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I laid Jamie on her bed, rested a bucket near it and put a bottle water and aspirin on her night stand. I closed her bedroom door and went into my room. I took a warm shower then laid on my bed. My mind was on Cap so I decided to call her.

"Hey gorgeous"  her voiced sounded even sexier over the phone. OMG what the hell am I thinking?  Get it together Asia it's a female you're talking about here.

"Hey ...well I'm home" I replied pulling the covers over my body.

"How's mi prima?"

"She's passed out lol" I giggled a little.

"So you had fun tonight?  By the're an excellent dancer "

"Yes I really did...i needed that and thank're horrible though lol" she sucked her teeth and I laughed at her.

"I told you I don't dance "

"Yep and I can see why lol" I laughed even harder, trying to catch my breath.

"Lol shut your ass up miss juilliard " she joked.

"Ok ok lol I'm done " I said finally catching my breath.

It got silent for a minute so I decided to break the silence.

"Why do you like women? "  I was eager to know the answer to see if it can clear some things that was going on in my mind.

"Because they're beautiful beings..the softness of their skin...their feminine touch...there's nothing more beautiful than a beautiful the taste of a clean p*ssy drives me crazy"

I felt my cl!t throb when she said that making me cross my legs tight, I cleared my throat as I changed the subject.

"So what kind of girls you like? Like what's your type? " I curiously asked.

"I don't gotta type... bad bitches is the only thing that I like " she responded then laughed out loud.

"Really though? " I asked sarcasticly.

"I mean... I like what I like" she laughed again.

"Oh you got jokes tonight I see" I replied with a smile as I looked up at the ceiling.

"I am funny though you gotta admit but I really do like bad females though and I don't really have a type"

"Hmm when was your last relationship ?"  there was a pause after my question like she was thinking of an answer.

"I've never been in a relationship really" I was surprised because she was so sexy and beautiful, part if me didn't believe her.

"Why you lying? "

"Lol I swear I'm not" she replied with a chuckle.

"How come though? You're... beautiful and sexy" Oh God...did I just say that out loud? 

"You think I'm sexy? " she asked and I can tell she was smiling. I rolled my eyes and ignored her question.

"You haven't answered my question as to why you've never been in a relationship "   I asked again.

"Because I've never wanted girl was worth my time "
Hmmm, seems like a legit answer.

"At what age did you know you liked girls? "

"We playing 21 questions again? " she asked and I replied with a yes.

"I was like ten or eleven when me and the girl next door use to play house... I'll be the daddy of course and I'll always try to kiss her and shit lol"

"That's a pretty young age to know that"  I replied.

"Yea...well when you know.. I couldn't help but be attracted to females...ok my turn" she said and my heart began to race.  Oh God no.

"If I kiss you again would you stop me? " she asked. I bit my lip nervously because I don't think I would but she can't know that, she'll take advantage of that opportunity and I want to fight the urges of liking her. I didn't want to have feelings for her, the major reason was because she was a female.

"Yes I would "  I lied.  I heard her chuckle and it annoyed me because she didn't believe me, shit I didn't believe me either.

"I'm getting sleepy now" I said as I faked a yawn.

"Mhmm sureee...well good night Asia...sleep good"

"Good night Cap and you too" we both hung up the phone. I stared at the ceiling, my mind running wild.  Cap had some sort of effect on me, she made me feel good inside. When I saw her today in the grocery story my heart skipped a beat and my stomach felt weird. My palms were sweaty and my mouth was dry. I get extremely nervous when I'm around her and when she placed her hand on my waist at the club I wanted to faint,  I felt my knees buckled but I blamed it on the alcohol.

Why am I getting these feelings?  I really don't want to admit it because I don't want to like her and feel the way I do about her because it was so wrong to have feelings for the same sex but it felt so right when she's around.  I'll try to fight the urges as long as possible and hope she doesn't try to kiss me again because I know to myself I won't stop her. 

Will Asia eventually give in to Cap or will she continue to fight the urges and just ignore them? 

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