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Four Months Later

"I don't know Kat...what if I don't get into Juilliard?" I sighed as I sipped out of my water bottle trying to catch my breath from the intense dance session Kat and I just had.

"Girl you're a great dancer and you've improved alot more over these past few weeks...if Juilliard doesn't accept you we'll burn that bitch down lol" Kat joked as we sat on the dance floor opposite eachother with our legs crossed.

Kat and I have gotten really close over the past four months and luckily for me she's a dance teacher so she was able to help me with my audition tape for The Juilliard School in New York. She teaches kids of all ages after school hours. I've been helping her out and getting paid for it so I can save money for New York, it isn't much but it's a start. She said I can stay with her friend Jamie in New York until I can situated on my own. I've changed since the past four months, I wear contacts now, I'm more outspoken and open minded, I even got a tattoo with Kat about a week ago. I haven't been attending school for awhile, no my parents doesn't know and I really don't plan on telling them anytime soon because I don't know how to. Terrence and I are together, I actually stay with him and Kat until I move to New York. He doesn't like the fact that I'm leaving but he understands that I this is my dream and he promised he won't stand in the way of it. So, I guess we're going to try the long distance relationship thing. Even if I don't get into Julliard I still plan on moving out there, there's always something else I can try.

"I'm hungry...let's go grab something to eat" Kat stood as she reached for my hands to lift me to my feet. Today was Sunday so she didn't have any class to teach. We walked outside and got in her car as she drove to the nearest fast food restaurant which was Burger King. I ordered a double whopper special and she ordered the same. We sat and ate in comfort silence until my phone started ringing. I rolled my eyes as I showed her the name on the screen, she laughed and shooked her head as she took a bite of her fries.

"Yes mom? " I asked with a bit of annoyance, I hate being interrupted when I'm eating.

"How are you? I haven't heard from you in four days" She asked a bit concerned.

"I'm fine mom...just been studying really hard" I lied.

"How is Terrence? Tell him I said hello" I can sense the smile in her voice when she said that. She's pretty fond of Terrence and so is my dad because he's a successful businessman. They met him for Thanksgiving and the three of them kicked it off, of course I was ignored by my parents when they met him.

"He's fine mom and I will... I gotta now.. bye love you" We don't normally say the whole 'I love yous ' but recently whenever she called she has been saying it and to be honest shit be weird becuase as far as I can remember I've never heard her say it until recently. My dad has never said it either, I've grown use to not hearing it so it's not a big deal when I didn't.

"Oh ok bye.. love you too" She hung up and I rested my phone on the table then continued eating, hoping that no one else interrupted me.

"Ready to go? I'm in desperate need of a shower...I'm really sweaty and gross lol" Kat asked taking the last sip out her soda. I nodded as I grabbed my phone and bag, we both stood and handed towards the car.

As I walked through the front door of Terrence's lavish apartment on the sixth floor, I asked the question I've been asking for two weeks now, but this time before I could ask Terrence said to look on the kitchen counter. My eyes opened wide as I stared at him, he gave me a smirk and nodded his head to the direction of the kitchen. I could hear my heart beat pounding against my chest as I slowly made my way into the kitchen. I looked down at the big brown envelope that had my address and name on it. A part of me was eager to know but the other part was scared.

"For fucks sake open the damn envelope bitch! All this suspense is unnecessary!" Kat yelled behind me startling the hell out of me, Terrence threw a crumpled paper at her head and she flipped him off before looking back at me. I turned around and gave her an evil look as I picked up the envelope and slowly opened it. My eyes scanned the printed letters on the white paper carefully as my mind read the words but my eyes landed on 'You've been accepted '. I read the words over and over again not even paying attention to the rest of the letter. I felt someone snatch the paper out my hands as she read the letter loudly.

"OMG!!! You got in!!! Ahhh!!!" Kat screamed to the top of her lungs, pulling me in a tight hug as she continued to scream in my ear. I hugged her back and laughed nervously, I was still in shock. It was so surreal. Terrence walked over to me as Kat let me go to continue to reading the rest of the letter out loud. He pulled me into a warm hug and pecked my lips before looking into my watery eyes.

"Congrats babe... I'm so proud and happy for you... I knew you could do it" He smiled and pulled me in for another hug, tears of joy rolled down my face.

"We should celebrate" He said releasing from the hug as he picked up the phone to make reservations.

"Do you know you have to be there in a week from today? " Kat asked, her brown eyes staring into mine. I shook my head.

"Well gotta book your plane tickets like today...I'll let Jaime know that you're coming for sure" Kat handed me my letter and walked away to her laptop. I took it and stared at it again, I still couldn't believe I got in.

"Ok so I made reservations at Fratelli Milano for 7 so please guys be ready on time...that's mostly directed to you Kat " Terrance said as he pointed his index finger in her face, she smacked it away and flipped him off.

"Ass face.. I need your credit card " Kat looked at her brother as she stretched out her hand, he raised his brow at her.

"To book the plane tickets dumb ass" He handed it to her as he shooked his head and walked over to me where I was still standing in silence with the letter in my hands.

"Babe are you ok? " I nodded my head slowly. He giggled and then wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead.

"You'll do great" He whispered in my ear, taking the letter out my hands and resting it on the table.

"Thanks babe" I managed to whisper as I leaned my body into his.

"Ok done...your flight is on the January 5th for 7:00 a.m." Kat walked over to us and handed her brother his credit card back.

"Thanks Kat" I smiled and hugged her tightly as I kissed her cheek. She laughed and lightly pushed me off her.

"Aye cut out that gay shit out problem tho...all that hard work got you what you deserved... Ight Ima go shower" I blushed as she walked off into the bathroom and closed the door leaving me and Terrence in the living room.

Later on that evening we all went out for dinner at 7:00 p.m. then out to a club. I looked over at Terence and Kat who were battling with eachother on the dance floor, I couldn't help but smile. They had such a good relationship unlike my sister and I. Then again she was only fifteen, maybe we'll grow closer when she gets older and more mature. My smile faded when realization hit me that I probably won't see them for a long time unless they came to visit me frequently which wasn't possible because they both had jobs and responsibilities. I'll miss them so much. Kat has become my bestfriend and Terrence has been a great boyfriend. He was so understanding and patient when I told him I wasn't ready to loose my virginity. Now how many guys you know can do that and still be faithful? Not many, that's why he was awesome. I snapped out my daze when Kat grabbed my hand and pulled me to dance with them. We danced for hours until it was time to go home.

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