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"Asia hurry up or you'll miss your flight!" My mom yelled at me from downstairs as I searched around my room making sure I packed almost everything I needed for college.

My name is Anastasia McKenzie, my family calls me Asia. I'm nineteen years old and I lived in North West Philadelphia with my parents and my bratty, obnoxious fifteen year old sister Amanda. My parents were strict, mainly my dad and accepted nothing but A's throughout my schooling, I didn't really have much of a fun childhood because of it. While the neighborhood kids was out playing in the streets, I was inside with my nose burried in my books, the only fun thing I had was birthday parties, which didn't happen every year, more like three years in my pathetic life. Today was the day I was leaving my strict parents to attend The University of Miami. A part of me was ecstatic but then the other part wasn't because this wasn't what I wanted. I didn't want to be some boring ass Business woman with a degree in business. I wanted to be a professional dancer and travel around the world but of course I couldn't tell my folks that. They'll lecture me on how that wasn't a real profession and I have the opportunity to live the life that they didn't get to leave. Like that's my fucking fault, they should've wrapped it up! So basically I'm leaving my fathers dream. I thought my mom would be a little understanding because she was a dancer when she was younger, that's where I got my natural talent from, but her head was always far up my dad's ass, so anything he said goes.

"I'm coming ma!" I yelled back to the top of my lungs, mumbling profanities under my breath. I switched off the lights in my bedroom as I exited the door, trying to push my two suitcases while holding my carry-on bag.

"You know.. it would be nice if I can get some help? It'll help me to move alot faster " I scowled at my parents from the top of the staircase.

"Thomas go help your daughter.... Amanda! It's time to go! " My mom yelled past me upstairs before she walked out the front door. My sister came barging out of her bedroom with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I don't see why I have to go to the stupid airport when I could be over at Julie's house hanging out" She whined as she nudged my shoulder hard almost throwing me down the stairs.

I envied my sister because my parents weren't as strict on her as they were with me. She got everything she wanted from hanging out with her friends to other material things. She looked like a fashionista while I looked like ugly Betty only difference was that I wasn't fat and ugly. I just wore glasses and never put any effort into the clothes I wore. I wasn't popular like my sister but in high school I was sociable. I just never got to go anywhere and I had one friend named Marisol. She was the only one that was allowed to come over, not to hang out but to study.

"You little bitch!" I yelled as I pushed the back of my sister's head. She spun around and pushed me hard making be stumble back over my suitcase. I quickly got up and launched behind her, tackling her to the ground as she tried to fight me off. My father walked inside and parted us before he grabbed my last suitcase.

"Stop it you two...Asia grow up and stop beating up on your sister"

"Are you kidding me! She pushed me first!" I yelled behind my dad as he ignored me and continued walking to put my suitcase in the car. Amanda pushed me again before she ran outside to get in the back seat of the car. I growled and let out a loud sigh before I locked the front door and also got in the back seat of the car.

One thing I definitely won't miss was my annoying ass little sister.

"Aren't you excited about college Asia? You should're the first one to go...see ..all that hard work paid off" My dad asked while glancing at me through his rear view mirror with a big goofy smile on his face then back on the road.

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