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I opened my eyes when I felt a rough shake on my shoulders to see Terrance staring at me with a smile.

"Wake up pretty lady..we're in Miami International Airport" . I slowly sat up straight, adjusting my glasses as I stared around the plane, looking at everyone who proceeded to get out their seats to exit the plane.

"Umm got a bit of drool at the side of your mouth" Terrance said offering me a napkin.

"OMG! " I yelled as I quickly wiped my mouth with the sleeve of my sweater causing people to look at me from my sudden outburst. I smiled with embarrassment as a sunked back down in my seat.

"You can speak? And you speak English too? So this whole time you fouled me? Lol not cool" Terrence jokingly, standing up to get his luggage as he shook his head.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't know what to say.. I really didn't mean to be rude" I apologized as I stood up too.

" Lol it's ight..apology accepted " He responded handing me my bag. He allowed me to stand infront him in line as we slowly exited the plane in an orderly fashion.

I stood outside the airport with my suitcases as I looked up into the Miami sky with my eyes closed allowing the sun to hit my face as I inhaled the fresh air deeply. Miami sure looked and feeled beautiful.

"You have a ride?" The familiar voice said behind me, making me jump as I quickly spun around.

" Uhh no I don't... I was waiting for a cab"

"You know you still haven't told me your name" He tilted his head as he stared at me.

"U-uhh it's Anastasia but call me Asia... I-if you want to that is" I nervously replied, playing with my suitcase handle.

"Beautiful name.. so where you headed to Miss Asia? " He asked with a smile as he tucked his hands in his pants pockets.

"Thanks and to the University of Miami " I gave him a small smile.

"Ohh you're a college student?..First year? "

"Yes it is" I replied as I watched him signaled a white Range Rover over towards us.

"That's cool ..this is my ride I can always take you you some cab money " He offered. I frowned when I saw a short female got out the drivers seat, ran up and gave him a hug. He picked her up and spun her around. She looked around my age with long blonde hair, a slender figure and a pretty smile that also showed off her dimples. She was really pretty.

"Glad you're back big bro" She punched his arm then looked at me with a smile.

"Who's this? "

"This is Asia..Asia this is my big head little sister Kat..she's rolling with us" Terrence said to her as he put our suitcases in the trunk, before I could even make a decision if I wanted a ride or not. Kat extended her hand and I shook it lightly.

"So are you like his girlfriend? " She asked me with a smirk, releasing her hand from mine.

"Oh God no" I said before thinking about how bad that may have sounded. She looked at me with frown as she raised her brow.

"You tryna say my brother isn't good enough for you or he's ugly or something? " she rested her hands on her hips, waiting for my response as her eyes pierced into mine.

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