Kiss Me Kiss Me | richie tozier

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fandom | It: Chapter One

character | (18) Richie Tozier

requested | @/smsmsm77 on tumblr​, @/wolfhard-tozier on tumblr, @/wukindly on tumblr, @/beepbeeprichtozier on tumblr

warnings | Smut/NSFW implications, swearing

word count | 1,183

keys | (Y/n) = Your name

summary | Richie was tired of the reader denying their obvious feelings for him so he takes them into a janitor closet at school and kisses them everywhere but their lips, it gets steamy, and finally, the reader kisses him on the lips


Richie dropped his lunch tray on the table, giving an over-dramatic sigh as he sat down. Stan looked up from his food.

"Should we even ask?" He said. Richie dropped his head on the table, narrowly missing the edge of his plate.

"Why can't (Y/n) just admit that they like me? It's so obvious! I even heard them say it! Yet, as soon as I confront them about it, they act like they don't even speak English." He yelled out, not caring if anyone heard or not. Stan sighed.

"Maybe they're nervous." He replied. Richie slammed his fist onto the table, surprising the others.

"Bullshit! I know they like me, they know I like them, I mean fuck could it be any more obvious?" He asked loudly. People were beginning to stare at him but he was so angry he didn't care.

"Richie, calm down. If they don't want to tell you they like you, they don't have to." Stan replied annoyedly. It seemed he was always the voice of reason. The voice of reason Richie never listened to, of course.

"No! Fuck that. I want to be with them. I'm done waiting for them to make the move. This pining after each other ends today." Richie said, abruptly standing up and walking away from the lunch table, all the while devising a plan in his head. Stanley sighed.

"I assume I'm not the only one worried about what he's going to do?" Stan asked.

"Here here," Bill said as he puffed out his cheeks.


You checked the clock in the bathroom and sighed. Shaking the water off your hands, you walked out in a hurry, not wanting to be late for your fifth hour. As you sped walk down the hall you saw Richie Tozier. He was standing by the Janitor's closet, most likely planning on ditching. You gave him a small nod, acknowledging his presence with flushed cheeks and continuing on your route. However, you hadn't stepped even a foot away from him when he grabbed your wrist and opened the janitor's closet door. He pulled you into the cramped space, stepped in front of you, closed the door, and locked it.

"Richie, what the hell?" You asked, still surprised that he made such a bold move. It took your eyes a minute to adjust to the dingy dark of the closet, but once they did you could see his face. His glasses had slipped to the tip of his nose and his hair looked like he had been running his fingers through it continuously. Your cheeks turned red as you suddenly realized how close you were standing.

"You like me," Richie said. You looked away.

"I don't know what you're talking about." You replied. That was a blatant lie. You knew exactly what he was talking about. You knew he liked you, and you liked him too. But you couldn't tell him that. You didn't know why you couldn't tell him, you just knew you couldn't.

"Cut the crap (Y/n), I know you like me! Why can't you just admit?" Richie asked exasperatingly. You turned your nose into the air.

"Whoever told you that was lying. I don't like you." You replied. Maybe it was a pride thing. You liked him a lot and you wanted a relationship with him but you wouldn't tell him that. It was stupid, you knew that, but you felt like you had to.

Richie was growing angrier by the second. He had liked you for so long and here you were, liking him back but refusing to tell him. He wanted to yell or cry. Maybe even both. All he wanted was for you to be his partner, but you wouldn't, and that frustrated him so much. He was ready to storm out. Tell you that you were heartless for leading him on because he was starting to believe you actually didn't like him. Before he could though, he had an idea. One final, slightly stupid, but the only one he could think of, idea.

He softly placed his lips on your forehead, catching you by surprise. He then moved down and kissed both of your cheeks. From there he lightly peppered kisses along your jawline. Your face was red and you weren't sure what was happening, but you definitely didn't stop him.

He placed his finger and thumb underneath your chin and moved your face slightly upwards so your neck was more exposed. He then began to kiss. He started at where your jawline met your neck and then went across. They were light at first, soft and sweet, but as he continued they became more sensual. He would suck a little, bite down in some places, and you could feel your breath hitching whenever he would.

He moved farther down. It was here he started unbuttoning your shirt, and truth be told he expected you to shove his hands away, call him a perv, and walk out the door. But you didn't, so he continued. After a few buttons were down he placed feathery kisses at the top of your chest. As he kissed he continued unbuttoning and once your shirt was completely open, he trailed kisses down your stomach. Then he went down each of your legs and stood up.

You expected him to finish with a kiss on the lips. You wanted him to finish with a kiss on the lips. But he didn't. He placed another kiss on your forehead, then your cheeks, then once again started on your neck. He was starting over, and it frustrated you. Frustration. Now you know how he felt.

"Richie, for God's sake, what are you doing now?" You asked, your breathing heavy. You could feel him smile.

"There are only two things that can come out of this. You either kiss me or walk away, and if you choose the latter, then I'll have my answer, but if you choose the first... I think we could work something out." He replied. You were about to say something else, tell him he was insane and that you wouldn't want to kiss him (which was a lie), but then he moved to your chest.

He was slower this time, and his eyes never left yours. It was agonizing at this point, so you did what he told you. You grabbed his face and pulled him upwards, smashing your lips together in a need for him.

You could feel his smirk on your lips, and that might have annoyed you if you hadn't been so desperate. You moved your hands to his hair, pulling and eliciting a moan. You opened your mouth and he pushed his tongue in. It was sloppy but you didn't care. He pulled away, and a string of saliva connected you to him. His breathing was heavy as you stared at him, now definitely sure how you were feeling. He had a knowing expression on his face, practically taunting.

"Told you so."

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