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"Que pasa? And where's Joz? " I asked Kei as we walked out my house and got into my black Lamborghini.

"One of the shipments from Cuba came in short and Raul is saying that's all he can supply and I don't know where Joz at ..I called him but he ain't answer"  Kei replied as I drove off to the dock where the shipment of drugs came in from Cuba. Sometimes I purchased  from my hometown to help out my people.

"Fuck he mean that's all he can supply?  It ain't the first time we ordered that amount from him" I scowled as I sped down the highway.

"Yea I know ...we'll settle this shit out when we get there"  The remainder of the ride was in silence. I pulled up to the dock and a few of my body guards were surrounding Raul and his crew, I hopped out and approached them with Kei alongside me.

"Ahh.... Ms. Espino " Raul slowly said as he extended his right hand for a shake,  I looked at it and dismissed the gesture.

"Where the fuck is the rest of my shit mane?"  I angrily asked.

"Calmese acting like this the first time we doing business..cut me some slack homes "   Raul calmly said with a smile.  I proceeded to walk up to him and one of his men put their hand on my chest to stop me. I slapped his hand away and as he was about to do something Kei pointed a gun to his head then everyone else who surrounded us pulled out their guns and aimed it at the person who wasn't working with them.

"Don't you fucking think about it"  Kei said to him. I brushed passed him and stepped as close as I can to Raul with my fingers laced behind my back.

"Crees que soy estupido? Si,  we like familia but business is fucking business.. I want all my supplies or you get nada...entender? "  I tapped him on the shoulder and turned to walk away but stopped when I felt a gun on the back of my head, I smirked and licked my lips.

"Just give me the money Espino and no blood shall be shed  here" he demanded and I laughed.

"So you gonna shoot me huh? After everything my father and I have done for you?  Cono de mierda" I spat on the floor, made eye contact with Kei then nodded my head. Kei aimed and fired shots at Raul after I ducked, quickly taking out my gun and shot the guy that had a gun pointed at Kei, it was a full on shot out.  Shots flew everywhere,  one of my body gaurds got hit and died instantly but we were able to kill Raul and the rest of his men.  Kei grabbed the supplies and our money and we fled the scene. I felt a sharp pain in my arm and noticed I had been shot, the pain was unbearable, I pulled over and allowed Kei to drive. I got in the passenger's seat, ripped a piece of my shirt and tied it around my arm tight to stop the bleeding.

"You good? " Kei asked as she glanced at my arm.

"Yea I'm good" I replied trying to hold back my tears from the pain.

She pulled up to house and I made my way upstairs to my bathroom  ignoring everyones stare and questions.  I walked into my bedroom and noticed Asia wasn't in bed but the bathroom had a light on and the door was closed.  I walked in and she screamed with freight as she covered her p*ssy. I laughed and opened the cabinet for the first aid kit. 

"OMG baby!  What happened? " she pulled up her underwear and rushed over to me examining  my arm.

"Don't touch ain't even wash them pissy hands"   I jokingly said moving my arm away from her. She squeezed my waist as she sucked her teeth while washing her hands.

"Now tell me"

"I got shot...I think it's a graze though "
I said walking back into my room and sitting on the bed with her beside me. I took of my shirt and rested my gun on the dresser. 

"Omg Omg!... There's blood everywhere... you should go to the hospital Cap " she stood holding her head as she paced back and forth, I smiled at her and pulled her to sit back down. I handed her a bottle of alcohol, she took it with confused expression.

"No doctor needed... my dad was shot before and he showed me how to treat don't need a doctor if it isn't serious which it isn't... I got grazed like I assumed" I said showing her my arm and she nodded.

"Now ...when I tell you to pour you pour" I instructed then proceeded to clean up my wound.

"How you got shot anyway?  What happened? " Asia asked in a worried tone then poured alcohol on my wound as instructed, it burned like hell.

"When people try to fuck with me it becomes a shooting range..point..blank..period "  I wrapped a bandage around my arm then pecked Asia on the lips, she looked at me like she was worried.

"Don't worry baby... I'm fine" I assured her, there was a knock at the door and Asia got up to open it, I bit my lip as I watched her ass jiggle in my big T-shirt she was wearing.

" ok? " Joz  came in with Kei  following behind.

"Babe... I'm just gonna go downstairs for some munchies " Asia said putting on a pair of my boxers, I nodded and she left the room.

"Yea I'm good...where the fuck were you puta? " I turned and asked him.

"I-I got caught up with some bad " he answered scratching his head, for some reason I don't believe him. Joz always answers his calls or at least send me or Kei a text but I'll let it slide this time.

"Yea whatever mane...just be available when I need you" I said getting up from the bed and walking passed them out my room.

"Kei my money is back in the safe right? " I asked her as we walked downstairs and she nodded.

"Ight...ima need you to take out ten million so I can give to my mom for the month, every month you put aside five or ten million"   I told Kei as we all walked heading towards the kitchen. I heard Asia yelling to somone to let her go and my temperature raised.  I ran quickly into the kitchen  and saw one of my dealers hands wrapped around her waist as he laughed and tried to kiss her neck.  I picked up a knife that was laid on the counter, pulled him off Asia and slammed him hard against the refrigerator as I held the knife to his throat.

"Don't you fucking touch her....I should slit your mother fucking throat right now"  I said through gritted teeth.  I heard Asia yelling for me to stop but I ignored her, the knife still rested on his jugular.

"Sorry boss... I didn't know she was your girl" he pleaded,  I could smell the alchol on his breath. Asia rested her hand on my arm, I looked at her and tears were rolling down her face. I released the knife from his throat and he went off running, I nodded to Kei and she left behind him.  I pulled Asia into to me and hugged her tight.

"Lo siento " I whispered then kissed her forhead. I definitely had a soft spot for her,she could make me do anything she wanted and I would because I loved her that much.

"Come on...let's go to bed" I held her hand and lead her to my room, of course when I closed the door we made love then went to sleep.

Chapter 30 coming soon.

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