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A heavy set man dressed in a dark grey suit had me seated with my hands tied infront of me. Tears rolled down my face as I heard him talking to Cap on his phone.

"Let's make a bout you quit your business and give me all the money you and your father got for the beauty... God is she beautiful " he said then grabbed my hair roughly and licked the side of my face. I screamed out then spat on him causing him to slap me across the face, I spat the blood from my mouth onto the floor.

" Denmark street and you better bring all the me I know how much you're worth... you got forty five minutes don't be late or she's dead" My eyes widen and my heart raced when I heard him say that, I was in fear for my life. He looked at me and winked then exited the room, at the same time a tall man came in and stood by the door, I adjusted myself on the couch as I felt uneasy. The guy looked at me and smirked.

"So.. you're the beauty everyone's been talking about huh? Well they ain't never lie" he said walking towards me and I started to panic.

"If you touch me Cap will kill you " I said boldly and he laughed.

"You think I'm scared of her? " he laughed whole heartedly.

"Well you should be" I replied with much attitude. He moved in closed and touched my face I squirmed in my chair, shaking my head as I tried to move my face from his hand.

"We finna have some fun sweet cheeks " he said unbuckling his belt, I cried and screamed for help but that only made him punch me in the mouth. As soon as he pulled me flat on the couch and got between my legs the man who was on the phone with Cap came in and shot him in the head. Blood and pieces of his brains flew all over me and I screamed as his life less body laid ontop of me.

"Vin...get him off her" The guy said to another guy that was standing by the door.

"Sorry about that... I forgot he was a thirsty one " He said taking a napkin from his desk and wiping my face with it. I didn't respond I was still in shock about what just happened.

"Don't worry.. your little girlfriend should be here soon and you're free to go once she has all the you better hope she does or doesn't try to pull any slick shit or it's bye bye for you " He smiled then caressed my face, I groaned with disgust and moved away from him. He sat on his chair behind his desk and lit a cigar as he stared at me. Everything about this man scared me, from the way he looked to the way he talked and the fact that he just killed one of his own men like it was nothing, made matters even worse. I knew he won't hesitate to kill me.

"Boss..they're here" Another guy came into his office and announced.

"Good...let them in and you stand next her...make sure she doesn't move" He instructed. The guy left the room and came back in with Cap, Kei and Joz following behind her. Cap looked at me and I could tell she was beyond pissed, especially when she saw the bruises on my face.

"The fuck Gotti! Didn't I tell you not to touch her! " Cap yelled at the man as he smiled at her, she attempted to walk up to him but one of his men held her back and she slapped his hand away.

"Don't fucking touch me " she scowled at him.

"Ok ok settle down...step back Dom and if your girl didn't have such of a smart mouth she wouldn't have a scratch on give me the money" He replied as he pushed a piece of paper and a pen away from him towards Cap.

"Let her go first" Cap said, gripping tighter onto the huge duffle bag.

"You think I'm stupid? If I let her go y'all gonna start shooting up the place and leave with that money and without signing this how bout to hand over the bag then I let the girl go" he calmly said as he exhaled smoke into the air. Cap looked at Joz, Kei and then me but her eyes were much softer than when she looked at me the first time. She turned to Gotti and flung the bag on the desk.

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