Vikk (Potatoes..YAY!!!)

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My vision blurry I glanced upwards to see Lachlan's teary face staring down at me. A weak smile dancing on his lips I tried wiping away the tears on his eyes but I couldn't move.

Lachlan wiping away his tears by himself cupped water in his hands pouring it down my throat and I smiled again not realizing I stopped.

My chest rising up and down unsteadily I sighed, my voice really shaky my eyes locked with Lachlan's as he froze for a second, readjusting me on his lap.

"I'm really worried for you Vikk, I'm not going to lie because I love you so much but, we need Mitch's expertise in this because..You're still recovering from the heart attack and the smoke wasn't helping

it only made it worse and....and...Oh Vikk I should have gotten to the tent sooner, I shouldn't have hurt Preston....I shouldn't have insulted Jerome or made Rob angry..I ruined everything!" Lachlan cried

Sadness sweeping over me as regret radiated around him I coughed, opening my mouth to speak nothing came out, closing my mouth for a bit I opened it again this time talking.

"Y.....You didn't mean to Lachlan....Y..You were just....Were just...scared that's....that's all...I you...too..Lachlan..." I choked out trying to say more but my throat wouldn't let me.

Hope shining in his electric ocean blue eyes he gazed down at me, more tears dripping down his face a smile danced on his lips as he leaned towards me and I waited.

Waited for his lips to touch mine it finally happened, sparks swirling around us as we kissed, a smile on both of our lips as they danced with each other.

Both of us fit together like a puzzle piece, you couldn't complete one without the other. Ying and Yang, moon and sun, me and Lachlan...

Pulling away gently my lips begged to be kissed again but shouts echoed across the area, sounding closer than before.

"HELLO!?!?!?!" Lachlan called out earning the voices attention and footsteps pounded towards us, there was more than just one for sure, sounded like three....Shouldn't there be four?

"LACHLAN!?!?! IS VIKK THERE?!?!?'' Jerome's voice called out and Lachlan's face filled with happiness and relief, quickly wiping away the tears he gazed down at me and I smiled.

"Yeah...Yeah he's here..." Lachlan replied a little quieter than Jerome, Rob's and Mitch's voice bouncing around as well as they came into view, something nagging at me I felt like there was someone

missing from out of all of us, staring at the sky waiting for someone to be there no one was there...What was I looking for? Fiery red eyes flashed through my mind as they came closer...

Someone wasn't here...My eyes scanning the area I thought long and hard about who we were missing, Me, Lachlan, Rob, Mitch and Jerome....Weren't there six of us before?

"Is Vikk ok? Let me see him.." Mitch's voice barked as he rushed towards me and Lachlan, kneeling down he put two fingers where my pulse was, eyes widening when he felt my pulse.

Leaning towards Lachlan he whispered something in his ear causing Lachlan to tear up, Mitch continued to do a check up on me, opening my mouth he grabbed water trickling it slowly down my throat

desperately. Tears pricking Mitch's eyes I caught a glimpse of Jerome talking with Rob, both of them concerned an unexpected silence swept across the area as Mitch tended to me.

"HAAAAAAAASSHSHRRAAAAAA!!!!!" A voice hissed causing everyone to freeze as screeches and explosions sounded where the fire was coming from.

Rob whipped his head to where the forest burnt down, his eyes wide with fear Jerome placed a hand on his shoulder and he cried into his arms.

What was wrong? Was someone in there?!?! Yelping I snapped my attention to Mitch to see him with a syringe with some sort of liquid in it..How did he even get that?!?!

"You think that was Preston?" Mitch whispered stirring up a conversation earning confusement from me, who? Who the heck was Preston? Fiery eyes flashed in my mind again but I pushed it away.

"Preston?" I croaked out earning a shocked look from Lachlan and Mitch, Jerome and Rob now listening in on our conversation.

"The demon we met, remember? Preston? Fiery red eyes, wings and tail, cute little horns on his head, Preston? The one we hunted down who stayed with Jerome?" Lachlan tried and my eyes widened.

The image flashed in my mind of a light chestnut brown haired boy, with big fiery red eyes, a look that could kill. Childish cheeks, draconic red wings and red tail, black thorns on his wings and tail

Black horns and a smile that could brighten anybody's day as long as they saw him. The image of him holding me with his tail, me comforting him when he cried..

Preston.....How could I forget him!??! A huge explosion sounded across the area as more screeches echoed across the area, Preston's voice yelling silenced the area.

Smoke pouring out where his voice came from where the fire started, everyone's eyes widening Rob pushed away from Jerome glancing around frantically.

"Rob...I'm sure he's fine.." Jerome reassured holding Rob back from bolting away while I watched...Realization hitting me as I stared at Rob crying when he heard Preston yell...

He loved him.....Like I loved Lachlan...


 I am speechless...Some of you may disagree with me but I really liked this chapter, your opinion is your opinion but this was emotional!

I'm not saying I cried or anything, psssshhh What makes you think that?!?! I wasn't listening to heart breaking songs while writing this! That's ridicoulous.  (I actually did)

Eeerrrmm, but anyways besides that guys I want to say...THANKS TO YOU GUMMY BEARS!! I have over 2000 reads!!! It's crazy!! You guys are absolutely amazing!!

And I was thinking, your opinion though......I need you to help me choose this because I have no clue what to pick..

A) Extension?

B) Second Book?

C) Finish it off as a happily ever after and everyone all lovey dovey

That was pretty much all I needed from you guys,besides enjoying the book, but thank you for reading, voting and commenting!

Really appreciate it all and just wanted to say, hope you all have the greatest rest of the day or night and wish you all the very best.

Sincerely, MisfortunateMC

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