open.

The familiar ding of the bell met your ears as you walked in. The owner gave you a small smile, recognizing you at once. You returned it, nodding as you walked to the counter.

"Hey (Y/n). What's with the long face?" He asked, noticing the way you wearily looked around the shop. You sighed and shrugged.

"Just looking for someone." You replied.

"Oh, first date jitters I see." He said with a laugh. Your eyes widened.

"What? No, i-it's not like that. Well, I guess it... It's complicated." You said. He laughed again.

"Relax kid. Whatever it is, I'm sure it'll go great." He replied. You swallowed and nodded, even though you didn't believe him. Another ding met your ears, making you instinctively turn your head.

Your breath caught in your throat as you saw the familiar curly-haired boy standing in the doorway. His eyes met yours and you exhaled in relief. He hadn't stood you up and perhaps he really was serious about this. Or maybe he just came to tell you he didn't feel the same, despite what his note said. Your mind swam with every possibility and you found yourself more scared than when you first walked in.

His eyes never left yours as you walked to a small table in the corner. You pulled out one of the chairs, wincing when it made an obnoxiously loud noise. You kept your eyes on the floor as you sat down, much too frightened to look up. You weren't sure when Stan would sit down, but you were sure that once he did you'd probably be mentally paralyzed. Some time had passed and you began to wonder if he had decided not to sit with you. However, that thought was quickly diminished when you heard the rubber sliding against the tile once again.

"I uh... I got you some ice cream." He said. You peeled your eyes from your shoes to see him holding a cone of (f/i/c/f) ice cream out to you. You grabbed it from him before mumbling a thank you. An awkward silence enveloped the two of you as you both took small licks of your ice cream.

He began to quietly tap his fingers on the table, thinking of something to say. He opened his mouth once, twice, then three times but still couldn't think of anything. Because of this, he simply pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. He slid it across the table and as your eyes read the title, your cheeks turned red. You glanced up at him as he cleared his throat.

"It's a list. Kinda like the one you made for me." He said. You looked at the neat scrawl and couldn't help but smile.

Reasons I'm In Love With (Y/n) (L/n)

This is quite a short page so I probably won't even graze the subject but I guess I can try.

1. You have a really cute smile. I guess I've always thought this but never in many contexts. It's always just been a smile, not something that brightens up my days.

2. Your eyes remind me of the stars. Bright and beautiful, saying the least. Saying the most, well I'd fill up the entire page.

3. Your face is practically ethereal. Perfect in every way, shape, and form. Perhaps if I was better with words, I might be able to say more, but this will just have to do.

4. You're sweeter than candy. When you want to be at least. To me, you couldn't be nicer and it's adorable. But I must admit, when Richie gets on your nerves, it is quite cute how disgruntled you get.

5. You're funny when you're supposed to be. Your jokes are incredibly funny and a plus, you won't make them if it's deemed unnecessary. Unlike someone.

6. Your laugh. I can't really accompany this with much. It's just so melodic and such a peaceful thing to hear. Especially when you accidentally snort and try to cover it up.

7. (Y/n). An amazing name for an amazing person. It rolls off your tongue and just sounds like such a great thing to say.

8. Your body was perfectly crafted. Breathtaking in every sense. And for the sake of keeping this PG, that's all I can say.

9. You smell really good. I know that probably sounds really weird but I always remember when you hugged me on my birthday, your hair smelled like cinnamon.

10. You're loyal. To your friends, to your family, to everyone. I'm sure that wouldn't change if you were in a relationship.

As I said before, this is only ten reasons, so barely any and definitely not all. There's so much I'd like to say to you, and this is just the beginning.

Your eyes scanned the paper, your stomach doing summersaults. Your brain was racing, trying to come up with something to say. Every sentence that crossed your mind seemed nothing in comparison to what he had written. You knew you had to say something, so you simply blurted out the next thing that came to mind.

"Keeping it PG huh?"


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